Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

mehmed beg

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Can someone imagine that the main propagandist of this entity crying " Assad , Komgo etc killed that many, but we killed only few" and " Anti Semetism"
Has anyone ever heard in any Court" But but your excellency judge,Jack killed 5 , I only 4, u must let me go"?
Has anyone ever heard something like that?
Has anyone ever heard of read that people protest to " protect" their right to rape?
Has anyone ever said like Golda Meir " We are angry with Arabs, they force us to kill their children "
Anyone heard something like that ?
Even Toyenbee , the most virulent crusader and Turkophobe apologised to Turkish government for ww1 .
Does anyone know for any organisation ever which was established in order to defend Peadophile killer , like Anti Defamation Ligue???
Totally something unique in so many details.
Jews sending the trucks to Gaza? Do you want medal for the humanitarian work?
Ok, Jews in besieged Berlin were getting the vouchers as much as Germans, no?
So , where are the medals for Nazis???


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"But then Hamas decided to start genocidal war for no reason"

The war didnt start on Oct 7th.
7 Oct was just another war started by Arabs.

You cant talk your way out of historical facts when your Ideological forefathers literally boasted about colonizing the land to establish a jewish ethno-state where the native population has to be eradicated "root and stem".

Israel has 20% Arab minority with Arab language as official. U probably mix up with Hamas who wants to destroy Israel in order to create 23th excursively Arab state.


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7 Oct was just another war started by Arabs.

Israel has 20% Arab minority with Arab language as official. U probably mix up with Hamas who wants to destroy Israel in order to create 23th excursively Arab state.
used to be a lot more than 20%


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But then Hamas decided to start genocidal war for no reason. And they openly say that they will repeat 7 Oct again and again.

I hope you say such things just because it's the official Israeli propaganda. Otherwise, I can't believe anyone with basic knowledge of history could spew such BS.

Like, do you seriously think these people hate you for no reason? Nothing was actually happening in last 76 years and these savages suddenly wanted to kill their peaceful neighbors?

How can you be so blind about your own position in this conflict?

You literally gathered from all around the world and settled on those people's lands based on a biblical prophecy. You formed literal terrorist groups like Haganah to carve yourselves up a country on someone else's land by force and with Western support.

You continuously beat them, slaughter them, torture them, rape them, humiliate them...

What did you really expect these local people to do in exchange? Did you really hope you could sit on these lands and live in peace while everything you have is built on someone else's pain?

It didn't work so far and it will certainly not going to work after what you have been doing in Gaza.
Look, I respect and admire the story of the Jews. It is the most fascinating and mystic story of a people among all others IMHO. And I believe you have a right to exist as a nation state. However, this can't be on someone else's land by keeping millions of people under your apartheid regime and your blockade.

Israel should have been established somewhere in central Europe, on German lands maybe? Precisely to punish the Germans for the horrors they committed against the Jews.

But no, of course Europeans didn't want a Jewish state on their center. They had to kick you out and that was the real final solution. Giving the Jews a home somewhere away. Among all the options, the Zionists picked the most difficult one and moved to the Middle East so that you can have your promised lands.

To do that and conquer yourselves a country, you have to kill. You do the killing, including women and children. Just like Netanyahu referred to Amalek in his speech.

So be a man, face yourself and have balls to admit what this really is. You're invaders on those lands and you have to clean the Goyim to make those lands home for God's chosen people again.

That's what is all about.
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I hope you say such things just because it's the official Israeli propaganda. Otherwise, I can't believe anyone with basic knowledge of history could spew such BS.

Like, do you seriously think these people hate you for no reason? Nothing was actually happening in last 76 years and these savages suddenly wanted to kill their peaceful neighbors?
What 76 years have to do with war they started now for no reason? Imagine French slaughtering German villages because of the war 76 years ago.

How can you be so blind about your own position in this conflict?

You literally gathered from all around the world and settled on those people's lands based on a biblical prophecy. You formed literal terrorist groups like Haganah to carve yourselves up a country on someone else's land by force and with Western support.

Jews BOUGHT lands unlike the Arabs who just invaded and squatter.

You continuously beat them, slaughter them, torture them, rape them, humiliate them...
We did not start any war. Arabs in Israel live BETTER than in their own countries. Jews in Arab countries were ethnically cleansed.

What did you really expect these local people to do in exchange? Did you really hope you could sit on these lands and live in peace while everything you have is built on someone else's pain?

It didn't work so far and it will certainly not going to work after what you have been doing in Gaza.
Gaza has two choices:

1) Make peace with Israel and prosper.
2) Make war with Israel, lose and cry.

Israel should have been established somewhere in central Europe, on German lands maybe? Precisely to punish the Germans for the horrors they committed against the Jews.
You sound like those lunatics that claim that Turkey should be in Altay. No difference at all. BTW majority of Israel's Jews are not even European.


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used to be a lot more than 20%
These two maps are best description of modern history:

malaria copy5.jpg

Left map shows malaria lands, right map - land ownership during the British mandate.

As you can see, Jews bought and settled in malaria lands where almost no one lived before. And even today the overwhelming majority of Israel Jews live in these lands. While green areas are still green today. Some just became Israel's citizens.


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Jews BOUGHT lands unlike the Arabs who just invaded and squatter.

Yeah, they bought 5% of the land. But then they declared the state on 55%.


