Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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There are lots of Americans living and working in Israel. Any time there is a war going on in an area, American Special Forces are put on standby in case they have to get civilians or important persons out in a hurry. This isn't unique, or abnormal.
I'm sure there are a few CIA agents among them. Since we are talking about the reality of a movie-like operation. Why do people ignore the CIA presence in the region?


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The biggest mistake Saladin made when he liberate Jerusalem was the fact that he left the crusaders and their families unscathed, I don't think future Muslims will inherit that level of patience with the fact that they saw today.

if you understand what islam told how to treat war prisoner, you will not ever think it was a mistake. what you just said it was non moslem POV, or some one who pretend to be moslem or disobedient moslem. Salahuddin was one of the best moslem leader personification

Brace Yourself

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Hamas is destroying the chances of statehood that can be achieved through secularism, democracy and human rights. I see Hamas as a tool and a toy of other states. Palestinians must get rid of this organization.
You Sound Like Totally Netanyahu. Of course Palestinians should throw All weapon down and Cry for peace with a armed Apartheid.

Interviewer: Why not Just talk?

Ghassan: Talk to whom?

Interviewer: israeli leaders.

Ghassan : That kind conversation is like (Between) Sword(I) and the Neck(P)


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You Sound Like Totally Netanyahu. Of course Palestinians should throw All weapon down and Cry for peace with a armed Apartheid.

Interviewer: Why not Just talk?

Ghassan: Talk to whom?

Interviewer: israeli leaders.

Ghassan : That kind conversation is like (Between) Sword(I) and the Neck(P)
OK, excuse me, let the Palestinians follow Hamas. Maybe, just by fighting, they will become an independent state. If, of course, at the end of it all, there's a Palestinian people and a Palestinian land.

Also, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant:

"I have abolished all the rules in the army. They will not be responsible for anything militarily when they fight. There are no military courts."

What does that mean, brainless Yoav Galant? Are you the commander of a gang of looters, marauders and tribesmen? Are you animals, did you come out of the cave?

Brace Yourself

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What does that mean, brainless Yoav Galant? Are you the commander of a gang of looters, marauders and tribesmen? Are you animals, did you come out of the cave?
Merica - Japan
Hiiroshjima and Nagasaki
Remember anything?

You think you Know war? Gettting Independence from decades of Oppression is Near Impossible in Modern Age. Ask Vietnnamese of Bangladeshi Citizen.

Here is -
images (1).jpeg
a qoute from a Nation Maker.


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This is somewhat of a silly post.

Its kind of like there is a fire next door and you chose to have a party next door to it, its not a surprise your house catches on fire.

In the current era and the context of hostilities that are very much alive today more then they've ever been, then its pretty negligent to have a festival on land only stolen yestday and still very much disputed. Then toss into it the horrendous situation Gaza that was only next door which according to the Isreali side is home to thousands of terrorists then its exceptionally stupid to hold a festival next door to it.

For example i wouldnt hold a festival on the Turkish border where ypg exists on the opposite side.

Now if like say the north america, you stole the land 300 years ago and wiped out all the natives, so much time has passed and the troubles of that era are no longer applicable today. But Isreal/Palastine is alive as much today as it was when the first troubles broke out.

And dont make assumptions, about me justifying such things, i got plenty of posts on here saying the complete opposite. If there is one thing cant stand its euro origin peoples trying to decide what other people are thinking and feeling.

If anything your posts seem to have been justifying Isreal which is disgraceful, abhorrent.

Hamas targetted civilians, what the israelis are doing is genocide.
A systemical amd methodoligical genocide if you prefer ...
I can talk about China and its own problems but thats a whole other topic.

I'll just leave these numbers here for citizen vs expat populations of some countries:

Qatar: 0.3 million vs 2.3 million
UAE: 1 million vs 9 million
KSA: 18 million vs 14 million
Kuwait: 1 million vs 3 million
Bahrain: 0.7 million vs 0.8 million

The solution for Gazans predicament (caught in hellhole purgatory with hamas being the apex spear) should be easy one if Arab world thinks in proper long term way within the relevant forseeable horizon. That they didn't do very well with Syria, but it can be changed/adapted for Palestinian cause rather than the hypocrisy shown so far compared to the big talk by large parts of Arab world with commensurate privilege.

Palestine will be 100% retained in West Bank where the holy sites are. Islam will not abandon there one iota, so its different to Gaza. So it is best to consolidate there, wait things out and grow... and not bring hamas kind of factions to sacrifice more things recklessly like pawns at Iran's bidding there.

