Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries

Var Dracon

3 510
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View attachment 17263
The picture that we post will automatically have watermark on them. Will this be fine tho, what if people think it as this forum claim someone else work?
What does the management opinion about this.

Menristek: Pandemi Tak Menghalangi Pengembangan 4 Produk Super Prioritas Riset Nasional​

04 April 2021

Drone Elang Hitam (photo : BPPT), Jakarta - Menristek (Menteri Riset dan Teknologi) Bambang Brodjonegoro mengatakan pengembangan empat inovasi produk prioritas riset nasional 2020-2024 masih sesuai dengan rencana awal, meski Indonesia kini tengah dilanda pandemi.

"Kalau bicara perkembangan, sampai saat ini tidak terjadi perbedaan mendasar antara apa yang direncanakan dengan apa yang sudah atau sedang dilakukan," tuturnya dalam acara Bincang Editor yang diadakan, Rabu (31/3/2021).

Adapun empat produk super prioritas yang dimaksud adalah pesawat amfibi N219, garam terintegrasi, katalis merah putih, dan drone tempur elang hitam. Bambang menjelaskan, empat produk super prioritas ini dikembangkan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan Indonesia akan produk impor.

"Misalnya, mengenai pesawat N219. Pertama, kita punya versi biasa dan sekarang punya versi amfibinya. Kenapa? Karena kondisi negara kita itu kepulauan dan tidak semua daerah tidak punya bandara atau bahkan landasan yang memadai," tuturnya menjelaskan.

Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan solusi berupa pesawat yang bisa mendarat di landasan pendek atau bahkan di perairan jika wilayah tersebut memang tidak memiliki landasan. Pesawat dipilih sebab jika bergantung pada angkutan laut akan memakan waktu sangat lama untuk melakukan perpindahan.

"Maka muncul N219 amfibi, sehingga kita bisa tetap menjaga konektivitas tanpa harus membeli pesawat sejenis dari luar negeri," tuturnya melanjutkan. Dia pun mengatakan, N219 versi reguler sudah mendapat sertifikasi, sedangkan versi amfibi saat ini tengah dikembangkan.

Mengenai garam terintegrasi, Bambang mengatakan Indonesia saat ini memang masih mengimpor garam industri. Karenanya, sistem garam terintegrasi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan NaCL garam rakyat dari di bawah 90 persen hingga di atas 97 persen.

Hal ini dilakukan agar garam tersebut dapat diserap oleh industri dan mengurangi ketergantungan pada produk impor. Sementara untuk kebutuhan garam rumah tangga, dia memastikan Indonesia sebenarnya tidak memiliki masalah.

Saat ini, Bambang menuturkan, pemerintah sudah memiliki unit contoh pertama sistem garam terintegrasi di Gresik. Harapannya, unit tersebut dapat diperluas ke unit lain yang sejenis.

Konsorsium Pesawat N219 Amfibi (image : Lapan)

Katalis Merah Putih

Dalam kesempatan itu, Bambang turut menjelaskan mengenai Katalis Merah Putih yang juga masuk dalam daftar produk super prioritas ini. Bambang menjelaskan, Katalis Merah Putih diharapkan bisa mengurangi impor BBM yang selama ini masih dilakukan Indonesia.

"Dengan Katalis Merah Putih, impiannya kami bisa mengurangi impor BBM. Karena katalis ini bisa mengolah atau mengubah minyak inti sawit menjadi bahan bakar nabati menjadi bentuk diesel, bensin, dan avtur," ujar Bambang menjelaskan.

Lebih lanjut Bambang menuturkan, Katalis Merah Putih ini masih dalam tahap uji coba dalam skala besar di Pertamina. Kendati demikian, untuk Katalis Merah Putih ini, pemerintah masih menghadapi tantangan.

Alasannya, apabila harga minyak bumi sedang murah, harga bahan bakar nabati akan terasa lebih mahal dibandingkan bahan bakar minyak. "Ini hal yang masih harus kami perbaiki supaya keekonomiannya lebih baik," ujarnya melanjutkan.

Drone Elang Hitam

Terakhir, produk riset super prioritas yang juga sudah dikembangkan adalah drone tempur elang hitam. Bambang menuturkan, pengembangan drone dilakukan sebab arah pertahanan Indonesia kini lebih mengarah pesawat nirawak semacam ini, bahkan lebih dibandingkan jet fighter.

Namun memang drone semacam ini biasanya diimpor penuh, sehingga pemerintah melalui Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi tengah mencoba drone militer buatan sendiri. Adapun proyek pengembangan drone ini dipimpin oleh BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi).

"Rencananya, tahun ini first flight bisa dilakukan sekitar Agustus. Mudah-mudahan tahun depan atau paling lambat dua tahun lagi produksi massal, karena jika sudah first flight masih dibutuhkan sertifikasi dari Kementerian Pertahana sebelum bisa diproduksi massal," ujar Bambang menutup pernyataannya.

