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That's why the producers have to understand the consumers and vice versa. More talking, more meeting, and other sweet things can bend the mountains, until you can't know more who's lobbying who. That's a friendly productive relations and negotiations, both parties understand each other. Unleash our art of pleasing people.
I believe you are a good person in a wrong place, in a wrong business. Sorry for saying that


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US employs in a large scale technically with unlimited resources, the plan i am talking more applies to developing countries with limited resources.
This is how US defense companies works right? The military open a tender for this certain stuffs, after that companies will bring a blueprints and asking for RnD budgets, and so on.


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US employs in a large scale technically with unlimited resources, the plan i am talking more applies to developing countries with limited resources.
At least we start it at major procurement for small arms. There are Komodo Armament too that we have here for example. They also made (or at least offer) 7.62mm gatling gun, they are doing RnD for polymer casing bullet, etc.

Just give them the opportunity to grow their business lah, SOE kind of monopolies all the procurement here. If we are committed for that, we can actually made Komcad standard rifle/carbine procurement before with healthy competition between Pindad and Komodo instead of always Pindad chosen.


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I believe you are a good person in a wrong place, in a wrong business. Sorry for saying that
Lobbying is so legal, but if you already put "things" there on the desk, you already cross the red line, in other words you already try to buy the guys (bribe) which is a corruption. You can go to jail because of that.
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Defense Minister's Spokesman: No Imports on Israel-made Weapons


"So far, Indonesia does not have Israeli trade cooperation. When Jokowi called for a boycott in 2016, the Ministry of Trade has already explained that Israeli products in the country have been entering through the buying and selling route of third party countries."

"For example, there is a trader from Italy who buys Israeli products, then he sells the goods through other traders who import them into Indonesia." said the Director General of Foreign Trade Negotiations at the Ministry of Trade, Iman Pambagyo.


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Defense Minister's Spokesman: No Imports on Israel-made Weapons

The journalist who wrote that article should be pick up with black Luxio. :mad:

🇮🇩 public shouldn't be aware of any import of goods / services from 🇮🇱. Its made those end-user such as myself who often use / bought 🇮🇱 goods / services in difficult position (tightening of import)


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❓❓The journalist who wrote that article should be pick up with black Luxio. :mad:

🇮🇩 public shouldn't be aware of any import of goods / services from 🇮🇱. Its made those end-user such as myself who often use / bought 🇮🇱 goods / services in difficult position (tightening of import)
Sometimes, I always wonder. why conflict between this 2 nation can disturb My beloved country, while some conflict, subjection and annexation also happen in many part of this world, is even not bothered us at all.

Why we dont get disturbed when russia annexed crimea❓or the annexation of the northern syria by Turkey and syrian national army❓

Indonesia foreign policy is Free and active. but what I'm seeing recently is not more than a form of standar Janda.

Dont get me wrong, I just want to be honest, It is not surprising that other countries always question us about Papua.

-How we can ask israel to stop their action while we not even considered them as a nation❓
-We not considered them as a country with sovereignty.
-We refuse to respect their will to protect their own people in the name of country that the called israel.
-We refuse when they asking us, as the most populated muslim country to be mediator in front of other muslim country.
-We condemn them for shooting back were they get shoot.

What the hack is happen with us❓Hypocrisy and double standard❓

They just fight back.
They also same like us. Want to be recognized. Want to life normally without hiding in the bunker when the sirens started going grazy again and again. but, when their surrounding neighbors just don't get it, why must waiting for death if they can chose how they save their life ❓
To be honest, what we will do if our enemy shoots rockets toward our home without even care about our family lives, our childrens, our brothers, sisters, parents❓is that not what hamas trying to do when they firing all the rockets to Israel❓

So, hamas can kill israeli but israel shouldn't not fight back and obediently just wait for their death❓So, when hamas kill Israeli kids, israel should ignore that and forgive it❓is this right for us❓

I know, I know how israel implement their politics is evil. They are wicked, opportunists, destructive, etc. but, we must not take sides. again must not take sides. the problem of israel- palestine is a problem of political conflict between two countries. Again, political conflicts.

