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Flores 864-km supergrid system is fully operational: PT PLN​

31st July 2021

An electric generator facility within the Flores Supergrid system operated by the state electricity company PT PLN in East Nusa Tenggara Province. (ANTARA/HO-PLN).

Jakarta (ANTARA) - State electricity company PT PLN announced that the Flores Island Supergrid in East Nusa Tenggara, spanning over 864 kilometres (kms), from Labuan Bajo on the island's west side to Maumere on the island's eastern side, was fully operational.

PT PLN Regional Business Director for Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, and Nusa Tenggara regions Syamsul Huda stated that the total capacity of the electric grid facilities, reaching 225 megavolt ampere (MVA), is expected to attract investment and expedite economic development in Flores Island and the neighbouring regions.

"We believe that increasing electricity capacity is essential to improving the quality of life of residents and accelerating local activities," Huda noted in a release quoted in Jakarta, Saturday.

The current electrical grid in Flores Island has a total capacity of 104.1 megawatts (MW), with a maximum peak load of 71.6 MW to serve customers.

The super-grid system connects two separate electrical grid systems of the West Flores and East Flores grid plants.

Huda explained the West Flores grid system had a total capacity of 40.7 MW. The grid system in West Flores comprised the Rangko gas machine-fired power plant, with a capacity of 23 MW and the Golobilas diesel-fired power plant, with capacity of 3.4 MW, both in Labuan Bajo; Ulumbu geothermal power plant, with a capacity of 10 MW and Faobata Bajawa diesel-fired power plant, with capacity of 2.2 MW in Manggarai District, and other power stations.

He noted that the East Flores grid system had a total capacity of 63.4 MW, with supporting power stations being the Wewaria solar power plant and Waeblerer solar power plant, both with 1-MW capacity; Ndungga micro-hydro power plant, with a 2-MW capacity; Mautapaga diesel-fired power plant and Wolomarang diesel-fired power plant, both with 3-MW capacity; Ropa steam-fired power station, with 14-MW capacity; and Maumere gas engine-fired power plant, with a capacity of 40 MW, in Sikka District.

The merging of the two electric grid systems will increase Flores' electric resource reliability while concurrently making the system more efficient and lowering operational costs by three to four percent.

Currently, the electrification ratio in East Nusa Tenggara Province has reached 88.82 percent, with electrified villages having reached 96.57 percent as of June 2021.

Huda noted that PT PLN spent a total of Rp1.1 trillion (around US$75 million) to construct the Flores Supergrid and also drew attention to the most challenging aspect of the construction project being its remote location.

"Our main obstacle apart from land acquisition to construct electric towers was also the geographical challenge during construction. We need to deliver materials before constructing the foundation, completing the tower, and connecting the electric lines, all within remote locations, thereby forcing us to adapt to basic tools and rely on manpower," Huda expounded.

Related news: PLN to focus on building renewable-energy power plants
Related news: 32 million PLN customers in Indonesia get electricity stimulus: govt
Related news: Indonesia to add 41,000 megawatts of electrical power in one decade

Reporter: Sugiharto P, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Sri Haryati

I only read the "unspoken" there. That there is Geothermal potential, but only at 10MW plate capacity. And instead of Sustainable Geothermal, the power grid are fed by burning dino-juice. Which mean there isn't any investor who is willing to invest there (no surprise there and completely understandable)


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PLN sebut bauran energi bersih capai 13 persen per Juni 2021​

Selasa, 3 Agustus 2021 22:45 WIB
PLN sebut bauran energi bersih capai 13 persen per Juni 2021

Kami berkomitmen penuh mendukung pemerintah mencapai target bauran energi baru terbarukan nasional sebesar 23 persen tahun 2025
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Direktur Utama PT PLN (Persero) Zulkifli Zaini menyebutkan bauran pembangkit energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) telah mencapai 13 persen atau setara 7,9 gigawatt (GW) dari total kapasitas pembangkit sebesar 63 GW per Juni 2021. "Kami berkomitmen penuh mendukung pemerintah mencapai target bauran energi baru terbarukan nasional sebesar 23 persen tahun 2025," katanya saat deklarasi penyelesaian pembiayaan (financial close) proyek PLTS Terapung Cirata, Jawa Barat, secara daring yang dipantau di Jakarta, Selasa.

