TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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I get the feeling you and Goatsmilk are racists without much understanding of emnity between the Turks and Kurds. Or perhaps just very young.

To the contrary i know more Kurds then Turks where I live. My family even helped many of them with legal issues they had here when claiming asylum and what not. There was a time when there was consideration between my parents and a Kurdish girls parents to get married. However when anything to do with Turkey was raised you could see how uncomfortable they were. You could tell that they hated anything positive being said or done for Turkey.

But it doesnt change the fact that Kurds in general will go out of their way to shit on Turks despite having everything in Turkey and despite Turkey saving millions as refugees.

As for enmity, that's not caused by Turks. Turks are maybe some of the least racist people on earth and this comes from someone whose travelled the world and lives in england.

Turks cannot keep screwing themselves because the people we feed and protect constantly play the victim. We already done it again for about 8 million syrians and another 2 million kurds.

Do you see anywhere online these people defending Turkey? do you see them defending Turkey on the streets in discussions? You simply don't.

The only people i ever see defending Turkey are Pakistanis.


Loollll, of course people like Agar and Yarar who have saw action in real life are worthless because of they don't bash. Is like Ismail Saymaz talking as a geographic engineer about earthquake. As long they bash is good.

Youtube turned to a trash with a lot of expert talking about things they don't have knowledge about. Ask saymaz maybe he will tell something we don't now abou the operation.

I watched Mete Yarar's video on Gara too. He is purely doing politics and tells nothing new unlike Murat Yetkin.



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walk into a kurdish owned business in the uk that has a TV, its not uncommon to see the PKK channels being played. Celebrating the communist terrorists any attacks they commit not just in Turkey but the wider region.

Tomorrow the same syrians who turned against their government in sryia and now fled to Turkey will do the same to Turkey. I can even see these guys siding with an invading army in the future.

I have no issue with Kurd or non-Kurd, i have issue with people who live in Turkey siding with separatist terrorist organisations. I wonder how much money the kurds here in england send to the PKK in Iraq, Syria etc?


walk into a kurdish owned business in the uk that has a TV, its not uncommon to see the PKK channels being played. Celebrating the communist terrorists any attacks they commit not just in Turkey but the wider region.

Tomorrow the same syrians who turned against their government in sryia and now fled to Turkey will do the same to Turkey. I can even see these guys siding with an invading army in the future.

I have no issue with Kurd or non-Kurd, i have issue with people who live in Turkey siding with separatist terrorist organisations. I wonder how much money the kurds here in england send to the PKK in Iraq, Syria etc?
I have a lot of discussions with about this too and try not to approach this topic with emotions. So here I will engage in a devils advocate debate because I abhor echo-chambers and this issue is not one-sided - this here is the hearts and minds mistake. This isn't really a war with weapons, but a conflict of idealogy that is barred from being waged with words. Idealogy is hard to remove with weapons.

There are very legitimate grievances in the south east and no political space to address it or will to by the opposition. I think it's fairly obvious it's going to get worse and worse given the massive amount of polarization under Erdogan. We are also witnessing the infancy of the international 'Kurdish lobby', this is new. This is not about the PKK but a deep social cleavage as noted by Turkish political scientists. These guys are sidelined in favour of a more Yeni Safak outlook and this is where we are. We didn't even know we had prisoners because of this government.

Modern media means news is widespread between different Kurdish groups in each country and it is reflected now in the KRG. Polarization within Turkey affects them too. Barzani is the most Pro-Turkey group there and just barely, in order to offset Iran. The deputy prime minister of the KRG just last week had a skype video call with Enes Kanter. The 4th largest ethnicity in the middle east generally don't like our government because to them, we are the 'racist' enemy and this is being reflected more in international media. As a result, what are we expecting ?

Did we appear different ?


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I have a lot of discussions with about this too and try not to approach this topic with emotions. So here I will engage in a devils advocate debate because I abhor echo-chambers and this issue is not one-sided - this here is the hearts and minds mistake. This isn't really a war with weapons, but a conflict of idealogy that is barred from being waged with words. Idealogy is hard to remove with weapons.

There are very legitimate grievances in the south east and no political space to address it or will to by the opposition. I think it's fairly obvious it's going to get worse and worse given the massive amount of polarization under Erdogan. We are also witnessing the infancy of the international 'Kurdish lobby', this is new. This is not about the PKK but a deep social cleavage as noted by Turkish political scientists. These guys are sidelined in favour of a more Yeni Safak outlook and this is where we are. We didn't even know we had prisoners because of this government.

