Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Iran is next to be HIT (and hit hard) when we somehow ease the conflicts in North Syria and the Aegean! And we will not give up North Iraq to Iran, that is out of question! Turkey is aware of Iranian acts against the Turkish State…
I am not talking about Iranian proxies elsewhere! A forum member, the Bosnian @Mehmed Ali, on a hunch, tried to explain the controversial bond between Iran and the US! Iran is definitely part of the siege against Turkey from the south, southeast, and she should pay, pay big time, for her animosity!


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I am not talking about Iranian proxies elsewhere! A forum member, the Bosnian @Mehmed Ali, on a hunch, tried to explain the controversial bond between Iran and the US! Iran is definitely part of the siege against Turkey from the south, southeast, and she should pay, pay big time, for her animosity!
Water supply, South Azerbaijan, we have some ace in our sleeves. Israel would love to have a basis in South Azerbaijan. Which we could close when ever we want. We could also help S.A. against Iran.


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Water supply, South Azerbaijan, we have some ace in our sleeves. Israel would love to have a basis in South Azerbaijan. Which we could close when ever we want. We could also help S.A. against Iran.
honestly, why Turks refrain from arming South Azerbaijanis, I have absolutely no idea.


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honestly, why Turks refrain from arming South Azerbaijanis, I have absolutely no idea.
It’s simple. The entrance gate to Iran is the north (or South Azerbaijan) were mio of Turks live under Iranian pressure. We are also able to cut supply lines to Armenia if we invade north Iran.


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To be clear here. Iran is out neighbor. A big country with huge resources and population. We need a regime change. But should be careful, that future regime should not stay under Western/Israel control.


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People forget even the simplest reality when a war breaks out. Where will all these people migrate to? To Afghanistan, which sold its kidneys out of misery?
No! Of course they will come to Turkey.
You're talking nonsense because you forgot this.
to invade Iran. South Azerbaijan or something?
You first learn not to lynch the Syrian Turkmen.
If millions of Azerbaijani Turks come to this country like a flood tomorrow, you will complain about them. But they are not fighting in their country. They invaded our beaches. They do not speak Turkish. (Then not only Turks will come from Iran. Kurds and others will also come)
You will complain that they are Shia.
I don't think you have the slightest idea what you want.
Turkey will not go to war with Iran if it does not want the US or Europe to impose a new Sevr's agreement on it. So forget this war.


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People forget even the simplest reality when a war breaks out. Where will all these people migrate to? To Afghanistan, which sold its kidneys out of misery?
No! Of course they will come to Turkey.
You're talking nonsense because you forgot this.
to invade Iran. South Azerbaijan or something?
You first learn not to lynch the Syrian Turkmen.
If millions of Azerbaijani Turks come to this country like a flood tomorrow, you will complain about them. But they are not fighting in their country. They invaded our beaches. They do not speak Turkish. (Then not only Turks will come from Iran. Kurds and others will also come)
You will complain that they are Shia.
I don't think you have the slightest idea what you want.
Turkey will not go to war with Iran if it does not want the US or Europe to impose a new Sevr's agreement on it. So forget this war.
No one is talking about an all out war, al least for now, and believe it or not, Iran will be the first to back down if and when such a risk surfaces! There are other ways to hurt her, cripple her will and tendencies to act against Turkey. That is a reason why we are, naturally, alligned with Israel when it comes to Iran and her proxies. And the only reason we seem to walk away from all her bs is because we do not want yet another headache to deal with… I say you cannot deny the fact that Iran is a dangerous adversary, and without a doubt… in Syria, Iraq, and against our interests in Central Asia, etc.

But when the time comes, there is hardly an escape from a confrontation! I say we simply cannot tolerate Shia militia to patrol the Syrian border! And we cannot give up on our greater interests in Iraq, just to avoid a clash. And do you think we will be forever satisfied with a narrow strip as our only connection to Central Asia?


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No one is talking about an all out war, al least for now, and believe it or not, Iran will be the first to back down if and when such a risk surfaces! There are other ways to hurt her, cripple her will and tendencies to act against Turkey. That is a reason why we are, naturally, alligned with Israel when it comes to Iran and her proxies. And the only reason we seem to walk away from all her bs is because we do not want yet another headache to deal with… I say you cannot deny the fact that Iran is a dangerous adversary, and without a doubt… in Syria, Iraq, and against our interests in Central Asia, etc.

But when the time comes, there is hardly an escape from a confrontation! I say we simply cannot tolerate Shia militia to patrol the Syrian border! And we cannot give up on our greater interests in Iraq, just to avoid a clash. And do you think we will be forever satisfied with a narrow strip as our only connection to Central Asia?
It doesn't matter directly or covertly. If Iran becomes like Syria, Turkey will not be able to preserve its lands. It doesn't matter how hostile Iran is to you. Iran currently does not pose a direct threat to your homeland. If one day there is a mass migration from Iran to Turkey, not only you but all future generations will pay for not handling the current crisis.


