Some on point explanation by Daniel here especially No.6 and 5

Political subtleness is the very essence of a lobby, the silent hand. but Israel seems like on its way to show the world who secretly controls America and the West. Not even Harvard boss is safe, and neither do you. This creates a cycle of hatred towards Israel and Zionism because now everyone can see what the lobby is all about and how it destroys democracy.

New Atheists who hide behind the cloak of "free speech" seem to be very brazen with their criticism of Islam and Christianity, but somewhat mute with Judaism. Not one person are aware of Amalek before the Zionists themselves floated the word with Netanyahu. This is turn open discourseabout what does Judaism teaches about Non-Jews(Gentiles) which in turn open wide their belief that only Jews are human beings and others are to serve Jews.

Once obscure facts about Jewish religion is now open for everyone to see and analyze, including how their belief justify hate, extremism and Apartheid

Boycotts are overwhelmingly successful. It is so painful for Starbucks that they were forced to make statements distancing themselves from the action of Israel