Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Please, they almost lost the Yom Kippur War, were it not for the massive financial and militairy aid they got after 2 days.

Even now there are US and German special forces and marines in Israel helping and advising them. There is a even a Dutch special unit landing in South Cyprus to monitor South Lebanon for them.

In the Yom Kippur War they got twice the aid from the West that Ukraine gets now, because they were really in danger.

They never fought a war alone. Not in 1948, not in 1956, not in 1967, and not in 1973. The myth of the tiny little jewish state that defeated all her enemies at the same time all alone, is only a myth.

The only war that they fought 1-on-1 was in 2006 against Hezbollah, and they lost.
In fact it is crusade . Western crusaders are fighting for Jerusalem by the name of Israel.

Marquis de Sade

Morals and Dogma is important because its a book given to every 33 degree freemason. We are fortunate to live in an age where these secrets can be obtained by anyone at the click of a finger.

Read it, to see what these people have planned for us and what they think of us. The globalist agenda entirely comes out of these fraternal orders.

The other one to read is Americas secret destiny by manly p hall anther 33rd degree freemason.

Both Manly P Hall and Albeit Pike are considered prophets of freemasonry, nearly every US president was a freemason with the exception of one or two like JFK.

To understand this world you have to understand these societies, but to understand them is no east task, it took me about 15 years of reading.

The letter in question I'm not entirely sure and I'm too lazy to figure it out now whether it was real or not, but the prediction for world war 3 does seem like the pieces are being set up that way. Get the Jews and Muslims to destroy each other and drag the rest of the world into that hell. At the end of it people will say you see the hell religion causes and from there change society completely. You have to give it to the whites, they are so much shrewder and cunning then anyone else on earth. If you really think about it both Muslims and Zionist jews are collectively behind dehumanised.

Meanwhile the media is playing the common man like a fiddle. No news about the Uyghurs and their suffering, but this issue is blown up to mega proportions despite jews controlling much of the western media. that means its intended to be that way. Muslims and Jews collectively are being used and abused.

And like i always say on here, we have to read the books our enemies put out. Most people have no idea who the actual enemy is.

Thank you very much, i will start reading it.

I always adored the Confederates because of their independant mindset, their beautifull flag and General Lee but Pike i never liked, for me he is more of a Trojan Horse in the Confederate Army, he is like Cagliostro who wanted to destroy France.

Jefferson, Wilson, JFK, Eisenhower and Trump are the only non-masons on the POTUS-list.

A while ago i read Exodus written by Leon Uris about the wealthy zionists moving on ships from Europe to Palestine right before and after WO II (and how they attacked, rejected or sunk the other ships with poor jews because they werent good enough for the newborn Israeli state).

The new arriving settlers were frustrated and traumatized and thirsty for blood so when they landed in Palestina they formed terrorist organisations like the Irgun, Hagana, Palmach and the Stern Gang to fight against the Brittish and Palestinians.

And i read Bram Stoker's Dracula as a teenager. Well, the trip of the zionists per ship from Europe to Palestine, has a lot of shocking similarities with the trip of Count Dracula from Transsylvania to England (also on a ship) hunting for fresh blood.
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🔴Israeli tanks ENTER from the east of Beit Hanoun in the north of the Gaza Strip, - Arab media.

❗️The Gaza Strip is being attacked by Israel “from land, sea and air” - Hamas.

Video of Israel Navy attack

Meanwhile, a representative of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that the Gaza Strip is completely cut off from the outside world.
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This phone call is from a journalist stationed at a Gaza hospital. He is able to make a call because of data roaming on Turkish SIM card. Translation: “We’re in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. We have no idea what’s happening. There’s no connection, no Wi-Fi, no reporters. We’re cut off from everything.. People can’t call ambulances or civil defense. We are being bombed in an unprecedented manner. The sky around us just lights up [with explosions], and no one knows what’s going on. You can’t reach anyone, even if they’re only 500 meters away. Ambulances and medics are begging reporters to let them know which streets are getting bombarded to go rescue the victims but the reporters themselves don’t know where anything is happening [because of the connection loss]. We are trying to report the news but we have no idea what’s happening.”


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⚡️ABC News: IDF spokesman Peter Lerner denied that the expansion of the operation was an official ground invasion that was expected.

⚡️ABC News reports that a senior US official interpreted today's Israeli actions as a "limited invasion."
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Thank you very much, i will start reading it.

I always adored the Confederates because of their independant mindset, their beautifull flag and General Lee but Pike i never liked, for me he is more of a Trojan Horse in the Confederate Army, he is like Cagliostro who wanted to destroy France.

Jefferson, Wilson, JFK, Eisenhower and Trump are the only non-masons on the POTUS-list.

A while ago i read Exodus written by Leon Uris about the wealthy zionists moving on ships from Europe to Palestine right before and after WO II (and how they attacked, rejected or sunk the other ships with poor jews because they werent good enough for the newborn Israeli state).

The new arriving settlers were frustrated and traumatized and thirsty for blood so when they landed in Palestina they formed terrorist organisations like the Irgun, Hagana, Palmach and the Stern Gang to fight against the Brittish and Palestinians.

And i read Bram Stoker's Dracula as a teenager. Well, the trip of the zionists per ship from Europe to Palestine, has a lot of shocking similarities with the trip of Count Dracula from Transsylvania to England (also on a ship) hunting for fresh blood.

