this is crunch
damn it so crowded down there, banyak orang desak desakan, kasian repair crew nya gabisa lincah kesana siniyes, 49 sailors, 1 officer and 3 people from the arsenal.
damn it so crowded down there, banyak orang desak desakan, kasian repair crew nya gabisa lincah kesana siniyes, 49 sailors, 1 officer and 3 people from the arsenal.
500 m + depth ?i got this from FB , not trying to speculating or some sort , but i was hoping we're facing this scenario instead the grim one .
View attachment 18769
which fb? sorry i already leave fb long time ago. but let's hope this is true and the crew are all savei got this from FB , not trying to speculating or some sort , but i was hoping we're facing this scenario instead the grim one .
View attachment 18769
Then just turn the valve and blow the ballast.i got this from FB , not trying to speculating or some sort , but i was hoping we're facing this scenario instead the grim one .
View attachment 18769
Emergency blow doesn't require electricity and is used in case of emergency.i got this from FB , not trying to speculating or some sort , but i was hoping we're facing this scenario instead the grim one .
View attachment 18769
But REM not even in the area.
Oh okay...![]()
Tim Pencari Temukan Tumpahan Minyak, Diduga dari Kapal Selam KRI Nanggala-402
Helikopter yang digunakan untuk mencari Kapal Selam KRI Nanggala-420 menemukann tumpahan minyak di area yang diperkirakan jadi lokasi tenggelamnya kapal selam itu. Ada 53 anak buah kapal yang berada di kapal selam
Kronologi Kapal Selam KRI Nanggala-402 Hilang Kontak di Perairan Bali
Kapal selam KRI Nanggala-402 hilang kontak sesaat setelah izin menyelam pada Rabu (21/4/2021) pukul 03.00
Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Laut (Kadispenal) Laksamana Pertama Julius Widjojono, dalam keterangan tertulis, Rabu (21/4/2021), menuturkan, KRI Nanggala-402 hilang kontak dan tidak bisa dihubungi sekitar pukul 03.00. Saat itu KRI Nanggala-402 telah mendapatkan izin menyelam untuk melaksanakan latihan penembakan torpedo.
Kemudian, dilakukan pencarian dengan mengerahkan unsur satuan tugas, yakni KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata, KRI I Gusti Ngurah Rai, dan KRI Diponegoro dengan menggunakan sonar aktif di sekitar lokasi penyelaman KRI Nanggala-402. Namun, dalam pencarian tersebut hasilnya nihil.
"karena tekanan air laut atau pemberian sinyal posisi dari KRI Nanggala-402" it could be emergency fuel discharge , im crossing my finger for the second one .![]()
TNI AL: Kemungkinan Tangki BBM KRI Nanggala-402 Retak
Kadispenal Laksma Julius Widjojono mengatakan bahwa ada analisis sementara hilang kontaknya kapal selam KRI Nanggala-402 karena terjadi blackout. Kepala Dinas
they said there the fuel tank might cracked
I hope for the best outcome for Indonesia. An unfortunate event for sure.
I second that.For this kind of crisis, ALWAYS referred to official statement only
Hanya saran~
Pray for the best, the crew itself is the best assets we ever managed to have. I am always have much soft spot for this silent service
I second that.
During times of crisis, it'll only add to the confusion if we're careless by spreading unconfirmed informations
If it's True, we would get a Video or Pics by Now. Everyone has handphone, right?There is already some rumors spread that the sub already resurface, don't know about the validity but hope it's true