This was shaped in large deal by my sustained discussion with a good Palestinian friend over many years. But its all easier to talk about than put into action with millions of other minds in the fray with their own experiences.

But IMO, in process of more calmer principled praxis and growth you likely will find better rooted virtue as well which dulls the rough edges of identity wars (religions included) and improves the better things about the human endeavour, purpose and meaning in the transitional stage of nationstates we have now in human civilisation.

That would make conflicts like these redundant altogether in pattern like done of the older (pre nationstate) there great vengeance to be sought upon the Romans of today for the actions of Rome long ago upon Jerusalem? A Jew may freely walk under the Arch of Titus (the rabbinate made it officially fine explicitly in recent century), its a tourist attraction now...though I suppose he is free to speculate what lies in the vaults of the vatican that may have once resided in the temple mount....and that may one day be unlocked too with wiser human reform and progress.

Barbarism has reduced a great deal (% pop afflicted/total) in the last 1000 years (which reduced in turn from the 1000 years preceding it) but it will never quite be fully gone.....but we know enough to keep it minimal if we apply the right principled enlightened system....there are many tools to resolve disputes by sheer force of weight without need of taking human life, which is precious to every moral system underlying every large religion....tracing back to the common golden rule.

China will surprise a lot of you on Taiwan that way I still feel (contrary to what is put out in largest parts of world media fearful of China). Use your weight and gravity in low risk instead of your punch and high risk. But maybe I am wrong. I only speak Cantonese and grew up in HK, it is only a drop in the world of China as much as I try improve my mandarin now....despite the CCP having made me persona non-grata in HK for I rebelled in ways not to their liking. But China is far larger than the CCP in the end. No one knows it better than the Chinese themselves....that will be the path of China's slow redemption....because the economic rise and military strength is not sufficient thing on its own.

Anyway it is imperative that Arab world (especially establishment) becomes wiser and think long term. They are riven by too much corruption, hypocrisy and emotional big talking (rather than constructive wise "wait it out" measures that would serve the palestinians the best)...the oil wealth has dulled their senses where they have most levers at disposal. They get led by follies quite easily. Idle minds and idle time have made the situation quite hollow and delusional. You cant organise things on delusion.

Hey but hope springs eternal.
We could create a whole new thread if we are discuss about china . With it's pros and cons ... 😁😁
But , the way i see it ....they were bidding their time patiencely . War materiel preparation aside . They need the justification and " timing " chance ... Which they woukd never get ....
In the end they will start the taiwan show much like the japan do .. strong in the beginning and slowly get nibled by their inadequancies down the later progression ..
But , it seriously off topic .. i agree with your assesment. Hamas is a lost cause . Deranged and bitter ..yet the core struggle causes is still pure . That is why people still backing/commend them ... Not their organisation per se.b we condemn their way of doing things . But , people respect them for what they standing up for . As stupid as it sounds . They walk the talks . In the face a disproportional adversity they still voicing their causes . And they do not see things like most of the world do . In their eyes every israelis citizens is combattants . No question asked.
Now we are coming to the point of no return . Gaza will be obliterated . Hamas will ceased to exist . But do the resistance movement would ceased to exist too ... ?? Why nobody is willing to answer that is beyond me ...



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Kinda surprised to see some Turks shitting on this guy in the comments all because he was working security in Israel.
Some of Azerbaijan Jews fought against Armania, isn't it?

İ am also frustrated with the Turkish citizens who could not see the national interest of their country.

Iranian people know their national interest very well.

Neither supporting Iran nor neutrality is not adventage for Türkiye. Türkiye should fully support Israel as Azerbaycan does .

They can't understand,Tebriz could join Azerbaycan!

İf Tebriz liberalized:
Azerbaycan could be neighbor with Türkiye!
Türkmenistan, Kazakhstan could connect with Türkiye directly.

Caspian sea resources could be reach!

But our uneducated people behaving like children.

Look in today's Iran there was an another state
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I find the state's current position on issue correct. We are open to any mediation, including prisoner swaps. For that we need to be able to criticize both sides for their mistakes. I also find the masses who have been almsot licking Israel's ass for 2 days and the antithesis of these masses, the other neighborhood's ass lickers who say let's go to war with Israel, equally ridiculous reactions.

However, the tons of fake news made by the Zionist media, such as beheaded babies, kidnapped raped women, mass murder at a concert, etc., are post truth perception management that will backfire against Israel day by day. Because Israel is now committing atrocities that will bring the concepts of massacre and torture of the human body to a whole new level. These are not allegations, these are things that are on video. The head of the army is calling for atrocities on a scale that even Hitler never commit in his lifetime as like that, and they still portrayed as a victim by the international media. lol.

