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Pindad IG account show some pics of Antasena firing test
I wonder if they're also performed shooting tests while the boat is moving, all in low, cruise and maximum speed.


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I wonder if they're also performed shooting tests while the boat is moving, all in low, cruise and maximum speed.
The boat intended role is for direct fire support in a brown water environment. There is no need of firing test at cruise speed


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from cockerill website :
"Based on an unprecedented modular concept, the Cockerill® 3000 Series is a single platform enabling guns of different calibers and their corresponding technological modules to be integrated onto the same turret: automatic 25 mm, 30 mm, 30/40 mm, 35 mm and 50 mm caliber guns, along with direct fire guns of 90 and 105 mm, which are also able to fire anti-tank missiles."

i wonder if the bushmaster MK44 40mm or the xm913 50mm gun could be a perfect calibre spot for the Antasena weapon in future other than the 30mm or the 105mm variants .


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from cockerill website :
"Based on an unprecedented modular concept, the Cockerill® 3000 Series is a single platform enabling guns of different calibers and their corresponding technological modules to be integrated onto the same turret: automatic 25 mm, 30 mm, 30/40 mm, 35 mm and 50 mm caliber guns, along with direct fire guns of 90 and 105 mm, which are also able to fire anti-tank missiles."

i wonder if the bushmaster MK44 40mm or the xm913 50mm gun could be a perfect calibre spot for the Antasena weapon in future other than the 30mm or the 105mm variants .

Though there is no perfect weapon only system which is better suit to our requirement. 30 mm and 105 mm cal is our option for now.


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LAPAN Kerja Sama dengan China Kembangkan Roket Sonda Dua Tingkat​

24 Mei 2021

Target Roket Sonda Lapan (all images : Lapan)

Jakarta - Salah satu kerja sama yang dilakukan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa (LAPAN) sebagai Indonesia Space Agency di antaranya dengan China.

Kerja sama tersebut di antaranya berbentuk G to G Agreement antara pemerintah Indonesia dan pemerintah China mengenai eksplorasi dan penggunaan damai luar angkasa.

Perjanjian ini telah diratifikasi oleh kedua negara, dengan Indonesia melalui Perpres No. 22 Tahun 2019 pada 26 April 2019.

"Pada perjanjian ini, Indonesia bekerjasama dengan China untuk kerja alih teknologi roket sonda bertingkat dua TK-32 LPN melalui transfer knowledge dan know-how," tutur Kepala LAPAN Thomas Djamaludin dalam diskusi virtual Indonesian Space Agency Pasca Pembentukan BRIN, Senin (17/5/2021).

Roket sonda adalah jenis roket untuk keperluan riset. Jenis roket ini biasa digunakan untuk membawa instrumen penelitian ke ketinggian 48-145 km di atas permukaan Bumi atau ruang antara ketinggian maksimum balon udara dan satelit.

Roket dua tingkat ini di antaranya bermanfaat untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pengukuran karakteristik atmosfer dan kegiatan lainnya.

Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan program kerjasama pengembangan roket sonda bertingkat TK-32 LPN dibagi atas 5 tahapan yang dimulai sejak 2019 sampai 2023.

Pada 2020, roket sonda sedianya memasuki tahap preliminary design. Karena pandemi, proses yang terhambat lalu disiasati dengan melakukan pengembangan fasilitas perakitan dan pengujian.

Roket ini sendiri rencananya diluncurkan 2024. Kepala Pusat Teknologi Roket Lilis Mariani mengatakan roket dua tingkat tersebut akan bermanfaat untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pengukuran karakteristik atmosfer dan berbagai kegiatan riset.

"Pada 2020 sebenarnya kita memasuki tahap preliminary design. Namun karena ada COVID-19 jadi agak terhambat tapi tetap kita mengadakan pengembangan pengembangan fasilitas dari lab assembling dan testing," tutur Lilis dalam seminar virtual Teknologi Penerbangan dan Antariksa untuk Indonesia Maju beberapa waktu lalu seperti dikutip dari kantor berita Antara.

LAPAN memiliki agenda periode 2021-2025 untuk mengembangkan roket dua tingkat dengan ketinggian 300 kilometer.

Sementara pada 2040, diharapkan Indonesia memiliki roket pengorbit satelit yang dapat membawa satelit 100 kilogram, dan roket itu diluncurkan dari bandara antariksa milik Indonesia yang akan dibangun di Pulau Biak, Papua.

