Sources for Al Jazeera: Al-Qassam Brigades capture a new group of Israeli soldiers and engage in violent clashes inside the cover settlements
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As I said in the beginning I'm fairly neutral in this conflict and am more interested in military tactics than I am with who is in the right and who is in the wrong. I'm keenly interested to see what else Hamas had planned, as you would assume that they have to know that there will be retaliation. I'm also interested to see how Israel approaches this conflict and how many lives they're willing to lose in urban fighting, rather than simply leveling infrastructure and storming Gaza.
While part of your reasoning are sound . I think your biggest enemy is your own allies ...Some people here need a reality check. If we look at the geopolitical situation, being emotional has no benefits for Türkiye. You can't let religion and morality cloud your judgment on this situation. Both sides are morally corrupt, but with the killing of 260 festival attendees alone, Hamas definitely takes the cake for this round. I digress.
Let's just imagine that Israel fell.
All of a sudden, Türkiye would be the only country that can confront Iran in the middle east. Issue is that we currently can't conduct deep strikes in Iran. Meaning that we would be staring down the barrel of a nuclear armed Iran within 5 or so years. Not only does this highlight the importance of the Anka 3 program, but is also why it's important for us to repair and maintain relations with Israel until the Iranian threat is neutralized.
It seems that people don't grasp the fact that Iran is the biggest threat to our nation in the long term and also the primary power which is blocking the uniting of the Turkic World.
The anti-Turk lobby knows this. Armenian and Greek lobbys in the USA have convinced the USA that keeping Iran afloat is more useful than destroying them. 6 billion aid, almost no retaliation and allowing Iran to run amuck for several years, it has lead to Iran threatening Azerbaijan and Türkiye, and also this latest conflict in Israel-Palestine.
It's much more useful for the US as well to allow Iran to embolden itself rather than allowing a Turkic corridor which would lead to a union of militaristic and somewhat competent nations which would not only threaten Europe's power, but US hegemony.
As we speak, Iran is funneling millions of more Afghans and Pakistanis to the Turkish border. They are also openly threatening Azerbaijan.
Their ultimate goal is to establish a corridor to the Mediterranean. This is obvious, their activities in Iraq and Syria are for this reason. One of the biggest road blocks to this is Israel. That's why they wish to destroy Israel, you think they give a shit about Palestinian lives? Once this happens, all Arab nations would simply fall to them. Hamas-Hezbollah or whatever other Iranianian backed entities there are, would sweep through the Arab world unopposed. Sunni and Shia wouldn't matter, the victory against Israel would legitimize Iran.
This new power would then quickly turn it's head to Türkiye. With 13 million uneducated Muslim refugees, we would have a situation which would make the current PKK conflict look like nothing. There's a reason why Greeks and Armenians bow down to Iranians online. They think that they will be their savior.
This is their dream. We have a lot of internal enemies that support this as well. Luckily they have all made themselves feel so comfortable that it's out in the open who they are. As for the threat from Iran itself, there's a reason why TSK has been arming itself so heavily. Eventually we will confront them. We need to before they go nuclear. Only Israel and Türkiye have the balls and capabilities to finish this threat. If you believe that the USA wants to see this, you are naive. Iran's nothing but a counterbalance to Türkiye in their eyes, hell, they are acting more friendly with Iran than with us.
We need to establish stronger relations with Israel while they're in crisis. This is an alliance of necessity.
While part of your reasoning are sound . I think your biggest enemy is your own allies ...
You might want to contradict my statement . But , it's OK ....
There are 2 ways to contain your enemy . Controlled enviromment/boiling frog methods ...or simply erased them for once and all ..
And alll i can see is turkey was allready in the ketle right now ...
Yeah , the cooks was a litle bit occupied in pacific and bankrolling a failed state at the moment . But the intention are persist .
Palestinian Arabs are not related to Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula. So they are not traitors.I can talk a lot about this point of yours but derailing the thread rn isnt ideal
All what I can say is that it isnt about religious extremism but tribalism
But let me just summarise it by saying that....
It is more about how the current nations came into existence after the collapse of the Ottomans. Deep inside, current kings and rulers both in Europe and Med East are afraid from a strong Turkey. One day, Turkey, if allowed to grow, may end up reswallowing all of those shitheads and destroy their legacy. I met many Europeans in my life who refused to admit how the Ottomans steamrolled Europe and met many pro-regime Arabs who admits that the coup in Turkey should have succeeded and turkey should return to being a one man rule just like all the other Med East states to ensure stability in the region
Ataturk was right on one thing, Turks should never fight for the Arabs unless they have some sort of strategic importance. Turks arent like Arabs and religious belief about Ummah stuff will just cause the Turks to sacrifice for the Arabs while the Arabs backstab them again since the Arabs themselves are the furthest thing from being an Ummah
Doesn't look like it has any real guidance. It just goes in a straight line and likely has a large blast radius. It might have a timed fuze based on estimated target distance (not a proximity fuze)I saw the video
What is that guidance system ??
Some people here need a reality check. If we look at the geopolitical situation, being emotional has no benefits for Türkiye. You can't let religion and morality cloud your judgment on this situation. Both sides are morally corrupt, but with the killing of 260 festival attendees alone, Hamas definitely takes the cake for this round. I digress.
