Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Shiites say that Hussein's supporters died mainly from thirst, and not from the enemy's sword.
If you remove all the religious fluff, you can see that there was a struggle for power!
Many hadiths were invented later by the Persians.
The Persians are masters of storytelling. No wonder the most famous Persian is the storyteller Shahrizade ;)

Karbala is a tragedy. Im sick of it being used for secratarianism.

Its been 1000 years people need to move on.

Prophet Muhammed did not dwell upon Khadijah and Abu Talib dying despite the enormous sorrow he suffered.

Karbala is a tragedy but people really need to move on. What is even more disgusting how Iran uses the karbala tragedy to support its tyranny how Nasrallah sent troops to support Tyrant Bashar Al Assad.

Hussein fought against Tyrants he did not fight for them.

Yazid is a tyrant just like Bashar Al Assad, Khomeini and Saddam. I could careless if they are Sunni or Shia they were all tyrants.

Azerbaijan really needs to watch out not allow Iran to infiltrate. Azerbaijan is a majority Shia and with a 20% Sunni population. If Iran or Saudi Arabia sow the seeds for sectratarianism it will be a blood bath. We seen what Sunni vs Shia has done to Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Syria.

Iran will do something to justify attacking Azerbaijan rather than Israel.

Sunni vs Shia only benefits Israel. Let them be occupied with themselves while they expand Israel into the West Bank and Lebanon.


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Killed leaders and the destruction of South Lebanon is nothing new for Hezbollah or Lebanon. It was destructed many times before in the civil wars.

Nasrallah (may God save his soul) himself was a replacement of a killed leader.

This war can last for years like in Ukraine.

Israel didnt achieve any of their goals:

1. - Destroying Hamas (FAILED)
2. - Rescue all hostages (FAILED)
3.- Destroying Hezbollah (FAILED)
4.- Bringing back jews to North Israel (FAILED)
5.- Trigging Iranian response (FAILED)

If you are a irregular militia, your goal is not to defeat the enemy state army but to keep it in constant state of stress, anger, readiness, busyness and turmoil.

Nasrallahs death actually brought joy to Syrians just like Soleimanis death.

Both sent their thugs to kill Syrians rather than fight the Zionists.

Care so much about shia solidarity that Iran had no problem helping Armenia against Azerbaijan.
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May I ask a simply question?

What was the reason of establishment of Hezbollah and when did this happen?

*Harrison Ford voice* Who gives a shit?

They'll justify Hezbollah existing no matter what, the reasoning's inconsequential. They're here, they exist, they need to be dealt with, and seemingly mostly have been. No need to give them the type of fight they want, tunnel ambushes. Just continue stomping them every time you pick up the heat signature from a rocket launch, Israel can do that in their sleep. And in the meantime, you cut the umbilical cord feeding them with all these munitions, by going after the Ayatollah and his guys. More assassinations inside Iran, nuclear scientists having friendly encounters with a plain-clothes guy on a motorbike with an uzi, the works.


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May I ask a simply question?

What was the reason of establishment of Hezbollah and when did this happen?
Hezbollah was created by Iran to ''help'' in case of war with sunnis and Israel(attack on Iran).
Take a look at Syria,Hezbollah got involved because of Iran.
We have sent many to their maker when they killed our soldiers during the various operations in Syria.
You can say that its also good for us that Hezbollah gets destroyed.

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