Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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The IDF had already killed the next like 3 guys in line to replace Nasrallah before they even got Nasrallah, man.

*Morgan Freeman voice* Good luck.
May I ask a simply question?

What was the reason of establishment of Hezbollah and when did this happen?


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Killed leaders and the destruction of South Lebanon is nothing new for Hezbollah or Lebanon. It was destructed many times before in the civil wars.

Nasrallah (may God save his soul) himself was a replacement of a killed leader.

This war can last for years like in Ukraine.

Israel didnt achieve any of their goals:

1. - Destroying Hamas (FAILED)
2. - Rescue all hostages (FAILED)
3.- Destroying Hezbollah (FAILED)
4.- Bringing back jews to North Israel (FAILED)
5.- Trigging Iranian response (FAILED)

If you are a irregular militia, your goal is not to defeat the enemy state army but to keep it in constant state of stress, anger, readiness, busyness and turmoil.

Nasrallahs death actually brought joy to Syrians just like Soleimanis death.

Both sent their thugs to kill Syrians rather than fight the Zionists.

Care so much about shia solidarity that Iran had no problem helping Armenia against Azerbaijan.
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May I ask a simply question?

What was the reason of establishment of Hezbollah and when did this happen?

*Harrison Ford voice* Who gives a shit?

They'll justify Hezbollah existing no matter what, the reasoning's inconsequential. They're here, they exist, they need to be dealt with, and seemingly mostly have been. No need to give them the type of fight they want, tunnel ambushes. Just continue stomping them every time you pick up the heat signature from a rocket launch, Israel can do that in their sleep. And in the meantime, you cut the umbilical cord feeding them with all these munitions, by going after the Ayatollah and his guys. More assassinations inside Iran, nuclear scientists having friendly encounters with a plain-clothes guy on a motorbike with an uzi, the works.


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May I ask a simply question?

What was the reason of establishment of Hezbollah and when did this happen?
Hezbollah was created by Iran to ''help'' in case of war with sunnis and Israel(attack on Iran).
Take a look at Syria,Hezbollah got involved because of Iran.
We have sent many to their maker when they killed our soldiers during the various operations in Syria.
You can say that its also good for us that Hezbollah gets destroyed.


Wait, the IDF has a contingent of demons to unleash that they haven't used yet? Whoa man. :unsure:

I'd have set the hell beasts off the leash to begin with, last year, they sound pretty cool & effective. But that's just me.


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Back in the old days, religion and which gods you believed in was a matter of practicality and utility, in that whichever seemed more powerful and victorious had the higher claim to legitimacy. The main forces behind the proselytisation of the two dominant religions of the world (Christianity and Islam), were the political and commercial victorious forces; for Christianity, first that of the Roman Empire, then after a period of decline and losing believers to Islam in North Africa and middle-east, came the Spanish Empire and the Portuguese in Latin America, North Italian polities and their influence on Jesuit learning leading to proselytisation in East Asia, then the British Empire and the French both in Africa and other parts of the world. Same thing for forces of Islam in West Asia, North and East Africa, South Asia and East Asia, as a lot of conversion was based on joining the victor mindset and giving in to the destined manifestation of god's will.

The humiliation that the Muslim world has experienced at the hands of the superior Western powers again and again has led to many social upheavals and experiments with political systems. The recent wave of Islamism was partially a reponse to the perceived inadequacies of Arab nationalism after the defeats in Palestine.

But what this recent wave of humiliation will bring is not certain. What it will not bring, however, is a calculated approach, since that takes very specific conditions. I assume another emotional reaction will follow; it will probably lead to another wave of Arab nationalism in places where people think they've had their bout with Islamism, but since calculated response is out of the window (as that requires a highly educated body politic), I think the monarchies and military dictatorships will have another decade of upheaval generally based on neo-Salafism and nostalgia for when the house of Islam was not divided.


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I see we're adding Lebanese to the pantheon of refugees/immigrants that hate Turks but have no problem living in our country.


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May I ask a simply question?

What was the reason of establishment of Hezbollah and when did this happen?

