There's no organization like JITEM in Russia, China, France, Israel, the UK or US.
yes putin does not let people die, suddenly, no one disappears, no one gets unknown poision wich is even not really being found in germany by direct name of the stuff in his blood.. no poisen no bullets no car incidents
no one died because of US drones specially not in thausands of cases, or in thausands of cases abroad and in their home in covered operations or else.. no one got on curt because he suddenly have mistreated a woman..
and even israel really? we really neeed to talk about that country and their actions? you can makes many many books about them or make films you plenty of stuff! I cant take someone serious if he adds such a country in a list to convince me..
we need to do every point of what I have mentioned! every and more! if not, than there is only one real option left: to create a kurdistan in Iraq and send all Kurds abroad! deportation is the only option left if you dont fight a Terror organisation that does not care who you are, a child, an old man or woman, a physically or mentally disabled, someone who married just some minutes ago, a teacher a husband, a wife, a doughter or a son .. they do not care.. they do not stop, they enter your home, slap your wife, your little child, they put a gun into their mouth, if they dont rape both they will kill the child, than your wife.. they dont care they have fun and the enemies ouf our country are eager to see our destruction.. arabs, greek, and whats about nato? and europe or US? really they talk about democracy and justice.. their democracy and justice is just about themselves and their interest.. they dont care for the millions they have killed abroad! they dont care about you..
so if our people dont care about the people in their home who die.. than they can wait and see their children, their wifes, their parants and their families being killed, raped and mistreated because they decided to be the weak, the idiot who did not wanted to see the truth.. the one who had principles.. guy your principles are the reason why you fail and see your children dead..
if it is such a great problem for some people than make laws that dont prohibit and legalizes these organisations..
you dont win through a strong military, gendarmerie, police , intelligence service, court system, comprehensive law system this is not what makes you win! you need more points more hard work for that.. so if you dont include every aspect of your nation and society and include everyone a turk, a laz, a cerkez a kurd, an arab an teacher, a preacher a child a teenager a mother and father and young and old and tv radio magazines everything is needed to do the right thing.. you need laws that helps also to get the money back destroyed by this people! if someone destroyes a government vehicle and it was some children.. than take the money back from their parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they have a house? take it.. they have land, gold or something else take it.. they did it not the tax payer!
people begin to do shit in our country their homes get destroyed and now they got a new home from the government? whats that? the one who did not do something bad never ever in his life is able to buy a house and the filthy one get a new house for free.. so this are things that make this people do what they do.. its like giving food to a dog who bite someone just one second ago... that dog will bite again because you teach him to bite..
if someone thinks what I wrote is cruel than he should wake up..
it does not work with only one method sending some choppers, soilders, armored vehicles and flying objects.. you need to do many things that are not military actions, you need to do bad and good things together and finally act as one and get people into this "one turkey" feeling and you need to destroy those who fight against it.. there should be no acceptence for media speaking bad about this or helping the pkk thing they need to be drawn as bad never use any good word for anyone of them.. (that is actually the way us and eu are acting in ME and other nations they never give a word of honor for their enemy and nor should we)