TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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It is stated that the terrorist organization YPG / PKK has attacked the Peshmerga forces in Iraq with heavy weapons via Syria. Around 60 heavily armed YPG / PKK terrorists who tried to infiltrate at night, clashed with the Peshmerga for 2 hours near Sinjar.


Here it comes the strategic mistake of Turkey not to support the Iraqi Turkmen in time because after the lack of support their armed forces also joined the PMU. Good that we didn't make that mistake with Azerbaijan because IRGC was there from the beginning to exploit the vulnerable position of Azerbaijan after the fall of USSR.
Iraqi Turkmens are divided between Sunni and Shia and nationalism I think they care more about Iraqi unity and their sect rather about their national interests if the Kurds and Palestinians have autonomous regions the Turkmens and Assyrians should have the same. The Turkmens know that Iraqi government can’t protect them from kurdifocation and they want to be part of central Iraqi government if I was in their place I would ask for autonomous region but the problem would be there is no land connection between the Turkmen areas unlike the Kurds and Sunni Arabs and the Shia Arabs


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Baghdad-Mosul railway began work on the extension of the project in Turkey

Iraqi Transport Minister Nasser Bender, Baghdad, Mosul connecting railways has announced that the repair and extension of the project until the start of Turkey.

Iraqi news agency INA me to explain in Baghdad, Mosul connects to repair the railways and from there to Turkey stated that the extension of the project until the start of the first run.

The terrorist organization Dease attack in that a repair some bridges and dam being destroyed and this process Bender record would be completed within 2 months, the first big step of the project, the Persian Gulf located in El Favor Port voiced form of binding to Turkey stages.

Bender also shared the information that Iraq's trains are old and new ones will be purchased after the railway is completed.

Nec Governor of Mosul al-stuffing yourself in a statement made on 20 September, he said Mosul province will be the construction of a modern railway to the border with Turkey.

for international trade and transitions between Turkey and Iraq Habur-Ibrahim Khalil border gate is usually used.


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The PKK terrifying execution! First they raped, then they threw a grenade​

The terrifying execution of Hülya Eroğlu, one of the PKK ringleaders who was neutralized by an operation in Şırnak, was revealed with the terrorist confessions. Eroglu said, 'We were raped in the camps. You are a woman too, help us, 'he killed 5 female terrorists by throwing a hand grenade on them. Then he laughed, saying, "There is nothing left to complain about anymore."



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A young female terrorist named Zeynep Rohani confessed to Turkish authorities about an incident at a Kandil Mountains terrorist camp that still haunts her. It was In October 2017 During a meeting of female terrorists, that 5 Syrian female terrorists complained to female terrorist ringleader Hulya Eroglu that they had been raped. Eroglu accused the 5 women of probably leading the accused male terrorist(s) astray and angrily left the meeting when the 5 women asked her why she was reacting in such a way and as a woman, not showing them any sympathy. Upon returning, she yelled at the 5 women that her investigation had concluded that they were lying. The 5 Syrian women were rounded up and taken down to a creek 100-150m away. The remaining women then heard what sounded like a hand grenade going off. When Eroglu returned, she was laughing that the 5 women now had nothing to complain about. The other women noticed a grenade missing from her belt. Later, the terrorist group released false information that the 5 female terrorists had died during duty. Terrorist Eroglu was neutralized during a drone operation in 2017. Members of the HDP attended her funeral.


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Baghdad's 'legalization' proposal: PKK's legitimacy plan​

Eray Çelebi wrote…​

28 December 2020 09:36Updated: 28 December 2020 10:53
Baghdad's 'legalization' proposal: PKK's legitimacy plan

Date 5-6 August 2014…

IS has occupied Sinjar.

Iraqi Turks living in the region were forced to migrate. At least 50 families arrived in Turkey, was imposed on several cities in Iraq's internal migration to rest.

After ISIS, with a scenario we witnessed closely in Syria, the city-separating terrorist organization entered the domain of the PKK.

An operation was carried out in the region on November 13, 2015, with direct US support, under the coordination of PKK and Peshmerga.

From this date on, the PKK declared a so-called canton in the region, and the Turkish population, even if a little, was isolated.

Demography was changed with the Kurdish population brought from Iraq and Syria.


The PKK founded the "Sinjar Resistance Units" organization under the name of YBŞ. In this way, pressure was applied to the Yazidi population and the people of the region were forcibly recruited.
The US deployment in the strategic city located at the transition point between Syria and Iraq has gradually increased. The city has turned into one of the logistics centers that enable terrorist crossing between Syria and Iraq.

