TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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Improvised grenades, damage debatable but still dangerous.

Terrorist groups like isis, pkk, aq and various others will find anything to turn it into a weapon.

Crude weapons are also dangerous but they act more like psychological warfare.

Pkk thinks by rigging any place with explosives would make our soldiers scared. But I think it just makes the Turkish armed forces just want to shove it down their throats even more.


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Looks like every political party apart from HDP will back the ops

Whenever the military meets up with the opposition, you know that something serious is about to happen. PKK is about to regret this...


Baklava Consumer
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Improvised grenades, damage debatable but still dangerous.

Terrorist groups like isis, pkk, aq and various others will find anything to turn it into a weapon.

Crude weapons are also dangerous but they act more like psychological warfare.

Pkk thinks by rigging any place with explosives would make our soldiers scared. But I think it just makes the Turkish armed forces just want to shove it down their throats even more.

This gives Turkey more reason to invest in electronic attack equipment for UAVS. Disabling all frequencies not being used by our our armed forces, and strangling adversary comms/ R/F controls - including bloody US or IRAN.

Akinci or Aksungur - should be equipped with electronic warfare equipment and do area suppression for however long it takes. Long enough hopefully to where they all go wired.


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This gives Turkey more reason to invest in electronic attack equipment for UAVS. Disabling all frequencies not being used by our our armed forces, and strangling adversary comms/ R/F controls - including bloody US or IRAN.

Still believe personal protection plays a role. Turkish soldiers compared to the past are much more better equipped when it comes to armours.

Personal protection needs to be fully invested in the future. I do believe advanced armours would do greater protection to our soldiers.


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I can tell you that here in Denmark you have all kinds. Back in the 90's when my parents were visiting friends alike we had kurds, turks, tatars, bosnaks neighbors. I can tell you some of the kurds were threatened to support PKK, or their business were attacked and such. But there were also times when they didn't support and got hurt.

Today you may find more kurds who support the kurdish cause, but not the pkk. You can usually tell from their menu (in kebab stores) where it says "kurdish bread" or such. But not always.

We have many kurds in Denmark from Kelhassan, Sincan, even from Polatli. I've met some of them and they seem basically like decent people. Don't forget that PKK are just if not even harsher on Kurds who don't support them. But if you do not allow terrorists to spread their propogand and keep hunting them down, normal citizens who just want to live and enjoy their life can escape from being forced into one camp or the other.

I believe TSK and PÖH should continue relentless hunt of these terrorists domestic and abroad. I believe that Terror financing should result in property losses and jailtime. If they do not heed a summons from courthouse and such (if they have citizenship) then their citizenship should be revoked. Also Person non Grata needs to be used on these terrorists sympatizers.
Bigger problem is, that west is giving them microphone for amplifying their message, that prevents you in great extent to conduct necessary cracks against those terrorist organizations. you saw the moaning on university protest from turkish members themselfs when pkk relations were mentioned, you can imagine what kind of diplomatic pressure is done towards state vis a vi that problem, statement from usa is another blunt example.


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I can tell you that here in Denmark you have all kinds. Back in the 90's when my parents were visiting friends alike we had kurds, turks, tatars, bosnaks neighbors. I can tell you some of the kurds were threatened to support PKK, or their business were attacked and such. But there were also times when they didn't support and got hurt.

Today you may find more kurds who support the kurdish cause, but not the pkk. You can usually tell from their menu (in kebab stores) where it says "kurdish bread" or such. But not always.

We have many kurds in Denmark from Kelhassan, Sincan, even from Polatli. I've met some of them and they seem basically like decent people. Don't forget that PKK are just if not even harsher on Kurds who don't support them. But if you do not allow terrorists to spread their propogand and keep hunting them down, normal citizens who just want to live and enjoy their life can escape from being forced into one camp or the other.

I believe TSK and PÖH should continue relentless hunt of these terrorists domestic and abroad. I believe that Terror financing should result in property losses and jailtime. If they do not heed a summons from courthouse and such (if they have citizenship) then their citizenship should be revoked. Also Person non Grata needs to be used on these terrorists sympatizers.
My friends father had his own business, pkk harrassed and threatened him and his family to give money, in the end he comitted suicide.


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Bigger problem is, that west is giving them microphone for amplifying their message, that prevents you in great extent to conduct necessary cracks against those terrorist organizations. you saw the moaning on university protest from turkish members themselfs when pkk relations were mentioned, you can imagine what kind of diplomatic pressure is done towards state vis a vi that problem, statement from usa is another blunt example.

University issue is now changing the Turkish government has now issued a warning that all foreign schools will have to speak Turkish from now on.

Long overdue these foreign owned universities believed they were above the country and its laws.

Times have changed.


We just have to agree to disagree.

The kurds in the southeast live fine and pretty much get everything paid for. Not to mention how much money the government invested in the region to get the kurds working and away from terrorism.

Also the majority of kurds don't live in south east Turkey, they live in western Turkey. Istanbul alone has 3 million Kurds, that's 3 times as many as in Diyarbakir.