Selain kerja sama pengembangan roket, pihak Indonesia juga meningkatkan kapasitas SDM lewat beasiswa, training, dan pelatihan termasuk lewat Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (RCSSTEAP) China.

Sementara pihak China mengimplementasikan kerjasama ini melalui China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) dengan mengoperasikan kapal instrumentasi MV Yuanwang di perairan Indonesia.

Pengoperasian kapal tersebut bertujuan untuk melakukan telemetry, tracking, and control (TT&C) untuk mendukung peluncuran roket untuk mengorbitkan konstelasi satelit navigasi COMPASS/BEIDOU.

Dalam jalur peluncuran, kapal TT&C tersebut melewati perairan Indonesia di antaranya Laut Sulawesi, Laut Maluku, dan Laut Banda. Selain dengan China, LAPAN juga menjalin kerja sama dengan India, Amerika Serikat, Prancis, dan Jepang



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The bridge reminds me of an old American movie, although I can only remember a few things, a cool looking futuristic combat boat bridge and have gatling gun with 2 crews (I think), does anyone know?
Mark VI ?
Inside a U.S. Navy Mark VI patrol boat of Coastal Riverine Squadron. 3 [1080 x 719]
by in MilitaryPorn

By the way, they should definitely install some made in Indonesia RCWS on front side of the each hull, doesn't need to be stabilized or complicated just simple RCWS to be operated from the bridge. That will be great for the fire support on the the shore.

Var Dracon

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A target drone by North Sea Drones, equipped with 200 N jet engine it could loiter for 30 minutes. The max speed is 450 km/hour. I don't know if this is a rebrand or genuinely their manufacture, their other drone, used in Antasena tank boat, is a rebrand of Robot Aviation Skyrobot FX-Y



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A screenshot of the Klewang Trimaran under construction from North Sea Boats video 2 years ago.


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A screenshot of the Klewang Trimaran under construction from North Sea Boats video 2 years ago.

View attachment 21587

Are they still using composite materials for klewang 2?

Can't find new info about Klewang 2, the news from 3 weeks ago, jan-feb 2021, 2020 is the same they copy paste each other and change the title.


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The Deputy Minister of Defense Receives a Visit from the Romanian Parliament Senator to Discuss Efforts to Increase Defense Cooperation
Tuesday, 25 May 2021


Jakarta - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, M. Herindra representing the Indonesian Minister of Defense, received an honorary visit from the Senator of the Romanian Parliament for Defense, Falcoi Nicu and his delegation, Tuesday (25/5), at the Ministry of Defense, Jakarta. In this meeting discussed the possibility of increasing defense cooperation between Indonesia and Romania, especially in the defense industry. Also discussed the possibility of cooperation in the form of Transfer of Technology for the Indonesian defense industry.

Bilateral relations between Indonesia and Romania have existed for 70 years, but so far cooperation in both economic and defense forms has been underdeveloped. Senator Falcoi Nicu hopes that after his visit with the Romanian delegation, the cooperation between the two countries can be improved in the future, especially in the field of defense cooperation.

When receiving the Senator of the Romanian Parliament, the Deputy Minister of Defense was accompanied by the Director General of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Dr. Rer.pol. Rodon Pedrason, M.A., Ministry of Defense News Marsda TNI Jusuf Jauhari, M.Eng, Head of KKIP Cooperation and Marketing Ir Alex Janangkih Sinaga M.Sc, M. Eng. Also present to accompany the Romanian delegation, the Ambassador (Ambassador) of the Republic of Indonesia to Romania, M. Anhar Azeth. (Public Relations Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense).

how good is romanian arms industry anyway ? they used to have a very decent aerospace industries before WW2 broke out , the IAR (Industria Aeronautică Română) even developing their own indigenous fighter design , but now those industries only produce a licensed plane .

either indonesia have a chance to start a foothold by introducing our naval product , just start with a small thing like PC-40M or KCR-40 and KCR-60 or 80 meter OPV , it can be useful for patrolling their shore in black sea , which i see that their naval arsenal is kinda lacking .

Van Kravchenko

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(n) I'm sticking to TOYOTA Hilux
The power of toyota eh ?
Used to crush an armored division of an Afican country.

Its been a while since USER has test the locally made KOMODO Assault Rifle, which based on m4 rifle. Is there any official release about the gun and signed contract ?

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