Jeffrey Epstein list: Whose names are on the newly unsealed documents?
About 950 pages of court documents identifying associates of financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein were made public on Wednesday.
What is the Jeffrey Epstein list?
Included in the unsealed papers are the names of about 150 Epstein associates. The documents were filed as part of Virginia Giuffre’s 2015 defamation lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s co-conspirator in his sexual abuse scheme. Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2022. Epstein died by suicide in 2019 while awaiting sex trafficking charges.Giuffre is one of the women who sued Epstein for abusing them at his homes in Florida, New York, the United States Virgin Islands and New Mexico. She said she was pressured into having sex with men in Epstein’s social orbit.
Other documents were unsealed by the court from 2019 to 2022.
Last month, a judge listed in a 50-page document about 180 people – under pseudonyms – ordering that their identities be made public within 14 days of the order. Some individuals have objected to the disclosure of their identities in the case.
The inclusion of a name on the list does not indicate there are any allegations against the individual.
Here is a closer look at some of the names in the recent documents:
Prince Andrew
The documents unsealed on Wednesday have revealed sexual assault allegations against the British royal.Johanna Sjoberg, who is one of the many women who have accused Epstein of sexual abuse, said Andrew put his hand on her breast in Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse in 2001.
This was while he was taking a photo with Sjoberg and Giuffre. Maxwell and Epstein were present while this photo was taken. Sjoberg said the photo also included a puppet that said “Prince Andrew” on it.
The incident, which has been previously reported by other media outlets and which Andrew has denied, was in an initial trove of previously redacted documents that otherwise revealed few new details about the extent of Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking activities.
Sjoberg was recruited to work for Epstein by Maxwell, who had been his girlfriend in the early 1990s before they became professional collaborators and accomplices in sex crimes for almost three decades.
While Sjoberg was hired as an assistant when she was a 20-year-old college student, she was quickly turned into a massage therapist and was sexually coerced while she worked for Maxwell and Epstein from 2001 to 2006.
Giuffre, now 38, accused Andrew of sexually abusing her two decades ago when she was 17, an allegation the prince called baseless. The case was settled in 2022.
According to the documents, Sjoberg said she witnessed Giuffre, then 17, in Epstein’s New York mansion with Andrew, Epstein and Maxwell. She also said she believes what Giuffre has said about Andrew and Epstein sexually abusing her.
Alan Dershowitz
Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz is well-known for his work in US criminal law. The documents pertaining to him include allegations made by an unnamed woman, Jane Doe #3.Jane Doe #3 said Epstein “required” her to have sexual relations with Dershowitz on multiple occasions when she was a minor.
Dershowitz also played a significant role in negotiating an agreement that provided immunity from federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida not only for Epstein but also for “any potential co-conspirators of Epstein”, the documents say.
Epstein’s housekeeper Juan Alessi testified that Dershowitz would often visit Epstein’s Florida mansion to get massages.
Another one of Epstein’s household employees, Alfredo Rodriquez, said the lawyer would be present at Epstein’s residence without his family and in the presence of girls.
Dershowitz said in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday that Jane Doe #3 misidentified him, and he denied ever meeting her. He suggested he was the victim of the MeToo movement’s “hypocrisy”, accusing “radical feminists” of focusing on Epstein and his associates while not “condemning Hamas”, the Palestinian armed group.
Jean-Luc Brunel
Jean-Luc Brunel was a French model scout who was awaiting trial on charges that he raped underage girls when he died by suicide in a Paris jail in 2022.Giuffre was among the women who had accused Brunel of sexual abuse. She said Maxwell sent her to many places to have sex with Brunel. The documents also say Brunel would exploit underage girls from disadvantaged backgrounds by offering them modelling jobs but would then bring them to the US and “farm them out to his friends, especially Epstein”.
According to the documents, Jane Doe #3 accused Epstein of trafficking her to Brunel, who was Epstein’s close travel companion. She said she was also forced to watch Brunel, Maxwell and Epstein sexually assaulting underage girls.
Rolling Stone magazine published a report on Tuesday about a recent Los Angeles lawsuit in which a new woman accused Brunel of holding her hostage at a Canadian estate so she could be sexually abused by multiple men when she was 18.