Zulkifli mengungkapkan PLN akan terus berupaya memenuhi target bauran tersebut melalui pengembangan beberapa jenis pembangkit energi bersih, di antaranya pembangkit hidro, panas bumi, dan bioenergi.

Dalam draf Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) 2021-2030, PLN mendorong pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) untuk mengejar target bauran EBT sebesar 23 persen tersebut.

PLTS terapung di Waduk Cirata, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, menjadi salah satu proyek pengembangan EBT yang digarap PLN bekerja sama dengan perusahaan energi bersih asal Abu Dhabi.

PLTS terapung berkapasitas 145 MW tersebut akan memasuki tahap konstruksi selama 18 bulan dan ditargetkan beroperasi secara komersial pada November 2022.

Proyek yang diperkirakan menelan biaya 145 juta dolar AS tersebut akan menghasilkan listrik 245 GW per tahun yang dapat menerangi sekitar 50.000 rumah dengan tarif sebesar 5,81 sen dolar AS per kilowatt hour.

"Kami berharap pengembangan PLTS Terapung Cirata ini menjadi pemicu dalam pengembangan EBT khususnya PLTS dengan tarif yang kompetitif sebagai bagian dari upaya PLN menghadirkan energi bersih, andal, dan keekonomian yang wajar," ujar Zulkifli.

Sementara itu, Wakil Menteri BUMN Pahala Nugraha Mansury mengharapkan PLTS Terapung Cirata dapat menjadi proyek percontohan dan juga model bagi pengembangan pembangkit EBT di Indonesia.

Menurutnya, PTLS terapung itu tak hanya memberikan manfaat bagi lingkungan dan alam, tetapi juga memberikan dampak positif terhadap penyediaan tenaga kerja dan learning curve bagi pengembangan energi bersih ke depan.

"Kami berharap PLTS terapung yang akan dibangun di atas Waduk Cirata, Jawa Barat, akan menjadi model yang juga mirip di daerah-daerah lain," ucap Pahala.

Baca juga: PLTS terapung di Cirata berpotensi kurangi emisi karbon 214 ribu ton
Baca juga: PLTS terapung Cirata masuki tahap financial close, bersiap konstruksi
Baca juga: Investasi 129 juta dolar AS, PLTS Terapung Cirata mulai dibangun 2021

Pewarta: Sugiharto Purnama
Editor: Kelik Dewanto


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Even without Covid19 pandemic Indonesian people must cope with Natural Disaster every fucking day



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Even without Covid19 pandemic Indonesian people must cope with Natural Disaster every fucking day

View attachment 27190
I love how some people will always twist this into their agenda. Like "we have so many disasters because of the dajjal government", or "God has punished us for letting X to be the leader", or "That's why we need khilafah" etc, etc, ad infinitum.

And if, God forbid, if, they got what they wanted and these natural disasters still keep happening due to the fact that we are located in one of the most disaster prone region - geographically speaking - not to mention the freakin' global warming and climate shift, they will either say that "We are being tested" or "We must pray harder" or even be among the first to change 'the color of their skin' altogether.



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I love how some people will always twist this into their agenda. Like "we have so many disasters because of the dajjal government", or "God has punished us for letting X to be the leader", or "That's why we need khilafah" etc, etc, ad infinitum.

And if, God forbid, if, they got what they wanted and these natural disasters still keep happening due to the fact that we are located in one of the most disaster prone region - geographically speaking - not to mention the freakin' global warming and climate shift, they will either say that "We are being tested" or "We must pray harder" or even be among the first to change 'the color of their skin' altogether.


The Almighty would only give the best for the people who give their best at efforts and works.

]إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوْمٍ حَتَّى يُغَيِّرُوا مَا بِأَنْفُسِهِمْ[

Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum, sebelum kaum itu sendiri mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka” (TQS. Ar-Ra’d [13]: 11).

No money can drops from the sky, no ill can be cured without medicine or taking some precaution even traditional medicine is efforts and knowledge must be sought after.