In every war there must be casualties.
The question is, why still provoke for war if they know exactly they will risked the civilians life with their actions❓are the victims is the new tool to win the independence❓
They cannot use victim's to justified their actions. victims exist through their fault. rather than kill each other, it is better for them to start over again for the peace agreement instead of keep provoking war.
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hey just fight back,they also same like us. Want to be recognized. Want to life normally without hiding in the bunker when the sirens going grazy again and again. But, when their surrounding neighbors just don't get it, why must waiting for death if they can chose how they should use their life ❓to be honest, what we will do if our enemy shoots rockets on our house without even care about our family lives, our childrens, our brothers, sisters, parents❓is that not what hamas trying to do when firing all the rockets to Israel❓so, hamas can kill israeli but israel shouldn't not fight back and just obediently wait their death❓so, when hamas kill Israeli kids, israel should ignore that and forgive about that❓is this how should be the way how we think❓

in this "conflict" one side has no standing army, air force or navy

the other receives 4 billion dollars worth of military foreign aid from the US

besides the draconian laws and apartheid the Israelis are imposing on the Palestinians living on their own land, it's easy to see why most Indonesians would support Palestine rather than Israel

their struggle reminds us of our own


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View attachment 21190

in this "conflict" one side has no standing army, air force or navy

the other receives 4 billion dollars worth of military foreign aid from the US

besides the draconian laws and apartheid the Israelis are imposing on the Palestinians living on their own land, it's easy to see why most Indonesians would support Palestine rather than Israel

their struggle reminds us of our own

Palestine question is complicated enough, for hundreds years the owner of Damascus, Syria, Levant is Turkey, before them is the Mamluk Egypt. The arrival of British in first world war is the cause of current conflict along with their promise to the Arabs and Jews for the help to Drive Turks out of the area.

Before that, when we are talking about East Jerusalem and West Bank which previously held by Jordan are Palestine authority got Jordanian consent about this? Though Israel take the area as prize of the war against Jordan and Arabs league


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Mmhh.. I dont want start this conversation. Since i dont want bring this thread out of topic.
But, what ever.

Lets me ask,
who is Palestinians today?
Are they genuine Palestinians from the thousands years ago?
What is the proof that they are the genuine ones?
How can we validate the proof?

Ok, lets forget about that. We go the another points,

1.Thousands years ago, israeli attack canaan land that under controlled by philistines. The Israelis won the war.
2. War
3. War
4. War again
5. Most of Israeli become prisoners and slave and get separated. The beginning of Israeli diaspora
6. Still war
7. War again
8. Lets make it more short ; war
9. Rome arrive
10. Sorry, but war again
11. And then caliphate era take over
12. War
13. War
14. European join the party
15. Ottaman become the rising star
16. British and france loves to humiliate the ottoman
17. British become generous
18. The HAGANAH play their role
19. Israeli stupid and generous ally provided the help
20. Israeli war with neighbors
21. Again with neighbors
22. Israel still exist until today.

Then, who is the owner of this land right now❓
And how you can decided this one is the owner those one is the invader❓

FYI, the owner of this land since the beginning is not decided by jus sanguinis. It decided by war. Earlier philistines even know this better.
their struggle reminds us of our own
Which one❓

besides the draconian laws and apartheid the Israelis are imposing on the Palestinians living on their own land, it's easy to see why most Indonesians would support Palestine rather than Israel
Why u not complain what Turkey did to Kurds? Is that because kurds deserved that? Or what we did with aceh and papua when they asked for independence? Are you really naif cannot seperate between national interest and ignorancy?

the other receives 4 billion dollars worth of military foreign aid from the US
I always wonder how can khaled mashal get the money to make rocket and keep the organization exists.
Are you ever know the cost to build 1 KM asphalt road? Then can you estimate how much the cost for buid several KM underground tunnel ? Are u know how rich the hamas leader is? Where he got the money? Or maybe I must ask, why the arab nation refuse to show their generosity? why they are not allocated budget to assist the resistance so then the Palestin can be independent. Why, asking far away friend while you have your neighbors since you are come from same place and same culture?

in this "conflict" one side has no standing army, air force or navy
You miss understand who is facing who. Hamas, is not Palestin, PLO is not Palestin, Fatah is not Palestin, hizbullah is not Palestin. Thats all is organization.
Same with us, here in indonesia. We have kkb, teroris, insurgents. You cannot generalize papuan as enemy.
And btw who's ask this organization to starting the war. Why now complain about disproportion while they really aware that the enemy is have it.

If you think all Palestin peoples is enemy of the israel, you are wrong. It is Hamas
And other organization that threatened israeli existence. Since they are always refuse the peace talk and always break the ceasefire.
Are you have any idea how al aqsa riot happen? I am not suprise if hamas supporters is the one who provocate the israel police and army first. Well, they know anyway if the israel forces will aware of their presence, so why not just blendedin with the mob and start yelling and cursing the guards. Thats ofcourse can make the condition become better.
You at least need to go there and understand by experience the real situation there.
Help Palestin peoples not help the one who sacrifice the Palestin people for their own benefit and agenda. Not help the one who shoot their rocket from civilians area and make those civilians becomes victims. It is not strategy, it is foolishness. Ah, yes.. its also form of strategy actually. Strategy to make more people hate their enemies and to make more people support their activities. Smart, but.. savage.

Moderator, I begging your mercy😭🙌
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Uh, well, guys, I think this is not the place to post and discuss about Israel - Palestinian conflict especially if it's unrelated with the "Indonesian Strategic Industries" sub forum. There's Warkop Indonesia or other sub forums for that, I believe.