David Copperfield
Sjoberg testified to meeting American magician David Copperfield at one of Epstein’s houses. She added that she observed him to be a friend of Epstein’s. She also recalled a girl at that dinner who she thought looked like she was of high-school age.Sjoberg said Copperfield asked her if she knew that “girls were getting paid to find other girls”, referring to the recruitment of women by Epstein and Maxwell as “massage therapists”.
Bill Clinton
Former US President Bill Clinton is also mentioned in the court documents.While Sjoberg said she did not meet Clinton, she testified that Epstein said to her: “Clinton likes them young,” apparently referring to girls. While Giuffre had mentioned earlier that Clinton and Epstein had a close relationship, she did not accuse him of any illegal action.
Clinton has repeatedly rejected all allegations that he was involved in anything unlawful and has said he had no interactions with Epstein for several years prior to the financier’s arrest.
Donald Trump
Former President Donald Trump is also mentioned in the documents but not accused.Sjoberg mentioned an incident when she left with Epstein, Giuffre and a few others on a plane from Palm Beach, Florida, in 2001.
When the plane was unable to land in New York due to a storm, they had to land in Atlantic City and went to one of Trump’s casinos. Since Giuffre was underage at the time, Sjoberg was asked if she was allowed into the casino.
“I did not know anything about how old you had to be to gamble legally. I just knew she could not get in because of an ID issue, so she and I did not gamble,” Sjoberg answered.
Stephen Hawking
The late physicist’s name was mentioned in an email sent by Epstein to Maxwell in January 2015. In this email, Epstein told Maxwell to “issue a reward” to any of Giuffre’s friends, family and acquaintances to come forward and disprove Giuffre’s allegations, including against Hawking.“the strongest is the clinton dinner, and the new version in the virgin isalnds that stven hawking partica-ted in an underage orgy,” the email said.
Michael Jackson
Sjoberg said she saw the late singer at Epstein’s residence. When she was asked if she gave him a massage, she said no.More names to come
Not all the documents have been unsealed. The judge hasn’t set a target for when all of the documents should be made public, but more documents are expected to come out in the next few days. Lawyers for one individual, Doe 107, wrote to the judge, arguing they could face victimisation in their home country and requested time to submit grounds for their name to remain sealed.
Jeffrey Epstein list: Whose names are on the newly unsealed documents?
The documents have unearthed sexual assault allegations against Prince Andrew. Trump, Bill Clinton are also mentioned.
"Don't forget that Isaac Kappy spoke of Epstein before any of it came out. He mentioned many, many other high profile names as well. He was marked as a conspiracy theorist and his death as a suicide. Another conspiracy proven to be true, and do we truly believe he killed himself after clearly stating that he would not? The last video I saw that he had recorded appeared to be within a Masonic Temple. There were multiple little girls carrying around jugs in a room with what appeared to be a podium in the middle of it with an interesting design. The rumor is that the basins they were filling the jugs from was blood. The tradition of these temples were to drop recording devices, primarily cell phones, into these basins before entering the ceremony. I think he recorded it and uploading it to a cloud, the only way to get any footage out of one of their rituals. I have theories, and now I am a conspiracy theorist but I am not claiming them to be true. Later, he made another video. This time he is clearly disgruntled and speaking fast. He states that he has done something very bad, and he wasn't going to make it, but he was not suicidal. We know that blackmail and leverage is used to control these people.
I don't know what he did when he got inside, but it wasn't keeping him quiet. So he was silenced. His end was declared a suicide by leaping from a building on Interstate-40, Route 66. The troubling part about that is shortly before this Tom Hanks posted an image to his instagram captioned, "Historic Route 66. Roadkill? I hope not! Hanx". See where this connects? Look it up. This is true. Isaac Kappy should be remembered, and referred to when exposing this cult. Look up his videos, notice the dates. I originally discovered him in a Telegram channel. There is far more there than I have seen on the clearnet. Recently I have begun to see his videos popping up on X. I have included the one I speak of below but I am not sure if X will allow it to stay. It shows those girls in basically swimsuits."
Epstein files: Read the full document and the names revealed
Dozens of names of Jeffery Epstein’s associates mentioned in court documents were unsealed on Wednesday evening.
The first 40 documents, of around 250 expected to eventually be unsealed, largely mention figures whose names were already known, including high-profile friends of Epstein’s and victims who have spoken publicly.