Modern media means news is widespread between different Kurdish groups in each country and it is reflected now in the KRG. Polarization within Turkey affects them too. Barzani is the most Pro-Turkey group there and just barely, in order to offset Iran. The deputy prime minister of the KRG just last week had a skype video call with Enes Kanter. The 4th largest ethnicity in the middle east generally don't like our government because to them, we are the 'racist' enemy and this is being reflected more in international media. As a result, what are we expecting ?

Did we appear different ?

We just have to agree to disagree.

The kurds in the southeast live fine and pretty much get everything paid for. Not to mention how much money the government invested in the region to get the kurds working and away from terrorism.

Also the majority of kurds don't live in south east Turkey, they live in western Turkey. Istanbul alone has 3 million Kurds, that's 3 times as many as in Diyarbakir.

I don't buy Kurdish victimhood in Turkey, its mostly a myth a lefty myth. The truth is if you push separatism and have designs on Turkish land and sovereignty while being backed by the west, Russia and Israel, you deserve to get the full weight of the state on you.

The PKK problem started up after Turkey allowed millions of kurdish refugees from iraq to flee into Turkey.

If tomorrow the Kurds ever made the majority in London, they would start calling it Kurdistan. But then again the english would utterly destroy them for separatism on their land. Not like Turkey where we let things drag out to breaking point before doing something about it.


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Unfortunately history shows us the future. Just like in world war one where the Kurds fought with the French and British against the Turks i see them doing the same over and over again.

Honestly instead of Kurds constantly playing the eternal victim and crying about grievances from hundreds of years ago, it would be nice to see them get behind the Turkish state and support her.

No other country in the world treats Kurds as good as Turkey.


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May god be with the families, cant imagine the horror of waiting 6 years just to hear those news.
Was this the plan B that was made in 6 years btw? If yes then we seriously need to question the people in charge.


Its a direct hostitily to turkey !
This incident should not be ignored and every Iranian proxy in iraq should pay the price
And diplomatic relations with iran should be cut as well
I'm afraid Turkey will do nothing militarily and politically about it. Turkey's always been punching below their weight and still is. I don't see this changing any time soon.


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Shia militias are just as bad as isis.

Radical terrorists backed by Iran.

Turkish armed forces will do what is necessary. Isis once threatened Turkish bases even try to attack one until the Turkish air force roasted them all into kebab.

Same thing can be done here. Smoke them and roast them with drones and F16s.


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I can tell you that here in Denmark you have all kinds. Back in the 90's when my parents were visiting friends alike we had kurds, turks, tatars, bosnaks neighbors. I can tell you some of the kurds were threatened to support PKK, or their business were attacked and such. But there were also times when they didn't support and got hurt.

Today you may find more kurds who support the kurdish cause, but not the pkk. You can usually tell from their menu (in kebab stores) where it says "kurdish bread" or such. But not always.

We have many kurds in Denmark from Kelhassan, Sincan, even from Polatli. I've met some of them and they seem basically like decent people. Don't forget that PKK are just if not even harsher on Kurds who don't support them. But if you do not allow terrorists to spread their propogand and keep hunting them down, normal citizens who just want to live and enjoy their life can escape from being forced into one camp or the other.

I believe TSK and PÖH should continue relentless hunt of these terrorists domestic and abroad. I believe that Terror financing should result in property losses and jailtime. If they do not heed a summons from courthouse and such (if they have citizenship) then their citizenship should be revoked. Also Person non Grata needs to be used on these terrorists sympatizers.
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Seriously Erdogan calling the mother who is grieving at a rally is just disgusting.

Seriously these politicians have no shame.

Haddini asti this is not the first time remember how he showed the Christchurch massacre video at a rally where people were getting gunned down.

So disrespectful and digusting. You pay your respects in private not by trying to win political points.


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He doesn't have advisors ? They didn't advise him to not make this call ? Is he a psychopath ? I watched the video seriously I don't know what to say.

Can dundar the four eyes vatansiz p**. Was rubbing salt into our wounds. While demirtas is like Turkey is going to pay a fatura.

Im gonna rip all sides by this point.

So pissed off. Honestly only way to get revenge is to carpet bomb sinjar, kandil and annilate the ypg.

If we cant do these our 13 martyrs have died in vain.

All the political parties zaten are talking about another cozum sureci. So the cucking will continue dark times ahead to be honest.

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