Just a friendly reminder.


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Uh, well, guys, I think this is not the place to post and discuss about Israel - Palestinian conflict especially if it's unrelated with the "Indonesian Strategic Industries" sub forum. There's Warkop Indonesia or other sub forums for that, I believe.

Just a friendly reminder.
Ouch, u break my heart😶. JK 😆
Lanjut mas eeeee,....


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Menhan Prabowo Pimpin Rapat Pleno KKIP Tahun 2021​

Kamis, 20 Mei 2021

Jakarta – Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto selaku Ketua Harian Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan (KKIP) memimpin Rapat Pleno KKIP Tahun 2021, Kamis (20/5) di Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta. Agenda pada rapat tersebut di antaranya adalah pembahasan tindak lanjut arahan dari Presiden RI selaku Ketua KKIP pada Sidang KKIP di Istana Bogor, tanggal 13 April 2021.

Hadir pada Rapat Pleno KKIP tersebut Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir selaku Wakil Ketua Harian KKIP, Menteri PPN/Bappenas Suharso Manoarfa selaku Anggota KKIP, Wamenhan RI M. Herindra selaku Sekretaris KKIP, dan Katimlak KKIP Letjen TNI (Purn) Suryo Prabowo.

Hadir pula beberapa pejabat dari Kementerian terkait yang juga menjadi Anggota KKIP, di antaranya Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi Kemendikbud Ristek Taufik Bawazier yangmewakili Mendikbud-Ristek, Sekjen Kominfo Mira Tayyiba mewakili Menkominfo, Dirjen Pengelolaan, Pembiayaan dan Resiko Kemenkeu Dwi Puji Astuti mewakili Menkeu, Asrenum Panglima TNI Laksda TNI Heru Kusnanto mewakili Panglima TNI dan Aslog Kapolri Irjen Pol Firman Shantyabudi mewakili Kapolri.

Untuk menuju kemandirian industri pertahanan dalam negeri, Menhan Prabowo dalam sambutannya menyampaikan beberapa arahan dari Presiden RI yang disampaikan pada Sidang KKIP April lalu, di antaranya adalah perlunya kesinambungan dalam pengadaan Alpalhankam.

“Untuk menuju kemandirian juga diperlukan penguasaan teknologi. Untuk itu, perlu peran serta semua pihak terutama pendidikan tinggi dan para ahli – ahli di bidang elektronika”, jelas Menhan Prabowo.

Selanjutnya adalah arahan Presiden bahwa paradigma belanja pertahanan harus diubah menjadi suatu investasi pertahanan. Anggaran pertahanan harus dikelola dengan baik sehingga dapat membantu membantu peningkatan ekonomi nasional.

“Oleh karena itu kita harus mencari bagaimana implementasi imbal dagang, kandungan lokal, offset, transfer of technology, dan rincian investasi pertahanan dalam setiap pengadaan alpalhankam dari luar negeri,” kata Menhan.

Untuk menuju kemandirian di bidang industri pertahanan, Menhan menambahkan perlunya suatu Rencana Strategis (Renstra) jangka panjang sehingga dapat menjadi rujukan untuk membangun kemandirian industri pertahanan, yakni dengan adanya suatu masterplan yang berjangka panjang.

“Presiden kehendaki masterplan jangka panjang. Bukan tahun per tahun,” ujar Menhan.

Adapun Menhan Prabowo menekankan perlunya rekomendasi dan evaluasi dari KKIP dalam semua pembelian alutsista. Hal ini agar menjamin Indonesia diuntungkan dari segala aspek dalam setiap pembelian alutsista. (Biro Humas Setjen Kemhan)



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There is actually an urgent need to reverse engineering or developing Air Defense Missiles system (either it is short range air defense system, medium or even long range one), air search radar Defense, ECM system and other stuff to support Air defense system. Almost every emerging military power is already in various stage of developing their own air defense system and they are already big partner for Indonesia. South Korea, Turkey, India you name it, and then there is potential partner like South Africa and Eastern European countries, and Japan.

this is crunch

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View attachment 21222

Ada yang percaya?

Anybody believe this?
well thats not totally wrong, the radar function is capable for doing that, but in very limited capability, the radar is 2D and has a search range about 200km ((?) if i recall it correctly), it has modern display, and moveable, the only drawbacks is it is still 2 dimension radar which cannot determine the altitude of the flying object


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well thats not totally wrong, the radar function is capable for doing that, but in very limited capability, the radar is 2D and has a search range about 200km ((?) if i recall it correctly), it has modern display, and moveable, the only drawbacks is it is still 2 dimension radar which cannot determine the altitude of the flying object
View attachment 21222

Ada yang percaya?

Anybody believe this?

That's Iranian radar model though

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