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PLN sebut bauran energi bersih capai 13 persen per Juni 2021​

Selasa, 3 Agustus 2021 22:45 WIB
PLN sebut bauran energi bersih capai 13 persen per Juni 2021

Kami berkomitmen penuh mendukung pemerintah mencapai target bauran energi baru terbarukan nasional sebesar 23 persen tahun 2025
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Direktur Utama PT PLN (Persero) Zulkifli Zaini menyebutkan bauran pembangkit energi baru dan terbarukan (EBT) telah mencapai 13 persen atau setara 7,9 gigawatt (GW) dari total kapasitas pembangkit sebesar 63 GW per Juni 2021. "Kami berkomitmen penuh mendukung pemerintah mencapai target bauran energi baru terbarukan nasional sebesar 23 persen tahun 2025," katanya saat deklarasi penyelesaian pembiayaan (financial close) proyek PLTS Terapung Cirata, Jawa Barat, secara daring yang dipantau di Jakarta, Selasa.

Zulkifli mengungkapkan PLN akan terus berupaya memenuhi target bauran tersebut melalui pengembangan beberapa jenis pembangkit energi bersih, di antaranya pembangkit hidro, panas bumi, dan bioenergi.

Dalam draf Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) 2021-2030, PLN mendorong pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya (PLTS) untuk mengejar target bauran EBT sebesar 23 persen tersebut.
This playing into SJW narrative of renewable energy will be dragging us closer and closer into power deficiency. If we keep continuing in this path, then it's only a matter of time when Java & Bali would suffer major brownout due to power plants unable to keep up with spiking demand.
It's very easy to get complacent, with long term energy planning by embracing SJW political narrative of the so-called renewable energy by ignoring some basic facts that Indonesia doesn't have much renewable energy potential due to our geography (solar, wind, hydro). What we do have abundant around here is actually far better than renewable energy, of which we have an abundant amount of sustainable energy in the form of geothermal potential that is currently untapped due to the lack of investor.


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This playing into SJW narrative of renewable energy will be dragging us closer and closer into power deficiency. If we keep continuing in this path, then it's only a matter of time when Java & Bali would suffer major brownout due to power plants unable to keep up with spiking demand.
It's very easy to get complacent, with long term energy planning by embracing SJW political narrative of the so-called renewable energy by ignoring some basic facts that Indonesia doesn't have much renewable energy potential due to our geography (solar, wind, hydro). What we do have abundant around here is actually far better than renewable energy, of which we have an abundant amount of sustainable energy in the form of geothermal potential that is currently untapped due to the lack of investor.

I prefer Indonesia to import cheap coals from Australia and build more coal based power plant. They are very easy to be built and shut down if needed (when the peak energy had been sustained more than enough)


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I prefer Indonesia to import cheap coals from Australia and build more coal based power plant. They are very easy to be built and shut down if needed (when the peak energy had been sustained more than enough)
Different kind of coal. 🇦🇺coal is high grade and only economically suitable for steel industry. For fuel coal, 🇮🇩 coal low-medium grade is more suitable


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It can be called as Commercial ads

With tag TNI Amerika saja pake Pertamina !!!


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UAE keen to invest in Indonesia's sugar industry: ministry​

2nd Aug 2021 23:29
UAE keen to invest in Indonesia's sugar industry: ministry

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed interest in investing in Indonesia's farming sector, specifically sugarcane plantations and the sugar industry, secretary general of the Agriculture Ministry, Kasdi Subagyono, informed on Monday.

"We have several offers, like from the United Arab Emirates, where they are offering to develop their business in Indonesia related to sugarcane plantations, then sugar industry, and its derivative industries," he said during a discussion on the ease and acceleration in conducting business in the farming sector post the job creation law.

One of the Agriculture Ministry's priorities is to provide an opportunity for and support the conduct of business in the farming sector to attract investor interest, he added.

The Job Creation Law offers a business licensing mechanism using a risk-based approach, he noted.

This approach provides risk analysis to potential investors and also assistance in business development to entrepreneurs, he said.

"Entrepreneurs, both domestic and abroad, are facilitated in their effort to develop their business in the farming sector. Our primary focus is to boost export, then investment. Of course, we can invite as many investors as we can, primarily international investors," Subagyono explained.

While it is seeking out international investors, the government is also providing an opportunity to domestic investors so that they can remain in a strategic position, he said.

