I was looking for the Hungarian Acquisition of the Nurol Ejder Yalcin 4x4 named "Gidran".
I came across this interesting article in Hungarian and after Translation it seems like they have received 10 Gidran's until now, with another 40 ordered and intending to purchase 300.
But 1 week ago they also mentioned that
Hungary is about to acquire Nurol Yörük 4x4s aswell.
Hamarosan sor kerülhet a Magyarországon Gidrán néven rendszerbe állított, török eredetű Ejder Yalcin 4x4-es páncélos katonai járművek mellett egy másik típus, az NMS 4x4-esek beszerzési eljárásnak véglegesítésére és rendszerbe állítási folyamatának megkezdésére.
"Another acquisition of armored armor in the finish line"
"In addition to the Ejder Yalcin 4x4 armored military vehicles of Turkish origin, which have been systematized in Hungary under the name Gidrán, another type, the NMS 4x4s, may be finalized and the commissioning process started."
"..The government seemed to have reached an agreement that included
the procurement of two types of vehicles, the Ejder Yalcin and the NMS 4x4.
It was possible to conclude this at that time, because in May 2019 both military vehicles were exhibited at Budaörs Airport under any significance without any precedent, but the fact of the procurement agreement only became public in December 2020. As it turned out,
the army is planning to systematize more than 300 new 4x4 military vehicles , but to date it is not entirely clear what the exact distribution of the two different vehicle types will be.