Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Intense TSK artillery bombardment of the Tell Rifat pocket is ongoing. Operation started?

Noteworthy, that TSK is NOT currently intensely bombing elsewhere. Fire seems to be concentrated on the entirety of the Tell Rifat pocket.

From her feed lol.

Is she trolling muslims or is she so ignorant to not know that the marxists pkk hate islam? That the YPG refer to Allahu Akbar as the terrorist chant and that Muslims in general are Jihadis? Is it part of the PKK propaganda to lie and deceive the people, to make people think these marxist shitheads care about Muslims?


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From her feed lol.

Is she trolling muslims or is she so ignorant to not know that the marxists pkk hate islam? That the YPG refer to Allahu Akbar as the terrorist chant and that Muslims in general are Jihadis? Is it part of the PKK propaganda to lie and deceive the people, to make people think these marxist shitheads care about Muslims?
Not trolling. Its a smart and sneaky move. Most Kurds are Muslims and care religion.


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Is she trolling muslims or is she so ignorant to not know that the marxists pkk hate islam? That the YPG refer to Allahu Akbar as the terrorist chant and that Muslims in general are Jihadis? Is it part of the PKK propaganda to lie and deceive the people, to make people think these marxist shitheads care about Muslims?

it's really sad to see the downfall of Kurdish people after being one of the most influential people in Islamic history to this PKK shit . Saladin Al Ayubi who is one of the greatest mulism leader of all time and one of the reason why Islamic world didn't collapse was a Kurd .


Also, I would appreciate if Turkey could send some of the Afghan shia terrorists to hell.

Quite a few Fatemiyoun and Zaynabiyoun from Pakistan sent to hell in last offensive. We will send the "sunni" foreign terrorists to when time comes. All the same filth.

I'm saying for long time, Turkey should aim Aleppo and establish a state there under our influence.

No lets not, Turkey should not spend billions more, and many more Turkish boys die for what Arabs didn't fight for, who will probably ruin it in 50 years and come back to Turkey again.

All 100% behind operations for security of Turkey however I am not for wet fantasies of ummahtards like son of David and praying in ummayad mosque.

I seen the refugees in Istanbul, there is no way these guys are leaving Turkey unless its at gunpoint

If our ummetci "ansars" stop treating every POS from the Middle East, inbreds from Pakistan and Afghanistan like it is gods responsibility on every Turk to look after them then they will leave.

Alternatively future generations will have to do another tehcir.
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Quite a few Fatemiyoun and Zaynabiyoun members sent to hell in last offensive.

No lets not, Turkey should not spend billions more, and many more Turkish boys die for what Arabs didn't fight for, who will probably ruin it in 50 years and come back to Turkey again.

All 100% behind operations for security of Turkey however I am not wet fantasies of ummahtards.

If our ummetci "ansars" stop treating every POS from the the Middle East, inbreds from Pakistan and Afghanistan like it is gods responsibility on every Turk to look after them then they will leave.

Alternatively future generations will have to do another tehcir.

Misaki Milli gives us the right to annex these lands.

These are our former lands we have every right to annex them.


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If Turkiye wants to survive it needs lands we can no longer just stay in Anatolia.

Anatolia is a small place.


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Misaki Milli gives us the right to annex these lands.

These are our former lands we have every right to annex them.

All you would be annexing is problems and expense. The only reason i care about Turkey going into these failed regions is to weaken the PKK hand used against Turkey. If Northern Syria/Iraq are to be dens and recruitment centres for the PKK, then its best we take control. But keep this in mind we take control of these regions and we will paying for its upkeep and if that fails, they will all make for Turkey anyway.


Misaki Milli gives us the right to annex these lands.

These are our former lands we have every right to annex them.

If it is Mars and we have to annex for OUR interests then fine, I don't care where it is.

I am not for stupid wet dreams of ummahtards and non Turks to establish some sort of khalifa and look after millions more ungrateful savages.

"Türk çocuğu, artık Arap çölleri için kanını dökmeyecektir." | MUSTAFA KEMÂL ATATÜRK
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Not trolling. Its a smart and sneaky move. Most Kurds are Muslims and care religion.

They can't be so dumb that they do not know the pkk hates islam? And that the PKK's biggest backers are Kafir nations? You can't go online anywhere without seeing Pakistani's defending the Turkish cause, we next to never see Kurds speaking out against the PKK and their greater Kurdistan ambitions.

I think i've maybe seen it 3 times, where someone says they are Kurdish and they are against the PKK on social media.


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I don't care if it is Mars and we have to annex for OUR interests if and when we can.

I am not for stupid wet dreams of ummahtards and non Turks to establish some sort of khalifa and look after millions more ungrateful savages.

"Türk çocuğu, artık Arap çölleri için kanını dökmeyecektir." | MUSTAFA KEMÂL ATATÜRK

Dont care Turkiye needs lands and resources.

Those Arab deserts have oil. While the Arabs are driving Ferraris while us Turks lost it all.

Funny how people are so willing to stay in Anatolia while Russia, Usa and China are big due to constantly taking land.

Bigger land mass means bigger resources.

Australia barely suffers any because the country itself is huge. Our biggest problem is the desert and semi arid areas which cover most of the territory. Just like in Turkiye we are happy when we could have annexed the islands next to us now China is our doorstep.


They can't be so dumb that they do not know the pkk hates islam? And that the PKK's biggest backers are Kafir nations? You can't go online anywhere without seeing Pakistani's defending the Turkish cause, we next to never see Kurds speaking out against the PKK and their greater Kurdistan ambitions.