I don't buy Kurdish victimhood in Turkey, its mostly a myth a lefty myth. The truth is if you push separatism and have designs on Turkish land and sovereignty while being backed by the west, Russia and Israel, you deserve to get the full weight of the state on you.

The PKK problem started up after Turkey allowed millions of kurdish refugees from iraq to flee into Turkey.

If tomorrow the Kurds ever made the majority in London, they would start calling it Kurdistan. But then again the english would utterly destroy them for separatism on their land. Not like Turkey where we let things drag out to breaking point before doing something about it.
The PKK problem started in the late 70's in response to decades of a level of oppression I won't defend here. How many refugees did Turkey take ? according to world organizations we only allowed 20,000 in compared to Iran's 100,000. Can you name some of these investments ?

Because I can tell you right now ignoring the 2015, we displaced approximately a hundred thousand from homes in the GAP project in the last 5 years and little amounts of them were compensated at all according to one of the GAP planners, who said it was a social engineering project. Statistics on wealth, employment e.t.c show everything has been horrendous in the south east for decades. As far as I can tell, the main issue for the Kurds is cultural and language preservation and the main issue for us is separatism. These are not mutually exclusive issues, however people paint them.

If you have this view, I don't understand why you are sympathetic to the Uyghurs. I mean, from your point of view we can say China simply wants to assimilate them at much faster process by eradicating their culture and language.

This information problem is caused by media. Nobody really knows whats going on, everything is extreme. No room for debate.


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University issue is now changing the Turkish government has now issued a warning that all foreign schools will have to speak Turkish from now on.

Long overdue these foreign owned universities believed they were above the country and its laws.

Times have changed.
Is there any foreign owned university in Turkey? And What is "will have to speak Turkish" means? Have to teach in Turkish?


Seriously Erdogan calling the mother who is grieving at a rally is just disgusting.

Seriously these politicians have no shame.

Haddini asti this is not the first time remember how he showed the Christchurch massacre video at a rally where people were getting gunned down.

So disrespectful and digusting. You pay your respects in private not by trying to win political points.
Yeah it's horrendous. I really think they used the prisoners as political capital for an early election.


Is there any foreign owned university in Turkey? And What is "will have to speak Turkish" means? Have to teach in Turkish?
Example french teachers have to be able to speak Turkish. Will gut foreign academia in Turkey as barely any of them do.


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Is there any foreign owned university in Turkey? And What is "will have to speak Turkish" means? Have to teach in Turkish?

They have to teach in Turkish. How embarassing is that Galatsaray a university has its teachers chosen by France itself. If you dont have a strong education base dont be surprised that politicians will import foreigners. Turgut ozal is the one who established Galatasaray university with Mitterand.

Turgut ozal is a big time traitor its time he got exposed for what he is. His neoliberalism has destroyed the long term future of Turkiye.

Whole Iraq issue is on turgut ozal from taking in Kurdish refugees to helping the Kurds in Iraq get their autonomy.

Today we see the whole damn results. Somehow you have a lot of people who praise ozal especially conservatives and islamists.


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Example french teachers have to be able to speak Turkish. Will gut foreign academia in Turkey as barely any of them do.

images (100).jpeg

Australia has no foreign owned universities but its now getting in laws to fight infiltration of its academia by China.

Hopefully Turkey does reforms and builds a strong education base in the future. Time to let go of the whole foreign owned universities.

They are a Ottoman relic.
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4 2,709
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They have to teach in Turkish. How embarassing is that Galatsaray a university has its teachers chosen by France itself. If you dont have a strong education base dont be surprised that politicians will import foreigners. Turgut ozal is the one who established Galatasaray university with Mitterand.

Turgut ozal is a big time traitor its time he got exposed for what he is. His neoliberalism has destroyed the long term future of Turkiye.

Whole Iraq issue is on turgut ozal from taking in Kurdish refugees to helping the Kurds in Iraq get their autonomy.

Today we see the whole damn results. Somehow you have a lot of people who praise ozal especially conservatives and islamists.
I was not aware of status of the Galatasaray University.
I am not sure whether this is to discuss these in that thread, for academics it's not reasonable to make Turkish speaking obligatory, and forcing universities to teaching in Turkish. In that way, you can not attract foreign academics to work and research in Turkish universities.


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Looks like every political party apart from HDP will back the ops

Whenever the military meets up with the opposition, you know that something serious is about to happen. PKK is about to regret this...

According to rumors the government wants an active support of the opposition for a possible operation deep into the Iraqi territory against the PKK...


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Turkey has taken literally taken millions of Kurdish refugees over the decades. Even today Turkey is the worlds largest nation for middle eastern refugees. Actually i think maybe the largest refugee nation on earth.

Kurds have a regional reputation for taking up arms from a foreign enemy and then using them domestically, when the state moves against it they scream oppression. Your people do this in every country you exist in despite originating as no more then a traveller community from southern Iran. A people who have no historically statehood whatsoever.

Turks are not buying it anymore. Either you obey the laws of the land or you suffer the legal consequences. Its that simple.


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We have recently seen what the KRG has done in Northern Iraq or what the YPG has done in Syria. The biggest criminals operate from a position of complete victimhood and self entitlement.
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