Is Pakistan more stable than India?

KKF 2.0

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India has no record in modern formation with half its country (in fact near 60% of population) splitting away.

Or were the East Pakistanis fighting for the Pakistani state in your analysis?

Same goes for BLA, PTM, Taliban factions etc. Or was the action (incl atrocities) by Pakistan military there (and US drone strikes all over there) a big thumbs up recognition of these groups fighting "for" the state?

Right now there is a thread in PDF about how Nawaz Sharif (sitting in UK) asking for member votes on if he is literally working for India. This is a former PM that had the highest security clearances (as recent as just cpl years ago) can't make this up.

Name me one Indian PM and political character that moved to external shores and starts the drama? level that many Indian citizens see him as agent of the biggest enemy?

If India airs out its problems in the media much more so it doesnt have to go all-in insular-brittle (and then get called out and broken into 2 because of fundamental totalitarian flaw in that approach) see it as "against" the state.

Yes I guess Pakistan is far more stable than US and other large democracies too in your estimation.
There's not ONE single Islamist organization that wants to destroy Pakistan but there are countless political movements in India with the main aim of destroying - at least partly - the state of India.


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There's not ONE single Islamist organization that wants to destroy Pakistan but there are countless political movements in India with the main aim of destroying - at least partly - the state of India.

Yes we air them out and give them coverage (as to their agenda, manner, methods etc) so we can show our people why they are a bad idea, be they the naxalites or other insurgencies.

I mean what's next...the PKK exists and thus Turkey is less stable than Pakistan too? You want to open that can of worms for discussion?

Antifa exists (they for sure want to destroy the US after all) and thus the US is less stable than Pakistan too?...because antifa is not islamist?

I don't get the reasoning by putting "islamist" as some filter....that gives break-pakistan organisations some pass? Like they automatically become non-islamist? I don't get telling me the Pak-Taliban TTP (as the Pakistani state calls it) is not islamist? The PTM pashtuns suddenly are not muslims?

It just plays into Pakistan's assertion it is some embodiment of an Islamic state and they (the western wing) knew that best. That is the very reason for East Pakistan to have a new name now, Bangladesh.

Notice Bangladesh calls itself on its Bengali identity, just like Turkiye does? What does it mean to whole islamist idea of nationstate? Or is secular nationalist framework better and more stable?

Till you open one video about the Dhaka liberation museum (tour + displays + contents) to see their side of the story on if they are lesser muslims or non-muslims asserted by the pure-land (literal meaning of Pakistan) is again waste of time to get into this more.

After all you would probably need that stuff to happen to your country (whichever part it was back in the 1st union) or actually be from the neighbourhood to really understand it. There are very few examples that panned out like this, Pakistan is very it presents big conundrum for most to really understand deeply.

Sitting in Istanbul and relying on whatever filters wont cut it my friend.


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There's not ONE single Islamist organization that wants to destroy Pakistan but there are countless political movements in India with the main aim of destroying - at least partly - the state of India.

Let’s see. Here is a list of many organizations smaller and bigger that don’t really care about Pakistan’s statehood and unity at all. 😁

For me India is definitely not a LESS stable country than Pakistan. I know that Pakistan is 6 times smaller in population yet we still talk about a country of 210 million people which is absolutely huge. Yet I don’t know of a single big corporation from there, or an industry where they have a big share on the world map, or of any scientific field where Pakistan tries to keep up with the big guys.

Hearing about India I can at least think of Tata Group, of a place that is big in outsourcing and IT, of a pretty good space program, Bollywood, I know a few of their Billionaires etc. India is pretty far away from being even a middle income country but at least I see them as a place with a much more vibrant economy and bigger financial resources. To have such things it requires a certain amount of stability I guess.
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Joe Shearer

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When I look at Pakistan I do see major conflicts affecting the people and the state institutions very deeply. But in the case of Pakistan the conflicting parties are fighting for the state. They are colliding to gain the upper hand in order to seize the state. In India, on the other hand, it seems like that one of the parties always fights against the state.


Do tell. Whatever does that mean (apart from the CPI - ML)?


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What is the percentage which is returning?

The lower castes are a powerful voting block. Even Modi is of a lower caste.

Compare that to the poor Ahmadiya Muslims in Pakistan. They can't even call themselves Muslims and are killed for their beliefs all the time.
Not to mention both the PM and the President of India belong to backward classes as defined by the constitution.

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