TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq


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The MİT neutralized PKK/KCK's so-called Iraq-Syria courier officer Kadri Encu, who provided the passage of terrorist groups that will carry out actions against Claw operations in Gara, Zap, Metina and Haftanin, with the operation it carried out in Gara.


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Seems like AKP sold Iraqi Turkmens once again, Barzanis Peshmerga will move into Kirkuk.


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Seems like AKP sold Iraqi Turkmens once again, Barzanis Peshmerga will move into Kirkuk.

I don't think that is what is happening currently. Almost all of the uproar is Iranian-backed groups and paramilitaries. Also some of Ersat giving gas to Turkish nationalists in Turkey. I don't think I've seen a single video of a Turkmen protesting, all just these militias backed by Iran.
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I don't think that is what is happening currently. Almost all of the uproar is Iranian-backed groups and paramilitaries. Also some of Ersat giving gas to Turkish nationalists in Turkey. I don't think I've seen a single video of a Turkmen protesting, all just these militias backed by Iran.
You are a Kurd living in the UK stop portraying yourself as a Turk that‘s pathetic.

There are enough videos were Arabs and Turkmens reject this bs with Peshmerga. We saw what they did when Kirkuk was under their control and we see how the Kurds on social media react to this now „either you live under our flag or we will kill you“.

Barzani is a opportunist snake, those who trust him are idiots who can‘t put 1 and 1 together.


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You are a Kurd living in the UK stop portraying yourself as a Turk that‘s pathetic.

There are enough videos were Arabs and Turkmens reject this bs with Peshmerga. We saw what they did when Kirkuk was under their control and we see how the Kurds on social media react to this now „either you live under our flag or we will kill you“.

Barzani is a opportunist snake, those who trust him are idiots who can‘t put 1 and 1 together.


I didn't see Turkmen in any of these videos.

I theorised about this in the foreign politics thread as it occurred right after Fidan's meeting and is ordered by the Iraqi prime minister. I think it's a benefit to Turkey as Turkey has mobility and access in all the Barzani areas. It's better than the Iranian militias. Also Ersat was removed from ITF because he was aligned with Iranians, he's being the most vocal about Turkmen being on the streets, but it's all Iranian-backed groups. There is not a single blue flag or statement released by Iraqi Turkmen front. It's a perception operation to get gas from Turkish nationalists.

Also Barzani's are not occupying Kirkuk, they are just being given back their political headquarters. Or is it better that the Iranians prefer PUK/PKK only to be in Kirkuk ?

Also Ersat and his supporters had called for a boycot of ITF in Kirkuk elections recently. Which would strengthen Iran's hand in Kirkuk.

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I didn't see Turkmen in any of these videos.

I theorised about this in the foreign politics thread as it occurred right after Fidan's meeting and is ordered by the Iraqi prime minister. I think it's a benefit to Turkey as Turkey has mobility and access in all the Barzani areas. It's better than the Iranian militias. Also Ersat was removed from ITF because he was aligned with Iranians, he's being the most vocal about Turkmen being on the streets, but it's all Iranian-backed groups. There is not a single blue flag or statement released by Iraqi Turkmen front. It's a perception operation to get gas from Turkish nationalists.

Also Barzani's are not occupying Kirkuk, they are just being given back their political headquarters. Or is it better that the Iranians prefer PUK/PKK only to be in Kirkuk ?

Also Ersat and his supporters had called for a boycot of ITF in Kirkuk elections recently. Which would strengthen Iran's hand in Kirkuk.

Do you have some special goggles were you can see other peoples ethnicity by just looking at them? Or are you ignoring the fact what Barzani did in Kirkuk? Neither Arabs nor Turkmen want them, period. The incidents in Deir Ez Zor and now in Iraq are not a coincidence, the Arabs, Turkmens and Assyrians don't want Barzani or SDF. Trying so hard to kurdify every inch of those lands but for that you need history, cultural/historical heritage you can't build a nation state by claiming other peoples achievments and rebrand it as yours.

btw. Turkmens joined Iranian backed militias in the fight against ISIS because both Peshmerga and Iraqi Forces left the city, not because they love them. So pathetic that you Kurds try to change our minds by calling them "Iranian backed". It was Barzani who cooperated with ISIS and let them enter the places he wanted later, they did all the massacres and ethnic cleansing, only that his Peshmerga can come as wannabe liberators and take over lands which were also part of the illegal referendum.

