The joke about towed array sonar is useless for Indonesia and parchim being a perfectly fine ASW platform for Indonesia are indeed very hilarous
How many
sock puppets accounts do you intend to create

BTW don't bother changing your browser or device to mask it, I can still burn through such methods. Anyway this
sock puppets account of yours is already in my
ignore list now
Yang kamu lakukan sekarang dengan membuat
sock puppets accounts itu sama dengan bayi yang masih merangkak, tapi kamu sudah pingin berlari. Coba belajar berdiri tegak dulu, kemudian setelah itu belajar berjalan tegak, baru setelah itu kamu mampu belajar berlari. Semua proses belajar itu ada tahapannya
TAS or VDS won't be useless for Indonesia.
Then less than half of Indonesia water is more than 150' deep, and if we are talking about country as big as indonesia.
They do have their use for deeper water in oceanic environment of Indian Ocean and everything east of Java Sea. However, our current pressing concern is stretching from Natuna Sea on the north to Sunda Strait on the south, along with Mallacca Strait. And when budget is tight, the best course of action is utilizing it in appropriate place & time. Another aspect we seriously need for ASW is actually ASW helicopters along with the ordinance to prosecute contact (light torpedo)
Um sir, even at the new bigger sunda sea there's lot of spot that has deeper seabed.
The pacific and indian ocean are vast and deep tho, and we have a lot of area there.
At first place i agree we didnt urges to acquire any VDS, but adequate Hull Mounted Sonar is a must.
First and foremost, by "Sunda Sea" are you referring to
Sunda Strait or the currently underwater part of
Sunda Shelf
If you were referring to the Sunda Strait, then sadly I don't currently have the latest chart of it

I do however have the1943
Kriegsmarine issue chart, which is basically a carbon copy of the
Dai Nippon chart, which in turn is also a carbon copy of commercially available
Nederlandsch-Indië chart.

So anyway, there is indeed two deep spots in Sunda Strait, however Sunda Strait is an extremely dynamic landscape (seascape) due to continuous volcanic activity of Krakatoa, which mean not only those deep spot are already too small for any combat manoeuvring its also may disappear overnight or even already gone by now. Remember Krakatoa had also disappeared (as in blew up) in similar fashion.
If you were referring the currently underwater part of
Sunda Shelf, then there are indeed some deep spot in Java Sea and also Natuna Sea. However, those deep spots were most likely former lakes which is now become something of undersea lakes of sort (
disclaimer : this is my own theory). However, due to their nature as former lakes they were fed by river system from what currently is Java or fed from what currently is Borneo. The river system that fed those former lakes are still visible in survey done by Pertamina (forgot the year though). From operational perspective, those former lakes may host thermocline, however even
IF they do, the
temperature & salinity gradient won't be as steep as one would expect from oceanic environment
Anyway, the latest publicly available chart is available for download at
Jaringan Informasi Geospasial Nasional. Sadly, I don't have spare storage (hardrive) capacity to accommodate the entire chart of Indonesia territory. In fact, I rarely kept any of them around due to hardrive capacity shortage (my films, TV serial, and music collection took priority). I usually just download the chart I need and printing it. And delete the files afterward.