Active member
Sure, thanks.I can't delete it either. I refer you to @Yasar_TR
Sure, thanks.I can't delete it either. I refer you to @Yasar_TR
That's not much, my posts were deleted " For the style of writing" and with the advices how I should see the things.Sure, thanks.
That's not much, my posts were deleted " For the style of writing" and with the advices how I should see the things.
I believe if any region in Israel will wish to separate and create their own state - they are welcome to do so. For example if Galilee Arabs wish to separate from Israel (to create own state or to became part of Lebanon or Palestinian state) - they are welcome. But they prefer to live in "apartheid' Israel for some reason.@500
You keep dodging the important questions I asked you. Let me ask again, more clearly.
What would be your reaction if a certain ethno-religious group come and settle on your lands claiming it is promised by God? And then establish a state in expense of Israel's sovereignty?
Would you make peace with them and accept total humiliation?
60 days not 6.Let me get this right ... According to biden .After 6 days . The IDF has to get out from southern lebanon while hezbo just need to proclaim their forces are crossing the litani river and then the buffer zone are going to be policed by the UN forces and Lebanese army ....??
Am i missing something here ...??
Please correct me if i am wrong ...
I thought you are winning ?? How come it became a ceasefire now ?? Pardon for my slow comprehension here ... I thought the winning side alwayss pressing on their advantages ?? ...60 days not 6.
Some numbers:
In 2006 Lebanon war Israel lost 121 soldiers, while Hezbollah - 600. The ratio 1-5.
In 2023-2024 war Israel lost 79 soldiers while Hezbollah - over 2200. The ratio 28-1.
In 2006 no high command of Hezbollah was hit.
In 2023-2024 war the entire high command of Hezbollah was eliminated.
In 2006 246 buildings were destroyed in Dahya (Hezbollah Beirut quarter).
In 2023-2024 360 buildings were destroyed in Dahya.
In 2006 Hezbollah fired about 4,000 rockets in 33 days. 121 rockets per day. Killing 44 civilians.
In 2023-2024 Hezbollah fired about 20,000 rockets. in 414 days. 48 rockets per day. Killing 45 civilians.
I thought you are winning ?? How come it became a ceasefire now ?? Pardon for my slow comprehension here ... I thought the winning side alwayss pressing on their advantages ?? ...
Wait, what? The brutal death-cult group never actually $tood for anything in the fir$t place and don't give two crap$ about Gazan civilian$ and it wa$ all about "get the Jew$!" from the beginning?
I, for one, am $hocked. $hocked I tell you!
(Individual keyboaard key$ quitting working i$ no fun, blahh.)
Oh well, a$ you $ay 500, it wa$ nothing like '06 thi$ time. The IDF won that one too, but yeah, the Hez remnant$ don't get to claim any type of victory now that their entire leader$hip'$ been di$mantled and military capability $qui$hed under the boot. 2024 wa$ a fun one, bring on the inevitable future round once the UN derpa-derpz and di$play$ it$ u$ele$$ne$$, allowing Hez guy$ $outh of the river again in a few month$.
Israel never claimed that it will disarm entire Hezbollah.
You and your tribe lost heavily. Without US militairy support your country couldnt survive 1 day fighting.
You couldnt even march 3 km into South Lebanon and hold it.![]()
Hezbollah even coming to the table for talk$ i$ an admi$$ion of defeat, $cott, given their prior po$turing.
No Gaza cea$efire, they talked to the I$raeli$ and went all "can't we ju$t get aloooonng?" all the $ame. Only after, you know, their entire leader$hip $tructure wa$ di$mantled man-by-man and the lion'$ $hare of their ability to $hoot anything into I$rael wa$ taken out.
Unlike '06, where even though Hez lo$t you could $till $ee how they'd be able to frame it a$ a $talemate or whatever, that i$n't how thing$ went down thi$ time. They're fucked a$ an organization well into the future, you won't be hearing a peep from Hezbollah the way we have been, going forward. They're Al Qaeda now, they're Dae$h now. Limping on, $till a thing, but in practical term$ ab$olutely nothing.
Now I$rael'$ free to figure out what to do about Gaza, unmole$ted by the all-bark-no-bite guy$ to the north.
Total bogus. This guy is alive and well.