Freemasonry is like the elephant in the room, its the one society that connects all the other societies together, whether they be Jesuits, Rosicrucian's, OTO , Knights of Malta, etc etc. All of them are bound together in their higher degrees by Freemasonry. But keep in mind 90% of masons are just the useful idiots, the outer circle kept in the lower levels in a complete state of ignorance. I would imagine that the higher ups in FETO for example are all masons, while the grand majority of its political islamists are kept in a state of ignorance about it all.

But its impossible to have any real idea as to what's going on at a global level without studying these entities. But don't make the mistake in falling for charlatans like alex jones, or shite like david icke or any of the new age bullshit. Those guys are counter intelligence, they take the truth and mix crazy shit into it to completely delegitimise the truths and harm anyone's ability to expose any of it, since they are tarnished with shit like "lizard people".

The most important thing is for people to directly read the materials the enemy puts out, they think we are dumb stupid animals who wont read it and even if a few of us do read it, we wont understand it.

And keep in mind when you read Morals and Dogma he explains that Masonry will always give the people their heroes in order to direct the enegries of the masses in a direction that is conducive to their global ambitions. People like Trump are prime examples of this. If he was anti establishment he would never become a billionaire, never been given a platform and never become a president. Most likely we would have never heard of him.

If you read the books by professor carrol quigley a man who was part of this establishment, he points out how republican vs democrat is intentionally just a sham to make the people think they are free, when in reality they are nearly identical in their policies. He mentions how it would be great negligence for a state as great as the USA to leave her global direction in the hands of the electorate and their whims. He even explains which organisations in the USA direct American policy and its not the president.

This is why when it comes to things like the PKK the agenda is consistent, it doesn't change irrespective of whose in power. Unless Turkiye has the power to force the change they want to see in the region, you could have 50 presidents and their policy concerning the PKK will be the same.
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There is information that dozens of ballistic missiles and Sahed 136 kamikaze UAVs were fired from Yemen.
Bro... that's temmuz. One of the worst popular sources when it comes to security developments. Take everything he posts with a grain of salt. If he is telling you "good night" look out of the window to see if it's really a night.


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Please, they almost lost the Yom Kippur War, were it not for the massive financial and militairy aid they got after 2 days.

Even now there are US and German special forces and marines in Israel helping and advising them. There is a even a Dutch special unit landing in South Cyprus to monitor South Lebanon for them.

In the Yom Kippur War they got twice the aid from the West that Ukraine gets now, because they were really in danger.

They never fought a war alone. Not in 1948, not in 1956, not in 1967, and not in 1973. The myth of the tiny little jewish state that defeated all her enemies at the same time all alone, is only a myth.

The only war that they fought 1-on-1 was in 2006 against Hezbollah, and they lost.
Lol in the Yom Kippur war they were suprise attacked by a coalition of neighboring countries, aided by multiple expeditionary forces, helped financed by funding across the region. The opposing armies outnumbered the Israeli military substantially and attacked them on a holiday. Not only did they win the war in less than 3 weeks, but the casualty totals for the attackers were 3×-4x higher than what Israel faced. We're talking about a country that had a tiny population relative to its neighbours who teamed up against them. Of course they suffered significantly casualties, but nowhere close to those suffered by the coalition that attacked them.

People love making excuses. Despite their collective best effort, the Eqyptian and Syrian forces, complemented by a variety of expeditionary forces, were thoroughly embarrassed and soundly defeated. Just admit the L and move on.


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Okay, so here is the thing.
What makes Hamas different than ISIS or Al qaida is that, the other terror groups like to brag about killing/blowing up civilians/infidels and like to take the credits for it. (Even sometimes when they didn't do it)

But until now, Hamas is strongly denying the allegation of deliberate targeting of civilians at operational level and sticking with the narrative that it was a military operation on military objectives.

But what makes it difficult to sell is the fact that, the numbers of Civilian casualties far exceeded the numbers of IDF casualties.
Image that has stuck with me for the past two weeks is the photo of the two grandmas shot dead in a bus stop.


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It doesn't seem as if this is a full fledged ground invasion yet. It seems like there were attempted negotiations but one (or both) sides didn't find the terms acceptable, so Israel's keeping on with the bombing campaign and starting to trickle armored elements into some areas of Northeastern Gaza.


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I am starting to feel sorry for the ukranians .
Lol why? The USA still has more than $5 Billion left in Presidential Drawdown Authority and Federal grant authority to provide Ukraine plenty of weaponry throughout the remainder of 2023. They just chose a new Speaker of House and Congress is now negotiating the terms of a new, $61 Billion usd spending bill to help Ukraine throughout 2024. That's on top of the $50 Billion the EU will send Ukraine in 2024 and the $20+ Billion Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, etc will send. Overall, Ukraine's 2024 war funding will look like this....

Ukraine: $42 Billion usd
United States: $61 Billion usd
EU: $30+ Billion usd
Other Allies: $20+ Billion usd
World Bank: $10+ Billion usd
Fundraising: $2-3 Billion usd

Ukraine is going to have a war chest of roughly $165 Billion usd in 2024. They're not going to be lacking for financial support in any way shape or form.

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