I think i've maybe seen it 3 times, where someone says they are Kurdish and they are against the PKK on social media.

This move is not aimed at Kurds, it is aimed at Muzrats in diaspora who are even more stupid and fall for the "Taghut Turkz oppress usz Muslims, just look at Kurds".


Dont care Turkiye needs lands and resources.

You can go fight for it then with AK Youth, I'm not interested in Turkish kids dieing for oil or sand in Asswads garden.

Those Arab deserts have oil. While the Arabs are driving Ferraris while us Turks lost it all.

Most Arabs and Muslims are running away from there country. Iraq has oil and what?

Bigger land mass means bigger resources.

Turkey has enough resources for every Turk if the non Turk government stops spending it on Muzrat "muhajirs".


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You can go fight for it then with AK Youth, I'm not interested in Turkish kids dieing for oil or sand in Asswads garden.

Most Arabs and Muslims are running away from there country. Iraq has oil and what?

Turkey has enough resources for every Turk if the non Turk government stops spending it on Muzrat "muhajirs".

Lol ak youth dont care about resources or lands.

Funny how you put me in the same basket 🤣

Soldiers are used to further interests thats their job. Has been for centuries. Soldiers are instrumental in foreign policy and acheiving aims.

Whoever thinks being a soldier is just defending lands have forgotten about history.

Why do you think we came to Anatolia at the first place. It was lands and resources.

I know Akplis and Secularists will try to spin this shit to support their arguments what comes down to is land.

Land land and more land. Thats how you feed your people. If the Arabs all leave the middle east that actually is easier to get these lands.

All that empty spaces. Let them go to Europe or even Antarctica.


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Akp's ideology is similar to the white mans burden.

Erdogan believes his ummah is the Turkish mans burden to save these people from themselves. Which means us Turks need to save these people from themselves.

Observation I made. Which actually makes sense.


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Interesting with Pan Islamists worldwide especially Turks, Arabs and Persians. They would support ummah unity but when it comes who takes leadership is when conflicts arise 😆

You cant take tribalism out of people no matter what. Its its so embedded in human instincts.


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You can go fight for it then with AK Youth, I'm not interested in Turkish kids dieing for oil or sand in Asswads garden.

Most Arabs and Muslims are running away from there country. Iraq has oil and what?

Turkey has enough resources for every Turk if the non Turk government stops spending it on Muzrat "muhajirs".

Turkiye has lots of resources while at the same time it lacks a lot of stuff.

Usa, china and russia have no shortage because their countries are big.

Look at Japan they barely have any this still led to them to push for an empire because resources were needed to feed their people now you have 100+ million there and their resources are all expended no chance of Japan doing old style conquest.

Also look into the issue of Mosul why it was important. Because of oil.


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As for the KRG it promotes Kurdistan at the expense of all surrounding nations, it couldn't care less for Turkish sovereignty, neither should we in such a situation.
Care to explain? 1926 Ankara Treaty states that the agreed upon border is defacto void, when and if Iraq is divided! Turkey has been using (and not limited to) this treaty as legal basis to her operations in Northern Iraq!
EDIT: And I have not mentioned an invasion, but a mandate…
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morally i don't really agree with moving into northern syria/iraq, i only see it as important because of the trouble the westerners will create in those regions against us. If there was no PKK/Iranian problem, i would rather we keep things strictly business with these countries. As far as the oil is concerned its under british/french/american corporate control. There is no way Turkey could take that oil even if they wanted to. The best Turkey can do is provide a transit route for it as they do now.

As for the KRG it promotes Kurdistan at the expense of all surrounding nations, it couldn't care less for Turkish sovereignty, neither should we in such a situation.

Krg is still under our influence.

No natter how much they clamour for a Kurdistan the West is forgetting that Kurdistan will stay under Turkish influence this has happened so many times from the Seljuks to the Ottomans.

Thats why their plan has backfired not only the Kurds are tribal along with conservative they are also landlocked which means they depend on the Turks especially for a economic corridor the same story with Armenia hence why they are trying to open up.

A lot of Armenians are opposing the normalisation as they believe Armenia will now be effectively under Turkish influence.

All these plans of breaking up Turkiye is leading to a backfire which is benefitting the Turkish republic. Pkk is a terrorist group no matter how much they clamour for a state its going to fall just like Isis's caliphate. They are a group at the end of the day look at the Arabs under their rule they are constantly revolting. Without the USA and Russia these guys would have long fallen. They are on life support.


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Krg is still under our influence.

No natter how much they clamour for a Kurdistan the West is forgetting that Kurdistan will stay under Turkish influence this has happened so many times from the Seljuks to the Ottomans.

Thats why their plan has backfired not only the Kurds are tribal along with conservative they are also landlocked which means they depend on the Turks especially for a economic corridor the same story with Armenia hence why they are trying to open up.

A lot of Armenians are opposing the normalisation as they believe Armenia will now be effectively under Turkish influence.

All these plans of breaking up Turkiye is leading to a backfire which is benefitting the Turkish republic. Pkk is a terrorist group no matter how much they clamour for a state its going to fall just like Isis's caliphate. They are a group at the end of the day look at the Arabs under their rule they are constantly revolting. Without the USA and Russia these guys would have long fallen. They are on life support.
That is exactly why the US opposed independence referendum, the outcome, or rather what was to come after that. US plans were to be washed down the drain…

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