Let's just imagine that Israel fell.
All of a sudden, Türkiye would be the only country that can confront Iran in the middle east. Issue is that we currently can't conduct deep strikes in Iran. Meaning that we would be staring down the barrel of a nuclear armed Iran within 5 or so years. Not only does this highlight the importance of the Anka 3 program, but is also why it's important for us to repair and maintain relations with Israel until the Iranian threat is neutralized.
It seems that people don't grasp the fact that Iran is the biggest threat to our nation in the long term and also the primary power which is blocking the uniting of the Turkic World.
The anti-Turk lobby knows this. Armenian and Greek lobbys in the USA have convinced the USA that keeping Iran afloat is more useful than destroying them. 6 billion aid, almost no retaliation and allowing Iran to run amuck for several years, it has lead to Iran threatening Azerbaijan and Türkiye, and also this latest conflict in Israel-Palestine.
It's much more useful for the US as well to allow Iran to embolden itself rather than allowing a Turkic corridor which would lead to a union of militaristic and somewhat competent nations which would not only threaten Europe's power, but US hegemony.
As we speak, Iran is funneling millions of more Afghans and Pakistanis to the Turkish border. They are also openly threatening Azerbaijan.
Their ultimate goal is to establish a corridor to the Mediterranean. This is obvious, their activities in Iraq and Syria are for this reason. One of the biggest road blocks to this is Israel. That's why they wish to destroy Israel, you think they give a shit about Palestinian lives? Once this happens, all Arab nations would simply fall to them. Hamas-Hezbollah or whatever other Iranianian backed entities there are, would sweep through the Arab world unopposed. Sunni and Shia wouldn't matter, the victory against Israel would legitimize Iran.
This new power would then quickly turn it's head to Türkiye. With 13 million uneducated Muslim refugees, we would have a situation which would make the current PKK conflict look like nothing. There's a reason why Greeks and Armenians bow down to Iranians online. They think that they will be their savior.
This is their dream. We have a lot of internal enemies that support this as well. Luckily they have all made themselves feel so comfortable that it's out in the open who they are. As for the threat from Iran itself, there's a reason why TSK has been arming itself so heavily. Eventually we will confront them. We need to before they go nuclear. Only Israel and Türkiye have the balls and capabilities to finish this threat. If you believe that the USA wants to see this, you are naive. Iran's nothing but a counterbalance to Türkiye in their eyes, hell, they are acting more friendly with Iran than with us.
We need to establish stronger relations with Israel while they're in crisis. This is an alliance of necessity.
Who's saying that war has to wage on the military means alone ?? If Iran was an idiot . We don't have a premiere show right now .But , if you have such conviction upon the camaradarie of your allies ...who am i to say ...The difference is that no state in NATO is willing to go to war with Türkiye. Even the US doesn't have the stomach to do this, it would be too costly and risky. The public is sick of wars, and US bases and Aircraft Carriers would be easy targets. It simply isn't worth the risk, even with all that airpower.
Iran on the otherhand is stupid enough to risk everything. They believe that their cheap and numerous arsenal of drones and missiles would overwhelm us. They also are a relentless enemy. They would lose hundreds of thousands of troops before giving up. This is why they're a threat. Give them nukes and they would attempt anything.
@Ryder @Timur and others this is the true face of the mazlum Palestinians take a note these treasonous scams will use you to their end and sell you to your enemies as soon as it benefits themPlease man, specially you, don’t use wrods like brotherhood or Muslims or Standing. Can you tell me where were Turkey during ( First Nagorno-Karabakh War ) ? Why After 30 years Turkey supported Azerbaijan in it’s victory ?!
Chechenia under shamil basayev provided military aid to azerbaijan, and ruslan utsiev himself provided 2000 Manpads and million of dollars to azerbaijan.Because israel was one of the few countries that helpend them in contrary to its muslim brothers in arabia and persia.
See this is the problem, you guys always demand sympathy and support from your muslim brothers but when its time to give back you, more often than not, dont only deny this support, you even work with our enemies to undermine us.
Hence so many Turks who dont feel like siding with palestinians.
This is why I always put an emphasis on Arabs for this gargantuan effort, note that I always put Arabs first, and then Muslims (common), I know for a fact that Turkiye is a very secular country with its people divided into the very secular who want a Turkic hegemony and the citizens who crave for the old days of Ottomanism where Islam is central core. You can't have both sides, because to achieve one you need to sacrifice the other.
Tbh, in the Arab world you have secularists like Baath and the Islamists as well, but they have more in common when it comes to the final reconquest of Palestine, this is their common agreement, which I couldn't find between Turkish secularists and Turkish Islamists.
Luckily for the Arabs, in the long run time is on their side.
I think no guidance at all, its a fuze at the front. Its clearly not radar housing cone.
Doesn't look like it has any real guidance. It just goes in a straight line and likely has a large blast radius. It might have a timed fuze based on estimated target distance (not a proximity fuze)
Honestly, seeing the skill of Hamas, I wouldn't be surprised if they make good use of them.Hmmmmm
At least better than nothing.