Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Scott Summers

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The Lebanese ought to invest in some quality air defense. It would be much more difficult for Israel to bomb them from the air with impunity.

Israel's air defense isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it has proven to be effective!

You are right. If Lebanon had air defence, the Colony wouldn't attack them.

They only succeed against nations without airdefence or airforce.


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You are right. If Lebanon had air defence, the Colony wouldn't attack them.

They only succeed against nations without airdefence or airforce.
Iran ought to get Hezbollah some air defense. Cheaping out with their proxies. Sad, really.


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🔻 11 List of Israeli Leaders Targeted for Iran's Execution

Here are 11 Israeli leaders targeted for execution by the Iranian military based on images widely shared by the Iranian public.


⌾ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
⌾ Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant
⌾ Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi
⌾ Israeli Air Force Commander Tomer Bar
⌾ Northern Command Chief Ori Gordin
⌾ Israeli Navy Commander Saar Salama
⌾ IDF Deputy Chief of Staff Amir Baram
⌾ Central Command Chief Yehuda Fox
⌾ Israeli Army Chief Tamir Yadai
⌾ Military Intelligence Chief Aharon Haliva
⌾ Southern Command Chief Eliezer Toledano



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You are making many wrong assumptions about the West, derived from the fact that you see the West as a monolithic group. There are diverging interests inside the “West”, and different opinions on many issues.

The most important thing to acknowledge is that the US and the EU are convenience allies, in the same way Turkey is part of NATO. The US doesn’t want the EU to become too powerful, in the same way it doesn’t want Turkey to become a dominant regional power.

As things stand right now, the US is playing “divide et impera” with everyone, including its allies. The EU is not a monolithic bloc as well, and there are Trojan horses inside it too, but many Europeans understand that the US is not a real ally and that Europe needs to become stronger and more independent. For this to happen, it needs to be more united.

This is where Europe’s relation with Turkey comes into question. If Turkey would be willing to resolve all its problems it currently has with EU members Greece and Cyprus, there would be a realistic path for Turkey to join the EU in the future. In such a scenario, Europeans would suddenly support Turkey’s territorial integrity and would no longer favor the Kurdish separatist movements (Even if the US would continue to support it).

European nations that have been foes in the past are now friends inside the EU, so this is not something unimaginable. Turkey is a big country that could add a lot of value as a member of the EU, and would make the potential geopolitical strength of the EU much bigger. But unfortunately there is a lot of distrust right now between Turkey and the EU, and the unwillingness of Erdogan to settle the disputes with Cyprus and Greece make it impossible for an improvement in relations and a potential for joining the union.

My opinion is that a different type of leadership in Turkey could greatly mend relations with Europe, and that joining the EU is not something impossible as many Turks here believe. Just as Greece settled its naming dispute with North Macedonia, Turkey should negotiate in good faith the reunification of Cyprus and give up its unreasonable ambitions in the Greek and Cypriot territorial waters. Turkey gets nothing from antagonizing the EU for some maritime borders that the EU will never reconginze, making the claims completely useless from an economic point of view.

Friendship and peace would be much more rewarding for Turkey, and after one generation without threats and conflicts, Europeans would start to trust Turkey a lot more and joining the EU would be seen as strengthening the union. It is all about perception.

This statement is borderline paranoic. We would prefer to have you as friends, rather than wipe you off the map, even if we could do it without consequences. We are not psychopats, and we hold no grudge against you. Turkey is a beautiful country with a rich culture, very compatible with European culture, and for most Europeans you are just another European nation. You are part of UEFA after all, and participate at the Eurovision. This means we see you as one of us. Don’t let your paranoia blind you from the fact that Turkey could be a fully European country if it wanted to. Nothing is stopping you from being one, except for your mistrust and unwillingness to bury the hatred from the past.

I call bs on that one. Russia is not accepted as European or Western or whatever it is because its been ruled by the Turks and Mongols for a longer period of time enormous parts of Russia still have Turkic peoples living there from the Volga to Siberia.

Russia for centuries has always been treated more like a Asian Country rather than European.

Its Totalatatarian and Authoratarian ways are actually blamed by the Turks and Mongols.

Hence why the Russians are called as Asiatic invaders or Mongols. Today are called Orcs dont forget the Orcs are popularly known as Turks, Huns or the Mongols even Tolkien admitted the Orcs and Uruk Hai represent steppe nomads of the East.

Turkiye only became accepted as a counter balance against Communism. Turkiye constantly jumped through hoops to get into the EU.

Somehow Turkiye is not secular while Greece has a state religion and the Greek Orthodox church has power in Greece's political system somehow EU has the nerve to call it secular.

EU accepting Cyprus as a member is a kick in the balls.

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