According to Subagyono, Indonesia's farming sector is quite promising and has proven to be resilient, with a growth record that has remained positive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is especially impressive when the positive growth of the farming sector is compared to the negative growth of other sectors, he said.

Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows the farming sector recorded its highest growth of 16.24 percent in the second quarter of 2020.

Related news: UAE investment in INA reflects confidence in Indonesian govt
Related news: Aceh's Kadin applauds UAE's investment interest

Translated by: Aditya Ramadhan, Fadhli Ruhman
Editor: Suharto


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View attachment 27234
It can be called as Commercial ads

With tag TNI Amerika saja pake Pertamina !!!
TNI hand signs: the standard 'komando fist' on the left and the universal thumb up on the right.

US Army hand sign: call me?
Those US soldier must be careful when driving their military vehicle around Indonesia, otherwise they will become an easy prey for "jasa tukang parkir" at least they transport it via low-bed truck.


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UAE keen to invest in Indonesia's sugar industry: ministry​

2nd Aug 2021 23:29
UAE keen to invest in Indonesia's sugar industry: ministry's sugar industry: ministry

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed interest in investing in Indonesia's farming sector, specifically sugarcane plantations and the sugar industry, secretary general of the Agriculture Ministry, Kasdi Subagyono, informed on Monday.

"We have several offers, like from the United Arab Emirates, where they are offering to develop their business in Indonesia related to sugarcane plantations, then sugar industry, and its derivative industries," he said during a discussion on the ease and acceleration in conducting business in the farming sector post the job creation law.

One of the Agriculture Ministry's priorities is to provide an opportunity for and support the conduct of business in the farming sector to attract investor interest, he added.

The Job Creation Law offers a business licensing mechanism using a risk-based approach, he noted.

This approach provides risk analysis to potential investors and also assistance in business development to entrepreneurs, he said.

"Entrepreneurs, both domestic and abroad, are facilitated in their effort to develop their business in the farming sector. Our primary focus is to boost export, then investment. Of course, we can invite as many investors as we can, primarily international investors," Subagyono explained.

While it is seeking out international investors, the government is also providing an opportunity to domestic investors so that they can remain in a strategic position, he said.

According to Subagyono, Indonesia's farming sector is quite promising and has proven to be resilient, with a growth record that has remained positive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is especially impressive when the positive growth of the farming sector is compared to the negative growth of other sectors, he said.

Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) shows the farming sector recorded its highest growth of 16.24 percent in the second quarter of 2020.

Related news: UAE investment in INA reflects confidence in Indonesian govt
Related news: Aceh's Kadin applauds UAE's investment interest

Translated by: Aditya Ramadhan, Fadhli Ruhman
Editor: Suharto
:eek:Kompeni bin Arabia:eek:


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Indonesia e-wallet transaction to reach $18.5 billion in 2021 amid fierce competition​

5 min read

By Janine Marie Crisanto

As the number of e-wallet players in Indonesia surges amid the vast market opportunities, bigger players have begun extending the competition beyond payments

  • Local fintech players are currently dominating Indonesia’s digital payments space
  • Bank and non-bank players are collaborating to amass scale in the midst of competition
  • Indonesian e-wallet players are looking beyond payments to expand their ecosystems and create a bigger economic impact
Indonesia has always been ripe for digital disruption in financial services. The country has a huge population of 270 million and more than 50% are still unbanked due to geographical and infrastructural barriers. Nevertheless, Indonesia is one of the leading countries in the region in terms of internet and mobile penetration with over 60% of the population equipped with a smartphone according to a Google study.

In the face of restrictions and lockdowns brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia has seen a surge in digital adoption among consumers and an accelerated growth of both digital payments and e-commerce platforms. According to Bank Indonesia (BI), the value of electronic money transactions reached IDR 201 trillion ($13.95 billion) in 2020, growing by 38.62% from IDR 145 trillion ($10.07 billion) in 2019. As of January 2020, the largest driver of digital transactions is retail at 28%, followed by transportation (27%), food order (20%), e-commerce (15%), and bill payments (7%).

The rising digital payments transactions reflect the evolving digital financial literacy of the Indonesian population. It also demonstrates the increasing acceptance of fintech and e-commerce services in the country. BI foresees that the uptake of digital transactions will continue with e-commerce and e-payments growing by 33.2% and 32.3%, respectively in 2021.