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It doesn't matter directly or covertly. If Iran becomes like Syria, Turkey will not be able to preserve its lands. It doesn't matter how hostile Iran is to you. Iran currently does not pose a direct threat to your homeland. If one day there is a mass migration from Iran to Turkey, not only you but all future generations will pay for not handling the current crisis.
I say you are absolutely right in your comments! On the other hand, this is exactly why we have failed big time in Syria. We have had the same concerns, a divided Syria would unleash a tidal wave, causing instability and chaos. We have failed (and ended up with millions in our borders) because we have hesitated far too long to take any action! A proactive administration at the time could easily have prevented such chaos, but unfortunately, we were too late. Take the situation in Idlib years after, our military presence literally discouraged furher waves of refugees.

Syria is no longer a unitary state, and there is no turning back. Nor is the current situation in Iraq. In a prior post, I have referred to Ankara agreement as null and void as Iraq is literally divided. I say a confrontation with Iran is unavoidable on Iraqi territory, as Iran has her eyes on a big chunk, and I wonder what is going to happen if we are bound by the same passive, look elsewhere, do-not-want-no-trouble policies.

We have got to be proactive, so future generations do not have to deal with more of the same, energy-draining troubles!

EDIT: If this is not a reason we have been spending shit load of money for defence, what is?
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We need to be very careful. Some say that the fall of Iran or Russia would be good for us. But who would be next in line? Right now they serve as a counterbalance. We are a useful asset because of our military strength and geographical position.

We are currently in a terrible situation, surrounded by enemies. Greece is quickly arming. Meanwhile, the Arab nations are in a coalition with Israel. Their short term enemy is Iran. But in the long term, it's Turkey. If we knock out Iran now, are we prepared to be the next big enemy?

We need Misak-I Milli borders in Iraq and Syria before we can do anything to Iran. Our current passage is too narrow. Now look at the map. The entire Misak-ı Milli land in Iraq and Syria is under PKK/KRG control. If we attack Iran, we will enter a trap. At first our "allies" will cheer us on. Then, they will switch sides.

Before we can do anything, we need to solve the refugee crisis. We also need to mass produce fighters, our air force is quickly losing its edge. TFX is a long way off, however we could see MIUS enter production very soon. Remember, the threat here isn't Iran, but those who wish for the return of The Treaty of Sèvres.

Let's not forget that the three way agreement between Turkey-Russia-Iran in Idlib destroyed America's dream of connecting PKK/YPG to the Mediterranean.

Western backed liberal NGOs and Islamist organisations are trying to push a campaign in Turkey to make the Turkish populace more "accepting" of refugees. Our government is being complacent due all the money they receive for the refugee burden. But if we don't get rid of the majority of refugees, a major crisis awaits us. Not only an economic one, but salafists are arming themselves. We can expect terrorist attacks soon. Everyday hundreds or even thousands of refugees enter the nation. This simply isn't sustainable.

We need to launch an operation in Syria. If we can simultaneously destroy YPG and force refugees into northern Syria, we can change the demographics to our advantage.


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We need to be very careful. Some say that the fall of Iran or Russia would be good for us. But who would be next in line? Right now they serve as a counterbalance. We are a useful asset because of our military strength and geographical position.

We are currently in a terrible situation, surrounded by enemies. Greece is quickly arming. Meanwhile, the Arab nations are in a coalition with Israel. Their short term enemy is Iran. But in the long term, it's Turkey. If we knock out Iran now, are we prepared to be the next big enemy?

We need Misak-I Milli borders in Iraq and Syria before we can do anything to Iran. Our current passage is too narrow. Now look at the map. The entire Misak-ı Milli land in Iraq and Syria is under PKK/KRG control. If we attack Iran, we will enter a trap. At first our "allies" will cheer us on. Then, they will switch sides.

Before we can do anything, we need to solve the refugee crisis. We also need to mass produce fighters, our air force is quickly losing its edge. TFX is a long way off, however we could see MIUS enter production very soon. Remember, the threat here isn't Iran, but those who wish for the return of The Treaty of Sèvres.

Let's not forget that the three way agreement between Turkey-Russia-Iran in Idlib destroyed America's dream of connecting PKK/YPG to the Mediterranean.

Western backed liberal NGOs and Islamist organisations are trying to push a campaign in Turkey to make the Turkish populace more "accepting" of refugees. Our government is being complacent due all the money they receive for the refugee burden. But if we don't get rid of the majority of refugees, a major crisis awaits us. Not only an economic one, but salafists are arming themselves. We can expect terrorist attacks soon. Everyday hundreds or even thousands of refugees enter the nation. This simply isn't sustainable.

We need to launch an operation in Syria. If we can simultaneously destroy YPG and force refugees into northern Syria, we can change the demographics to our advantage.

Us Turks are literally that 50 cent song.

Many men wish death on me.


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We need to be very careful. Some say that the fall of Iran or Russia would be good for us. But who would be next in line? Right now they serve as a counterbalance. We are a useful asset because of our military strength and geographical position.