I don't think it is in our highest interests or in good conscience to stand with Israel. Being an unconditional ally of an apartheid country can have a detrimental effect on the continuity of Turkiye's foreign&security policy on three continents. We are not Israel's ally (they don't even see you as their equal, let alone an ally), we can trade, we can be gentlemen about not tripping each other in areas of common interest, that's all. Israel should remain as it is, any further ahead threatens Turkish interests, any further behind increases the influence of the other objectionable country, as you know. Our official thesis is a 2-state solution in line with relevant UN resolutions. Recognizing Palestine's right to statehood cannot be defined as pro-Palestinian in this context.
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I find the state's current position on issue correct. We are open to any mediation, including prisoner swaps. For that we need to be able to criticize both sides for their mistakes. I also find the masses who have been almsot licking Israel's ass for 2 days and the antithesis of these masses, the other neighborhood's ass lickers who say let's go to war with Israel, equally ridiculous reactions.

However, the tons of fake news made by the Zionist media, such as beheaded babies, kidnapped raped women, mass murder at a concert, etc., are post truth perception management that will backfire against Israel day by day. Because Israel is now committing atrocities that will bring the concepts of massacre and torture of the human body to a whole new level. These are not allegations, these are things that are on video. The head of the army is calling for atrocities on a scale that even Hitler never commit in his lifetime as like that, and they still portrayed as a victim by the international media. lol.

I don't think it is in our highest interests or in good conscience to stand with Israel. Being an unconditional ally of an apartheid country can have a detrimental effect on the continuity of Turkiye's foreign&security policy on three continents. We are not Israel's ally (they don't even see you as their equal, let alone an ally), we can trade, we can be gentlemen about not tripping each other in areas of common interest, that's all. Israel should remain as it is, any further ahead threatens Turkish interests, any further behind increases the influence of the other objectionable country, as you know. Our official thesis is a 2-state solution in line with relevant UN resolutions. Recognizing Palestine's right to statehood cannot be defined as pro-Palestinian in this context.

When Palestine ceases to exist in any form it will set off another 100 to 200 years of wars and conflicts in the middle east. Once these troubles escalate into surrounding arab nations who wont come to terms with the jews wiping out the arabs, the jews will play the same card they have over and over again. Claiming to be surrounded by muslim savages who want to wipe Isreal off the map and it will be used to justify further expansions.

The Isrealis and their backers have big plans for the middle east, its all about timing for them.

The anglo-american world and their zionist backers have been dehumanising Muslims for decades primarily for this long range plan. Once your dehumanised your delegitimised and your killing becomes acceptable. The relentless accusations of "genocide" against Turks is a similar strategy being conducted. Just like today in the west they made terrorist and muslim synonymous.

Honestly the end of Palestine is just the start of Isreali aggression in the region.

But all muslims when they see made in hollywood style violence being conducted by so called muslims must investigate those entities and find out who really controls them. The isrealis want the world to think Muslims are Isis. It could be many of these people are mossad affiliated.


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if you understand what islam told how to treat war prisoner, you will not ever think it was a mistake. what you just said it was non moslem POV, or some one who pretend to be moslem or disobedient moslem. Salahuddin was one of the best moslem leader personification

I know, but this is war, not a contest of morals and values. Saladin might have won himself the awe and respect of the people, but his failure to teach the Crusaders a lesson after the recapture of Jerusalem meant that 835 years later, the same violence are being perpetrated to his people in the same land he liberated. This error should not be repeated.

Also, you forgot one thing, Islam prohibits any harm to the defeated party IF they were given other options BEFORE the shooting starts. For example: I granted the citizens of the country of X general amnesty IF they drop down their weapons NOW. Had I broken my promise AFTER I granted the amnesty, I could probably draw the ire of god.

But what if I don't offer general amnesty at all, basically dooming people to a no-quarter-given situation? Am I to be blamed for what happened after, of course not. You need to be cunning and imaginative to find loopholes in the law of war, to circumvent it when it suits you.

And in the long run there will be times when the superiority in might and power will be back to the Arabs and Israel finally find themselves in the situation where Gazans find themselves now.

If I am a soldier or a commander during that time, the last thing I want to do, is to give amnesty, especially after the state had invested so much to remind people (using the pretext I'm talking about earlier) about what the Israelis had done to my people generation earlier.

People call it cruel, I call it statecraft.
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