Hezbollah was born out of the Lebanese Civil war. The Muslims, Christians and the Druze all formed their own groups and militias they not only fought each other but also among themselves.

Lebanese Civil War was basically a battle royale.

Even Asala and Pkk took part. Lots of groups all honed their skills with this civil war.

Maronite Christian groups invited Israel to invade. Just like in WW1 where they invited France to invade Lebanon to kick the Ottoman Empire out.


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Ottoman Empire was the best thing to happen to the Middle East.

No Israel, No Arab Countries and no Iran.

People should get back to me when Israel, Iran and Arab countries even achieve a fraction of what the Ottomans ruled in the Middle East. Thanks to them along with Western Interventions that the region has not seen peace.


Port that the Houthis have been getting their Iranian goody-bags from just went boom boom.

Bosniak Revival

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I see we're adding Lebanese to the pantheon of refugees/immigrants that hate Turks but have no problem living in our country.

Turkish troops have been killed & injured by Hezbollah aligned shia militants in Syria & Iraq

They all celebrated when Russia airstriked Turkish soldiers in 2020.

No sane Turk should show them or Nasrallah any sympathy at all

Leave em to the dogs


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I will go the the Abbasid first.
First of all, ew gross. Second, they introduced Turks as slave soldiers. We took over the entire Islamic civilization two generations after the fact.

And to tie the two topics together, you can basically match Abbasid Caliph's response to Crusades with Gulf countries today an how they react to Israeli aggression. Ineptitude and disinterest.


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First of all, ew gross. Second, they introduced Turks as slave soldiers. We took over the entire Islamic civilization two generations after the fact.

That is not entirely due to Turks' geniuses. Neither exclusive to them. Early Islamic empires had a unique structural set up that allowed unparalleled upward social and political mobility for freed slaves and their descendents within a generation. Ottoman system also had similar characteristics. Something that never happened with slaves in America.

And to tie the two topics together, you can basically match Abbasid Caliph's response to Crusades with Gulf countries today an how they react to Israeli aggression. Ineptitude and disinterest.

Crusade is a late story in Abbasid period. Not a fair comparison.


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U.S. media reporting that Israel has informed the Americans that they will indeed commit to a "limited ground invasion" of Southern Lebanon.

Personally, I think this is a mistake. I understand that Hezbollah is in disarray after most of it's upper and middle tier leadership has been killed and severely incapacitated, but I think there is significantly more that can be done through the air. Israel, obviously has no respect for Iran and their willingness to send military assets to help Hezbollah out, but I think that the 2000'ish air strikes into Lebanon over the few weeks was just the beginning of what Israel could have done in destroying Hezbollah's infrastructure from the air.

Time will tell how costly this will be for Israel in terms of life and war material. The big question remains the following, however. Will Iran 🇮🇷 continue to hide in the corner, or will it do something to back up all it's barking?



Yeah, I don't know about this either, feels unwarranted given how much success they've had already. I get they want to knock out the tunnel network, or heavily degrade it, but you'd figure you could go a ways to get there by air power alone anyway. I doubt they've depleted their bunker busters just getting Nasrallah, more where those came from.

Hm. Only thing giving me second thoughts is how shockingly successful the campaign's been already, maybe they have something up their sleeve tactically here too that Hez hasn't anticipated, lessons learned from '06 and some way to mitigate the risk of the cowards-in-tunnels-with-boom-boom-RPGs. Who the hell knows. Still doesn't read as a smart move to me - special ops guys getting in and sabotaging a bunch of shit then getting out, yes. But regulars in large numbers feels unwise, especially with an armored element.

We'll wait and see how it plays out I guess. As for your Iran question, they're not getting in the game, if they could they would have. Also hearing rumors that the intelligence on where Nasrallah was came from an Iranian in-country, too, if that's true could be they simply saw which way the wind was blowing and gave up Hezbollah on a plate to placate the west and lower the chances of us coming for them if shit gets worse. Not sure I buy that, but guess it's possible.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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"Limited ground invasion" reads to me more like a negotiation threat rather than an actual commitment.

And yeah, I'd wager that Iran sold out Hezbollah. They are more interested in Iraq at the moment.

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