Barzani = PKK = YPG
The core ideology is the same.


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Do you have some special goggles were you can see other peoples ethnicity by just looking at them? Or are you ignoring the fact what Barzani did in Kirkuk? Neither Arabs nor Turkmen want them, period. The incidents in Deir Ez Zor and now in Iraq are not a coincidence, the Arabs, Turkmens and Assyrians don't want Barzani or SDF. Trying so hard to kurdify every inch of those lands but for that you need history, cultural/historical heritage you can't build a nation state by claiming other peoples achievments and rebrand it as yours.

btw. Turkmens joined Iranian backed militias in the fight against ISIS because both Peshmerga and Iraqi Forces left the city, not because they love them. So pathetic that you Kurds try to change our minds by calling them "Iranian backed". It was Barzani who cooperated with ISIS and let them enter the places he wanted later, they did all the massacres and ethnic cleansing, only that his Peshmerga can come as wannabe liberators and take over lands which were also part of the illegal referendum.

Barzani = PKK = YPG
The core ideology is the same.

What's happening in Deir Ezzor is anti-turkey Arabs are fighting with anti-turkey SDF. It's good for us, but these guys only revolted when their leadership was removed. They didn't revolt before. It's small scale.

Regarding the goggles, almost all the chants and protesters are from a militia. The protests are also very small. That tells me everything I need to know about the protests. The fact that Ersat is the one making all the noise is also a signal. A lot of noise, but no Ersat protesting. Seems like a perception operation by Iran.

Kirkuk is important. It is an entire route for both Iranians and PKK to Syria. Why let PUK dominate when the Barzani's that are close to Turkey can do our work for us? At the end of the day, Turkish influence in Iraq when it comes to the PKK starts with the Barzanis as the only option to counter the Iranians. Iranians have influence with the PUK, Ersat and Baghdad.

Also Iraqi Turkmen front group and the Iraqi government both haven't said anything against it with an official statement. Iraqi government ordered it. I think you are letting your prejudices direct your thinking.


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One more group to add to the protest...flag with the face next to the Iraqi one. It is circulating twitter.


Seems to be the same tent as PKK media tweet


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"PKK sent from Iran started the problem"

This is why Turkey simply won't support it. Not only is this a lie, because it started when Barzani wanted to come to Kirkuk, but they are happy with Iranian Hashd that mortar Turkish bases, they are happy with increasing PUK presence which supports PKK and YPG (PUK can win the majority provincial elections in Kirkuk as they are not competing with KDP) - which also makes Iran happy as they are an Iranian backed group like Hashd.

Also this specific party seems to ignore overall Iraqi Turkmen front - they are focussed on playing nationalism fooling everyone to fuel ethnic tensions, their entire twitter does not seem even a little professional for a political party. Nothing they have done are in local Turkmen or Turkey's interests. Hashd has persecuted sunni Turkmen, Iranian proxies have massacred sunni Turkmen in Syria and Iraq.

Nothing Ersat says is true here.

They are likely controlled by Iran, who makes a big win from controlling Kirkuk, the route to Syria and being able to smuggle oil and make money.

The weak statement by Fidan shows how well Iran is reducing Turkish and Iraqi Turkmen Front influence in Kirkuk.

The provincial elections will show a clear outcome in favour of Iran in Kirkuk.
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Ersat is speaking in Kurdish asking the KDP to collaborate with him in Kirkuk and not Iraqi Turkmen Front.

He has completely sidelined Iraqi Turkmen Front for Iran and Iranian interests with Hashd.

The best part - he says "why do you support TR's party, the PKK ?"

PKK is TR's party. I can't believe he said that.

He also asked the KDP to remove the Kurdish opposition groups to Iran from Iraq.

His entire statement benefits Iran
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There are unconfirmed reports of PKK leader Murat Karayılan biting the dust near Basra

There are allegations that Murat Karayılan, the terrorist leader, was killed in A Volkswagen Amarok car as he was returning from Basra as A result of A series of shots fired from 3 vehicles by unidentified gunmen!

Although there are some unconfirmed sightings...

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