I wonder what is the current status of N219. Shouldn't it go into serial production by now? Or do PT DI is still trying to automate its facilities first?

Also, I kinda wish engine (whether it's piston engine and jet engine) became national research priority. The practical application is greater than making UAV or passenger plane.


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Also, I kinda wish engine (whether it's piston engine and jet engine) became national research priority. The practical application is greater than making UAV or passenger plane.
Aviation piston is no longer in wide use other than a very specific niche. Even that niche is shrinking very fast (nearly gone) due to technological improvement in turbine engine. I don't even recall the last time I saw any Avgas (Aviation gasoline) fuel anywhere in the world.
Is there any plane in wide use that still using piston engine these days❓Other than a specific type of 🇷🇺 helicopter I don't recall any that still use piston engine.


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I wonder what is the current status of N219. Shouldn't it go into serial production by now? Or do PT DI is still trying to automate its facilities first?

Also, I kinda wish engine (whether it's piston engine and jet engine) became national research priority. The practical application is greater than making UAV or passenger plane.

The problem is PT DI capacity production is very very low today, and Indonesia doesn't have neighbor who is active in manufacturing aircraft at large scale so the market is not here.

Var Dracon

3 510
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Aviation piston is no longer in wide use other than a very specific niche. Even that niche is shrinking very fast (nearly gone) due to technological improvement in turbine engine. I don't even recall the last time I saw any Avgas (Aviation gasoline) fuel anywhere in the world.
Is there any plane in wide use that still using piston engine these days❓Other than a specific type of 🇷🇺 helicopter I don't recall any that still use piston engine.

I don't consider or thinking about aircraft piston engine. What I meant is piston engine for land or marine usage.


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Aviation piston is no longer in wide use other than a very specific niche. Even that niche is shrinking very fast (nearly gone) due to technological improvement in turbine engine.
Is there any plane in wide use that still using piston engine these days❓Other than a specific type of 🇷🇺 helicopter I don't recall any that still use piston engine.

He should be confused with turboShaft turbine engine or Turboprop for modern propeller aircraft or helicopters


Think Tank Analyst
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I wonder what is the current status of N219. Shouldn't it go into serial production by now? Or do PT DI is still trying to automate its facilities first?

Also, I kinda wish engine (whether it's piston engine and jet engine) became national research priority. The practical application is greater than making UAV or passenger plane.

N 219 still needs to get production certificate, previous testing is to get type certificate regarding the plane performance alone, nothing to do with mass production assessment.

Var Dracon

3 510
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Anyone know about the progress of "KFX/IFX manufacturing" hangar? Has it completed yet? What about the machinery inside it?


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Light Glider Munition and Infrared guided FFAR for MALE UAV by PT.SAS Aero Sishan .


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Uhhhh, are you sure that this is Indonesian-made (without "cooperation" with foreign company)?

We don't want to make the same blunder as we thought to Rajawali 720
i believe the FFAR schematic one are from LIG Nex1 , don't know about the glide munition , but it should be "rekanan" from foreign company .


Think Tank Analyst
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Uhhhh, are you sure that this is Indonesian-made (without "cooperation" with foreign company)?

We don't want to make the same blunder as we thought to Rajawali 720

Look like they do have capabilities if you search their website, they are engaging in many of our state owned defense companies project. This is just the example



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This is I believe part of program to make cargo drone, but they are starting from making a small UAV first


From February 9 to February 12, 2021, the LSU-02 VTOL Hybrid flight test was carried out in Pamengpeuk

The stages taken include:

i) assembly of LSU-02 VTOL airframe components
ii) weighing planes with different compositions
iii) endurance test (endurance) of VTOL batteries by hovering for 2 minutes 38 seconds
iv) auto take-off and landing (Hovering) flight test
v) compartment integration on the plane
vi) compartment dropping testing, and finally the activity is continued
vii) aircraft operation training .

The results are as follows:

1) The basic aircraft platform of the LSU-02 VTOL can be flown in full (full flight profile) with automatic control (autonomous mode)

2) The full capacity of the aircraft's fuel tank is 3.8 liters, so the estimated (cruise speed reference is 26 m / s) the total endurance of the aircraft is 3 hours and a total range of 280 km

3) The above parameters can be used as a reference to determine the safety factor of the endurance and range of the aircraft when the cargo system is installed because the weight of the aircraft + cargo system is 20 kg so that if it is filled with fuel with maximum capacity (3.8 ltr), the weight becomes 23 kg.

The addition of this take-off weight takes into account several things, namely related to the strength of the wing structure, the aircraft stall speed, and the power consumption of the VTOL system and its battery capacity.


It is part of the program which is shown during Minister of Research presentation in the end of 2020


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