Local e-wallet players are currently dominating Indonesia’s digital payments space

With this opportunity, the industry has seen an influx of e-wallet providers in the past years. Currently, the digital payments landscape in Indonesia has become fiercer and more fragmented with more than 48 licensed e-wallet platforms led by domestic players from both public and private sectors.

In this saturated market, scale and customer experience are key competitive advantages and differentiators for e-wallet providers. According to a recent study by iPrice and App Annie, GoPay and OVO are the top two e-wallets with the highest number of active monthly users and are the top apps with the most downloads during the Q2 2019-Q2 2020 period. However, in terms of customer reviews on the Google Play, Dana and LinkAja received the highest rating of 4.5 stars.

GoPay and OVO, both launched in 2016, have an advantage as they are backed by super-apps. GoPay is embedded as a payment service in Gojek which is the largest multi-service platform in the country. Meanwhile, OVO has grown over the years driven by its collaboration with the regional ride-hailing services Grab and Indonesia’s online e-commerce market Tokopedia. Dana, introduced in 2017, also leverages its linkages with the Indonesian media conglomerate Emtek Group and e-commerce marketplace Bukalapak. Dana is also backed by Alibaba.

Hans Patuwo, head of payments of Gojek Group, said, “The pandemic has accelerated the trend towards digital services as more people practice physical distancing and look online to meet daily needs. During this period we observed a growing reliance on cashless payments especially for bill payments, e-commerce and investments with last year’s gross transaction value for our payments-related businesses exceeding pre-pandemic levels”.

Jason Thompson, CEO of OVO, claimed the shift in contactless transactions in the past years and the Indonesian government's active support to e-payments have greatly benefited its platform. “After the onset of COVID-19 we saw a 267% increase in new users. Subsequently we saw a rise in new merchants joining the OVO platform especially micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The number of MSMEs on the OVO platform grew by 95.0% during 2020 with acceleration in the second half. This is an indication that MSMEs are seeing real benefits to their businesses from digital.”

Bank and non-bank players are collaborating to amass scale

Meanwhile, banks have also positioned themselves amid the increasing payments competition by introducing a government-owned e-wallet platform in June 2019 – LinkAja. The integrated payments platform is already at an advantage as it leverages the synergy and existing user base of its bank owners, namely Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), and Bank Negara Indonesia, as well as telecommunications company PT Telkomsel. In 2020, LinkAja recorded a 65% new user increase, 250% revenue growth, and quadrupled its transaction volume.

Kaspar Situmorang, BRI’s EVP for digital banking and operation and LinkAja’s board commissioner, shared, “The shift in consumer behaviour and expectations towards digital transactions, added with the disruption from fintechs and startups moving to multi-line and provide their own financial services, should be an extra push for banks to not just transform digitally but also to adapt and be open to coexist with other fintechs and digital platforms”.

In March 2021, Indonesia’s leading ride-hailing platform Gojek announced its investment in LinkAja and raised the total series B funding of LinkAja to $100 million. This followed Grab’s investment in LinkAja in November 2020. The partnerships enable LinkAja as a payment option in Grab and Gojek platforms and provide access to a wider ecosystem and technology. This can propel the e-wallet’s future growth. According to Gojek, combining forces with LinkAja enabled seamless cashless payments experiences across complementary market segments that cover a wide range of user needs. Currently, LinkAja’s platform is largely focused on payments for retail, public services and other daily needs with ~80% of its registered users coming from Indonesia’s tier 2 and tier 3 cities. GoPay serves the payment needs of Indonesia’s retail sector and businesses especially MSMEs as well as daily services within the Gojek platform.

Other international technology companies have also shown confidence in the Indonesian market. In October 2019, Samsung Pay collaborated with Dana and GoPay to integrate the e-wallet services into Samsung phones. In January 2020, WeChat also entered Indonesia through a partnership with CIMB Niaga. International players are required by BI to partner with a domestic ‘Buku 4’ commercial bank in order to receive a licence to operate. Foreign players are also required to connect their payment system with Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS) and use Indonesian currency. Last year, Facebook and PayPal have also expressed interest in the booming payment business with strategic investments in Gojek.