The list of names includes famous celebrities, artists and politicians linked to Epstein, some mentioned only in passing. It also includes the names former employees and accusers of the late financier and convicted pedophile.
The documents being unsealed are part of a 2015 lawsuit filed against Maxwell by one of Epstein’s victims, Virginia Giuffre. She is one of the dozens of women who sued Epstein saying he had abused them at his homes in Florida, New York, the U.S. Virgin Islands and New Mexico.
The following is the full, 943-page document and the list of names mentioned, some of which are still redacted. The inclusion of a name does not imply any wrongdoing, and none of the allegations included in the filing were upheld in court.
- Ghislaine Maxwell
- Virginia Lee Roberts Giuffre
- Kathy Alexander
- Miles Alexander
- James Michael Austrich
- Juan and Maria Alessi, husband and wife employees at Epstein’s Palm Beach home
- Janusz Banasiak, Epstein’s Palm Beach house manager
- Philip Barden, Maxwell attorney
- Redacted
- Cate Blanchett
- David Boies, litigator
- Laura Boothe, Mar-a-Lago employee
- Evelyn Boulet
- Rebecca Boylan, Roberts Giuffre’s friend
- Jean-Luc Brunel
- Joshua Bunner
- Naomi Campbell
- Carolyn Casey
- Paul Cassell
- Sharon Churcher, Daily Mail reporter
- Bill Clinton
- Alexandra Cousteau
- Cameron Diaz
- Leonardo Di Caprio
- Alan Dershowitz
- Dr. Mona Devanesan
- Glenn and Eva Dubin
- Redacted
- Bradley Edwards
- Amanda Ellison
- Cimberly Espinosa, former assistant of Maxwell’s
- Ron Eppinger
- Annie Farmer, accused Epstein
- Marie Farmer, accused Epstein
- Alexandra Fekkai
- Fredrick Fekkai
- Crystal Figueroa, sister of Anthony
- Anthony Figueroa, was in relationship with Roberts Giuffre in 2001
- Jo Jo Fontanella, Epstein’s butler
- Louis Freeh, former FBI director
- Eric Gany
- Meg Garvin, represented Roberts Giuffre
- Sheridan Gibson-Butte
- Robert Giuffre
- Ross Gow
- Al Gore
- Eric Gany
- Fred Graff
- Philip Guderyon
- Redacted
- Dr. John Harris, treated Roberts Giuffre
- Joanna Harrison
- Shannon Harrison
- Stephen Hawking
- Dr. Carol Hayek, treated Roberts Giuffre
- Victoria Hazel
- Brittany Henderson
- Michael Jackson
- Brett Jaffe
- Forest Jones
- Stephen Kaufmann
- Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant
- Carol Roberts Kess
- Dr. Karen Kutikoff, treated Robert Giuffre
- Paul Lavery
- Wendy Leigh, author and Daily Mail reporter
- Dr. Judith Lightfoot, a psychiatrist who treated Roberts Giuffre
- Peter Listerman
- George Lucas
- Tony Lyons
- Dr. Darshanee Majaliyana, treated Roberts Giuffre
- Bob Meister
- Jamie A. Melanson
- Lynn Miller, Roberts Giuffre’s mother
- Marvin Minsky
- Redacted
- David Mullen
- Joe Pagano
- Mary Paluga
- J. Stanley Pottinger
- Joseph Recarey, investigator
- Michael Reiter, investigator
- Jason Richards
- Bill Richardson
- Sky Roberts
- Scott Rothstein
- Forest Sawyer
- Douglas Schoetlle, investigator
- Kevin Spacey
- Cecilia Stein
- Mark Tafoya
- Brent Tindall
- Kevin Thompson
- Ed Tuttle
- Donald Trump
- Emma Vaghan
- Kimberly Vaughan-Edwards
- Cresenda Valdes
- Anthoney Valladares
- Maritza Vazquez
- Dr. Wah Wah, treated Roberts Giuffre
- Vicky Ward, reporter
- Jarred Weisfeld
- Leslie Wexner
- Courtney Wild, accuser
- Bruce Willis
- Daniel Wilson
- Andrew Albert Christian Edwards (Prince Andrew)

Epstein files: Read the full document and the names revealed
The list includes famous celebrities, artists and politicians linked to Epstein, some mentioned only in passing
Full document