So much so that the statement from the USA after the air operation of the TSK in April 2017 was remarkable.

First there was a strong reaction…
It was then stated that the US troops were 10 km from the point of operation.
The city was known as the second Kandil after the US buildup.

Sinjar, where all kinds of supplies are carried out to the north of Syria, served as a corridor between the PYD in the east of the Euphrates and Kandil in the north of Iraq.

Because it was a connection point that provided the security of thousands of US trucks coming from Erbil.
However, operations Claw, Claw-Kaplan, Claw-Kartal significantly reduced the PKK's range of action in Iraq.
As the operations for the terrorist organization extended to areas close to Qandil, Sinjar's importance increased.

With the shipment of new terrorists from Syria, the region was tried to be fortified.
The conflict in Syria between the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government and the PKK, which came to light with the raid of offices affiliated to the Peshmerga east of the Euphrates, started to affect the Sinjar equation.
An agreement was signed between Erbil and Baghdad on October 9, 2020, under the auspices of the United Nations.

Within the scope of the agreement, starting from December 1, all kinds of terrorist organizations, including the PKK, were asked to leave the region.

It was stated that an operation would be carried out in the region if the terrorists did not leave by giving a deadline until December 30.

The 'calendar' trials were previously tried to be implemented in Syria with Russia and the USA. However, neither the PKK withdrew from the region east of the Euphrates outside Ras al-Ayn and Tal Abyad, nor could terrorist infiltration into the safe zone be prevented.

While Ankara approaches the agreement with a similar suspicion to Syria, the agenda of the terrorist organization is a matter of curiosity, just days before the deadline expires.
At this point, field resources raise an important danger.


According to the information I received, an offer to join Baghdad was proposed.
In other words, the terrorist organization wants to be an element of the Iraqi Army as the "Yazidi Defense Force"!

This offer has been sent to Iraqi official channels, but there is no positive or negative response at the moment.

This is the biggest risk in the region, according to field sources. It is considered that the PKK could officially become a part of the Iraqi army if the request comes true.


During this period, the sources also said that 18 women and 35 “higher level” terrorists who are directly linked to Qandil, from Sinjar to Mahmur, one of the important camp areas of the PKK, where Talabani is the founder of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) peshmergas are active. He states that it has passed.

Iraqi official channels regarding the crossings stated that the Iraqi Army and Hashd al-Shaabi were on the road routes and that this would not be possible.


However, field sources draw attention to PUK. It is alleged that under the cover of the "Talabani peshmerga" militants transferred to the terror camp. It is claimed that he is the "senior manager" of the organization within the group in question!

Let's remember…
The PUK-PKK relationship was previously on the agenda during the MİT's operation against Cemil Bayık.
The US operation had previously leaked to PUK and the PUK had forwarded it to the terrorist organization. It was reported in the media that the separatist terrorist organization caught 2 MIT members.

It is no coincidence that the PKK is present in Sulaymaniyah, which is the center of PUK today.
Sinjar-centered developments are also seen as an important factor affecting the future of the region.

It is considered that the PKK presence in Sinjar may shift to Syria if the possibility of an operation by the terrorist organization increases. This is remarkable as Ayn Isa-centered activity continues in Syria. a factor that increases the cost of the Turkish Army, Turkey Muzahim group ...

While the possibility of "Syria" comes to the fore, the allegations that the PKK will cross to Tal Afar and Kirkuk are met with suspicion on the ground, citing the intense Hashd al-Shaabi and Iraqi army in the region.

However, this does not change the fact that the PKK has increased its influence around Kirkuk.


The terrorist organization operating under the name of some non-governmental organizations is trying to increase its effectiveness in the region under the guise of workers.

In this context, even graffiti started on some streets. Turkmens are anxious ...
The end of the PKK presence in Sinjar could create a multiplier effect that affects Kirkuk and the developments in the region.

The implementation of the agreement and where the terrorists will be sent are very critical.



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Getting some informations for their allies?

That is exactly the thought of everyone.

I think it's necessary to be cautious and should YPG and PKK movements change into more favourable positioning, then we can be sure that US is sharing intel with them, and should act accordingly. Meaning wiping them out from northern Syria, and publicly offer Assad to clear N.Syria of the YPG.

As a counter to US sharing intel with terrorists.

Fuzuli NL

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I really hope we can manage to establish solid cooperation between ITF, Iraq Government and IKRG
Iraqi government is unfortunately very corrupt and many lawmakers are very very loyal to Iran.

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