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Yeah, they bought 5% of the land. But then they declared the state on 55%.
7%. Most of the lands were no one;s empty lands.

Basically Jews got malaria lands which they bought + empty Negev desert where no one ever lived.


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What 76 years have to do with war they started now for no reason? Imagine French slaughtering German villages because of the war 76 years ago.
Another example of extreme lack of awareness of your own situation.

Germany and France are two sovereign wealthy nations that made peace with each other and settled the deal.

Israel, on the other hand doesn't allow Palestinians to have a state on their own lands, maintains total control over their lives and continues it's occupation through illegal settler terrorists in West Bank.

Do you want me to put here Israeli atrocities against Palestinians year by year even before October 7th? There are literally thousands of footages of all kinds of crimes.
Jews BOUGHT lands unlike the Arabs who just invaded and squatter.

We did not start any war. Arabs in Israel live BETTER than in their own countries. Jews in Arab countries were ethnically cleansed.
So can I declare my independent state if I buy enough lands?

Sure you didn't start any war. You just settled on lands, established terror gangs, destroy villages and ethnically cleanse people. Then those savages started war for no reason.
Please tell me which year Arabs started to ethnically cleanse the Jews? They were doing quite well in Arab countries -much better than in Europe for sure- until the invention of Israel.
Gaza has two choices:

1) Make peace with Israel and prosper.
2) Make war with Israel, lose and cry.

You sound like those lunatics that claim that Turkey should be in Altay. No difference at all. BTW majority of Israel's Jews are not even European.
if I come and settle in your lands, take your home away from you, kill half of your family and friends, drive you away to a corner in the country and prevent your statehood,

Would you make peace (surrender) with me under these conditions?


Unlike Israel, Turkey is not invented out of nowhere only 76 years ago on someone else's land. We don't hold millions of people under our apartheid regime and military blockade just to keep existing. We don't keep bringing people to our country based on their ethno-religious background and settle them on other people's territories to expand our country.

So your comparison doesn't hold up.

I had many Israeli and Palestinian friends, personally been there and had so many conversations about this topic. All I can say is, you guys are living in extreme delusion. A total lack of empathy and self reflection combined with superiority complex and entitlement...
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Another example of extreme lack of awareness of your own situation.

Germany and France are two sovereign wealthy nations that made peace with each other and settled the deal.
Because Germans accepted their defeat and don't say we should revenge the allied bombings and return back to Konigsberg and Sudetes.

While Palestine are grown with revanchism idea. That's all their narrative about. That revanchism led Germans to WW2 disaster and leads Palestinians to one disaster after another (although they dont suffer even 1% of what Germans suffered in WW2),

Israel, on the other hand doesn't allow Palestinians to have a state on their own lands, maintains total control over their lives and continues it's occupation through illegal settler terrorists in West Bank.

Tell me why Palestinians did not get a state between 1948-1967? Why they rejected Israel's offers in 2000, 2001, 2006?

Do you want me to put here Israeli atrocities against Palestinians year by year even before October 7th? There are literally thousands of footages of all kinds of crimes.
Not even 1% of what Germans suffered in WW2.

So can I declare my independent state if I buy enough lands?
If you buy lands in place where there is no state then why not.

Sure you didn't start any war. You just settled on lands, established terror gangs, destroy villages and ethnically cleanse people. Then those savages started war for no reason.
No any village was destroyed before they started war in 1947.

Please tell me which year Arabs started to ethnically cleanse the Jews? They were doing quite well in Arab countries -much better than in Europe for sure- until the invention of Israel.
If we dont go deep in history, then in 1929. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Hebron, Gaza and so on.

Unlike Israel, Turkey is not invented out of nowhere only 76 years ago on someone else's land. We don't hold millions of people under our apartheid regime and military blockade just to keep existing. We don't keep bringing people to our country based on their ethno-religious background and settle them on other people's territories to expand our country.
Arabs and Jews have equal rights in Israel. Jews lived here continuously for over 3000 years.

Israel is not going anywhere. They can accept Israel and live in peace and prosperity or keep starting wars, losing and crying.


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ISRAEL/SYRIA/IRAN - The following is a report from the Israeli military regarding its operations against Iranian weapons smuggling to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon using routes through Syria.


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Iran Says It's Preparing To Respond To Israel, Ramps Up Centrifuges, Increases Military Cooperation With Russia​

Iran claims its uranium enrichment is for peaceful programs, but nuclear energy programs for civilian purposes only require a refinement of just 0.7% to 3-5%, the IAEA says Iran has reached 60% purity​

MOSCOW/TEHRAN - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko announced during an interview with Russian state media that Moscow and Tehran have agreed upon a "comprehensive strategic partnership" which he says will cover defense and security.



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IAEA: Iran Enriches Enough Near-Weapons Grade Uranium (60%) For Up To 3 Nuclear Bombs​

The IAEA reported that Iran has stockpiled a total of 4,486.8 kilograms (9,891 pounds) of enriched uranium.​

VIENNA - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported that Iran has enough near-weapons grade uranium (enriched up to 60%) to produce up to three nuclear bombs and is still refusing to cooperate with the agency.



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@Yasar_TR @Afif

My post in this thread was deleted on the basis of "Unfounded non sensical claims", presumably by @500 . Looking through the Forum Rules I do no see this listed as a a line item. Can you please clarify if this is a valid basis for deleting a post?

@500 can't delete your post.

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