Coming soon Majapahit class...
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Coming soon Majapahit class...
IMO we don't need to split it equally per fleet, 1st fleet should become priority.1 Iver + 2 ASW FREMM + 2 FFM 30 + Soryu + u 209/214 per fleet would be more than enough to provide all around encompassing deterrence
And that's would be supplanted by Navy OPV/Corvettes/light Frigate
Not in the near future.
I personally hope that this "when" question will not getting answer like "until the
I personally hope that this "when" question will not getting answer like "until thepigscows fly".
I think we don't need something as fancy as Japanese Izumo-class or South Korean Dokdo-class yet, as long as that computer render above can be created - because it was based on PT PAL's STAR 50 cargo ship - it's already good enough for a first step to eventually create something like those two classes of LHD I just mentioned.
Nah, our gov only cares about 4.0 industrial "hype".
If only that was the case. Unfortunately about 3 months ago I've been asked to write 10 pages long PowerPoint for explaining the so-called Industry 4.0 particularly regarding the capital cost of implementing it, because there is strong rumour (wacana) that it will be made mandatory for businesses to adopt Industry 4.0. Suffice to say, the capital cost of implementing Industry 4.0 in small-medium size local industry that still operating in a mix of Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0 is just too much (beyond reach)Don't buy that bullshit and hypes . Action speak louder than words . Unless they totally overhauled their old top management i don't put much of my stocks on them ...
If this naming convention is to be adhered, then "Majapahit" would be a Kapal Pendarat MaterialComing soon Majapahit class...
Sometime things are escalated not in the media main channelI was not talking about what the Israelis been doing in the Palestine. I was focusing on your claim that the politicians have been barking loudly about our military procurement from Israel.
I admit I'm not really active in Indonesian social media environment. Heck, I even set the Twitter trending in my account to UK. But even simple quick google search doesn't show this "political elites barking loudly about military procurement from Israel" claim of yours.
Look, military stuff for most people is not really entertaining. Only few people actually interested in this military stuff. All of us members here are the minority bunch. I'm pretty sure that those politicians would prefer to use other Jewish products to "bark loudly" about Israel and leave the military procurement as the least preference. That's why I made a point that the government will find it very easy to play and muddle the narrative if they start to bark about our military pro
If only that was the case. Unfortunately about 3 months ago I've been asked to write 10 pages long PowerPoint for explaining the so-called Industry 4.0 particularly regarding the capital cost of implementing it, because there is strong rumour (wacana) that it will be made mandatory for businesses to adopt Industry 4.0. Suffice to say, the capital cost of implementing Industry 4.0 in small-medium size local industry that still operating in a mix of Industry 2.0 and Industry 3.0 is just too much (beyond reach)
Heard he is a masseur now (massage therapist)Not even Penjaga kantin Kemhan mentioned the deal for this current batch of CN 235 and exact number being ordered
So... it can only move to the target waypoint in a straight line or it can reach the target waypoint even if there is some obstacles and in a difficult terrain. (Autopilot)
Wait, what? I thought the UGCV is being developed by PT Ansa Solusitama with Balitbang Kemhan for TNI-AD? Or is this a different project altogether?
looks like
looks like
Spesifikasi THeMIS ADDER:
– Length: 2500 mm
– Width: 2000 mm
– Height: 600mm
– Berat kosong: 700 kg
– Payload: 700 kg
– Power: Diesel-electric drive (can be used as fully electrical)
– Endurance: max 8 jam
– Kecepatan max: 50 km per jam
Geezzz an open source microcontroller board? C Language for programming? OMG todays open technology at your disposal and here we are still stuck in the middle age? Where all those programmer graduate goes to?
WOOOW Robot Perang Karya Anak Bangsa Tidak kalah canggih dengan robot perang Amerika
Hey now there is nothing wrong with using open-source architecture and writing in C++, each language have its place. I also use open-source architecture to great effect.Geezzz an open source microcontroller board? C Language for programming? OMG todays open technology at your disposal and here we are still stuck in the middle age?
The talented one, usually working for someWhere all those programmer graduate goes to?
Waste of money for negligible gain.They shoulda create a programming scholarship for their internal purpose or recruit one.
on the 12.7 mm topic, it is the ultimate ffbnw weapon. Although not listed in the specs, i believe the installation itself is quite simple as it only requires welding a mounting at designated positions, so in no time we can have the ship bristles with 12.7 mm (or FN MAG if you prefer it to the ma deuce)
Never underestimate the power of ARDUINO.WOOOW Robot Perang Karya Anak Bangsa Tidak kalah canggih dengan robot perang Amerika