Mmhh.. I dont want start this conversation. Since i dont want bring this thread out of topic.
But, what ever.
Lets me ask,
who is Palestinians today?
Are they genuine Palestinians from the thousands years ago?
What is the proof that they are the genuine ones?
How can we validate the proof?
Ok, lets forget about that. We go the another points,
1.Thousands years ago, israeli attack canaan land that under controlled by philistines. The Israelis won the war.
2. War
3. War
4. War again
5. Most of Israeli become prisoners and slave and get separated. The beginning of Israeli diaspora
6. Still war
7. War again
8. Lets make it more short ; war
9. Rome arrive
10. Sorry, but war again
11. And then caliphate era take over
12. War
13. War
14. European join the party
15. Ottaman become the rising star
16. British and france loves to humiliate the ottoman
17. British become generous
18. The HAGANAH play their role
19. Israeli stupid and generous ally provided the help
20. Israeli war with neighbors
21. Again with neighbors
22. Israel still exist until today.
Then, who is the owner of this land right now

And how you can decided this one is the owner those one is the invader
FYI, the owner of this land since the beginning is not decided by jus sanguinis. It decided by war. Earlier philistines even know this better.
their struggle reminds us of our own
Which one
besides the draconian laws and apartheid the Israelis are imposing on the Palestinians living on their own land, it's easy to see why most Indonesians would support Palestine rather than Israel
Why u not complain what Turkey did to Kurds? Is that because kurds deserved that? Or what we did with aceh and papua when they asked for independence? Are you really naif cannot seperate between national interest and ignorancy?
the other receives 4 billion dollars worth of military foreign aid from the US
I always wonder how can khaled mashal get the money to make rocket and keep the organization exists.
Are you ever know the cost to build 1 KM asphalt road? Then can you estimate how much the cost for buid several KM underground tunnel ? Are u know how rich the hamas leader is? Where he got the money? Or maybe I must ask, why the arab nation refuse to show their generosity? why they are not allocated budget to assist the resistance so then the Palestin can be independent. Why, asking far away friend while you have your neighbors since you are come from same place and same culture?
in this "conflict" one side has no standing army, air force or navy
You miss understand who is facing who. Hamas, is not Palestin, PLO is not Palestin, Fatah is not Palestin, hizbullah is not Palestin. Thats all is organization.
Same with us, here in indonesia. We have kkb, teroris, insurgents. You cannot generalize papuan as enemy.
And btw who's ask this organization to starting the war. Why now complain about disproportion while they really aware that the enemy is have it.
If you think all Palestin peoples is enemy of the israel, you are wrong. It is Hamas
And other organization that threatened israeli existence. Since they are always refuse the peace talk and always break the ceasefire.
Are you have any idea how al aqsa riot happen? I am not suprise if hamas supporters is the one who provocate the israel police and army first. Well, they know anyway if the israel forces will aware of their presence, so why not just blendedin with the mob and start yelling and cursing the guards. Thats ofcourse can make the condition become better.
You at least need to go there and understand by experience the real situation there.
Help Palestin peoples not help the one who sacrifice the Palestin people for their own benefit and agenda. Not help the one who shoot their rocket from civilians area and make those civilians becomes victims. It is not strategy, it is foolishness. Ah, yes.. its also form of strategy actually. Strategy to make more people hate their enemies and to make more people support their activities. Smart, but.. savage.
Moderator, I begging your mercy