E-wallet players look to expand ecosystems and economic impact

Despite a significant progress in the shift towards cashless, cash is still widely used and financial inclusion remains low for individuals and small businesses. OVO’s Thompson shared, “It is our view that increased investment and collaboration are important to developing the sector; and educating the public towards creating more seamless payment infrastructure is one of the milestones to achieve financial inclusion”. In 2021, OVO is looking to expand its offerings in three major verticals - insurance, investment, and lending. OVO introduced peer-to-peer lending with Taralite after securing a licence from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) last year.

Meanwhile, Gojek has been onboarding more consumers and merchants to share the benefits of the digital economy. Patuwo highlighted, “We are constantly innovating our offering to meet more needs by giving consumers new ways to transact digitally both within and outside the Gojek ecosystem”. The platform has launched new features such as GoPay Feed which allows consumers to send GoPay funds to friends while interacting virtually through texts and emojis. It also recently formed a strategic partnership with Bank Jago at the end of 2020 as a step towards providing digital banking services in the future.

From a bank’s perspective, Situmorang encouraged financial institutions to be more open to collaboration. “Banks should embrace the open banking era by adding more application programming interfaces (APIs) to be easily accessed by e-payment players, fintechs, and other digital platforms. Through API, banks will be able to create an integrated payment ecosystem, tap into the existing ecosystem, and expand access and market to offer their services,” he said.

As more e-wallet players are moving to multi-line businesses to provide financial services, it will be crucial for the industry to strengthen interlinkages among providers to foster a more seamless experience for customers.



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Indonesia e-wallet transaction to reach $18.5 billion in 2021 amid fierce competition​

Should rewrite the word "Indonesia" into "Jabodetabek"

You know if one making business decision based upon these kinds of chauvinist out-of-context feel good news, the said business will go down the drain pretty quick


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Indonesia's trade balance records surplus of $2.59 billion in July​

18th August 2021

A screenshot of head of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Margo Yuwono. (ANTARA/AstridFaidlatulHabibah/uyu)

The number was quite high compared to the surplus trends in the last five years.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of $2.59 billion in July 2021, with exports valued at $17.70 billion and imports reaching $15.11 billion, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) said.

"The surplus trend has been achieved for 15 consecutive months. It indicates the improvement of our economy," BPS head Margo Yuwono said at an online press conference here on Wednesday.

In the past 15 months, the highest surplus of $3.58 billion was recorded in October 2020, he said. While in 2021, the highest surplus to date was recorded in May at $2.70 billion, he added.

The largest contribution to the surplus in July 2021 was made by exports of animal or vegetable fats and oils, mineral fuels, as well as iron and steel, Yuwono informed.

He added that exports of oil and gas as well as non-oil and gas sectors increased 50.08 percent and 28.26 percent year on year, respectively.

In July 2021, Indonesia reported a trade surplus of $1.27 billion with the United States, $533 million with the Philippines, and $397.5 million with Malaysia, the BPS head continued.

However, Indonesia also recorded a trade deficit with several countries -- China ($844.5 million), Australia ($448.1 million), and Thailand ($271.1 million).

Hence, Indonesia's trade balance surplus during January-July 2021 reached $14.42 billion, he explained. “The number was quite high compared to the surplus trends in the last five years,” Yuwono noted.

Indonesia’s trade balance recorded a surplus of $8.65 billion in 2020, $7.39 billion in 2017, and $4.76 billion in 2016, he informed. Meanwhile, the country registered a trade deficit in 2019 and 2018, he added.

“We expect this positive trend will remain in the following months as our economic growth is also affected by our exports performance,” Yuwono said.

Related news: Indonesia records Rp10.37 trillion trade surplus with Switzerland
Related news: Indonesia narrows trade deficit with China, records surplus with US

Reporter: Sella Gareta, Uyu Liman
Editor: Suhart



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Finance Ministry highlights infrastructure budget use plan for 2022​

18th August 2021

Screenshot of Finance Ministry's Fiscal Policy Head Febrio Kacaribu during the "Economical and Prosperity Strategy as well as Outlook" . (August 18, 2021). (ANTARA/AstridFaidlatulHabibah/FR)

We continue to complete the construction of strategic infrastructure, and this is related to basic services to support productivity.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Finance Ministry's Fiscal Policy Head Febrio Kacaribu revealed the government's plan for next year to utilize the infrastructure budget for various purposes.

