Some of the messages I read really astonish me.
- The islands are illegally armed. And the US military presence is transferred to these islands.
- Despite the ECHR decisions, especially against the Turkish minority, international agreements have been violated for 50 years.
- Civilian ships are attacked in international waters. (If you accept the Greek thesis, in Turkish territorial waters)
- Immigrant boats are being pushed back illegally. (Even the video evidence that the MSB publishes daily is no longer considered by any NATO country.)
- There are provocative statements about Istanbul and Izmir at the level of state ministers every week.
- Provocative, long-term NAVTEXs are announced in front of Turkish territorial waters.
- Our islands and islets have been occupied. (which their sovereignty has not been transferred based on any international agreement)
- The imposition of 10 miles is being made, which is unprecedented in the world. (Today, Turkiye is negotiating this imposition with the US not Greece, in the F-16 purchase talks)
***These are just the first things that come to mind, if we go down to the technical details, there are dozens of other issues. If you include the South Cyprus Greek administration, this list will increase even more. (Let's put aside the fact that the USA is actually behind this strategy for a moment and continue to look only through Greece.)
With which action exactly is Turkiye provoking Greece?
If we accuse those who advocate a harsh and intimidating policy against Greece of being a troll of Russia, some accusations can be also made about what actually they are who made this accusation.
Please choose your words more carefully.
I'm sorry, but trying to read this issue entirely through election arithmetic in countries is a very inadequate and incomplete perspective. Stones are moving in the geopolitics of the region. Not only regional but almost globally. Here, elections are not a goal, but one of the side effects of main goals. This does not only affect Turkiye. Look at Italy, France, even Germany, Sweden, and you'll see similar things. We weren't the ones who rolled the first snowball. And we do not have the dynamics to isolate ourselves from this avalanche.