"We continue to complete the construction of strategic infrastructure, and this is related to basic services to support productivity," Kacaribu noted during an online discussion here on Wednesday.

The infrastructure budget, amounting to some Rp384.8 trillion in the 2022 State Budget Draft (RAPBN), covers Rp170.4 trillion for central government spending, Rp119.2 trillion for Transfer to Region and Village Fund (TKDD), and Rp95.2 trillion for budget financing.

Related news: Budget realization for infrastructure spending reaches 59.5 percent

Based on Kacaribu's presentation, the policy for next year's infrastructure budget aims to expedite the completion of infrastructure projects delayed due to COVID-19 and strategic output to support economic recovery.

Next year's infrastructure budget policy will also strengthen funding synchronization or integration between ministerial and non-ministerial government institutions (K/Ls), regional governments, and state as well non-state enterprises.

The infrastructure budget will also be utilized to support the availability of basic infrastructure services, such as 2,250 special housing units and 3,501 apartment units.

Related news: President highlights digital infrastructure role during pandemic

This budget will additionally be channeled to provide affordable, reliable energy and food that are also environment-friendly, such as the construction of 105 thousand hectares of irrigation network.

In addition, budget will be utilized to bolster productivity through connectivity and mobility infrastructure.

This encompasses the construction of 205 kilometers of new roads, 8,244 meters of new bridges, 6,624 square kilometers of railways, six new airports, and the Trans Sumatra toll road.

Lastly, information and communication technology will also be prioritized for the budget in order to boost the capacity of digital human resources and digital literacy.

This aims to provide 2,344 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in remote regions as well as satellite-based Internet, with capacity of 25 Gbps.

Related news: LIPI develops research-, innovation ecosystem with "SIAP" strategy

Related news: President reports Rp384.8 trillion infrastructure development budget

Reporter: Astrid Habibah, Fadhli R
Editor: Fardah Assegaf


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Finance Ministry highlights infrastructure budget use plan for 2022​

18th August 2021

Screenshot of Finance Ministry's Fiscal Policy Head Febrio Kacaribu during the "Economical and Prosperity Strategy as well as Outlook" . (August 18, 2021). (ANTARA/AstridFaidlatulHabibah/FR)

We continue to complete the construction of strategic infrastructure, and this is related to basic services to support productivity.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Finance Ministry's Fiscal Policy Head Febrio Kacaribu revealed the government's plan for next year to utilize the infrastructure budget for various purposes.

"We continue to complete the construction of strategic infrastructure, and this is related to basic services to support productivity," Kacaribu noted during an online discussion here on Wednesday.

The infrastructure budget, amounting to some Rp384.8 trillion in the 2022 State Budget Draft (RAPBN), covers Rp170.4 trillion for central government spending, Rp119.2 trillion for Transfer to Region and Village Fund (TKDD), and Rp95.2 trillion for budget financing.

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Based on Kacaribu's presentation, the policy for next year's infrastructure budget aims to expedite the completion of infrastructure projects delayed due to COVID-19 and strategic output to support economic recovery.

Next year's infrastructure budget policy will also strengthen funding synchronization or integration between ministerial and non-ministerial government institutions (K/Ls), regional governments, and state as well non-state enterprises.

The infrastructure budget will also be utilized to support the availability of basic infrastructure services, such as 2,250 special housing units and 3,501 apartment units.

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This budget will additionally be channeled to provide affordable, reliable energy and food that are also environment-friendly, such as the construction of 105 thousand hectares of irrigation network.

In addition, budget will be utilized to bolster productivity through connectivity and mobility infrastructure.

This encompasses the construction of 205 kilometers of new roads, 8,244 meters of new bridges, 6,624 square kilometers of railways, six new airports, and the Trans Sumatra toll road.

Lastly, information and communication technology will also be prioritized for the budget in order to boost the capacity of digital human resources and digital literacy.

This aims to provide 2,344 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in remote regions as well as satellite-based Internet, with capacity of 25 Gbps.

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Reporter: Astrid Habibah, Fadhli R
Editor: Fardah Assegaf

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