We are currently in a terrible situation, surrounded by enemies. Greece is quickly arming. Meanwhile, the Arab nations are in a coalition with Israel. Their short term enemy is Iran. But in the long term, it's Turkey. If we knock out Iran now, are we prepared to be the next big enemy?

We need Misak-I Milli borders in Iraq and Syria before we can do anything to Iran. Our current passage is too narrow. Now look at the map. The entire Misak-ı Milli land in Iraq and Syria is under PKK/KRG control. If we attack Iran, we will enter a trap. At first our "allies" will cheer us on. Then, they will switch sides.

Before we can do anything, we need to solve the refugee crisis. We also need to mass produce fighters, our air force is quickly losing its edge. TFX is a long way off, however we could see MIUS enter production very soon. Remember, the threat here isn't Iran, but those who wish for the return of The Treaty of Sèvres.

Let's not forget that the three way agreement between Turkey-Russia-Iran in Idlib destroyed America's dream of connecting PKK/YPG to the Mediterranean.

Western backed liberal NGOs and Islamist organisations are trying to push a campaign in Turkey to make the Turkish populace more "accepting" of refugees. Our government is being complacent due all the money they receive for the refugee burden. But if we don't get rid of the majority of refugees, a major crisis awaits us. Not only an economic one, but salafists are arming themselves. We can expect terrorist attacks soon. Everyday hundreds or even thousands of refugees enter the nation. This simply isn't sustainable.

We need to launch an operation in Syria. If we can simultaneously destroy YPG and force refugees into northern Syria, we can change the demographics to our advantage.
i wholeheartedly agree. the west takes priority with their technological edge and (in the US's case) healthy demographics.
once we make them bend the knee, handling RU-CN-IR will be ez.


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Hahahaha we have been drone striking upper leadership of the ypg for over a year now. Slowly but surely destabilizing and destroying the work the americans have done for the last 8 years. Some we killed right after they leave a meeting with the americans. These people were chosen by CENTCOM and the CIA to be put into place in syria. CENTCOM has zero connection to the rest of the ypg. Once these people die they will be forced to deal with people they don't know. Many of the ypg are iran allies and even have their origins in iran. They are literally iranian lapdogs the only thing that keeps them from abandoning the americans is the bribe the americans send to them every year. Never forget how often they were ready to submit to Assad if he gives them self-governence.

It is a paper tiger being propt up with propaganda coming straight from CENTCOM and the Pentagon. Another failure of massive propotions after Afghanistan. The prison riot lasting weeks just for the americans having to send in Delta-Forces to deal with it openly showed this to the majority of the world´. The americans have propped up another terrorist organisation with billions just for them to fold in the face of a couple hundred malnourished ISIS fighters in sandals and tanktop.

The Pentagon sold the ypg to congress as a anti-terror force and a anti-iran force which would keep isis down and clamp on iranian influence in the region. Billions have been wasted on these insects not to mention the bribes for the arab-tribes in the region to keep quiet. Don't forget the money spent on propaganda to show a false pciture of these warriors who destroyed isis all on their own, excluding the billions dollars worth of bombs dropped by the USAF on isis before hand of course.

We are slowly reaching the phase were the americans will pull their support. Their media will start painting them as untrustworthy and actually not so great. They will magnify the efforts by the USAF and Special Forces in the fight against isis. Showing the true participation of the ypg in the campaign.

Just waiting for the footage of US soldiers hauling ass into C-17s to flee syria while these insects are shooting at them after being told they are being abandoned.

Of course no one will answer for the catastrophic policies implemented since 2014. Just like no one answered for Afghanistan.

Not for the destroyed relations with Turkey. For the diminished influence. For the money wasted, again.

This is America.


18 4,630
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We need to be very careful. Some say that the fall of Iran or Russia would be good for us. But who would be next in line? Right now they serve as a counterbalance. We are a useful asset because of our military strength and geographical position.

We are currently in a terrible situation, surrounded by enemies. Greece is quickly arming. Meanwhile, the Arab nations are in a coalition with Israel. Their short term enemy is Iran. But in the long term, it's Turkey. If we knock out Iran now, are we prepared to be the next big enemy?

We need Misak-I Milli borders in Iraq and Syria before we can do anything to Iran. Our current passage is too narrow. Now look at the map. The entire Misak-ı Milli land in Iraq and Syria is under PKK/KRG control. If we attack Iran, we will enter a trap. At first our "allies" will cheer us on. Then, they will switch sides.

Before we can do anything, we need to solve the refugee crisis. We also need to mass produce fighters, our air force is quickly losing its edge. TFX is a long way off, however we could see MIUS enter production very soon. Remember, the threat here isn't Iran, but those who wish for the return of The Treaty of Sèvres.

Let's not forget that the three way agreement between Turkey-Russia-Iran in Idlib destroyed America's dream of connecting PKK/YPG to the Mediterranean.

Western backed liberal NGOs and Islamist organisations are trying to push a campaign in Turkey to make the Turkish populace more "accepting" of refugees. Our government is being complacent due all the money they receive for the refugee burden. But if we don't get rid of the majority of refugees, a major crisis awaits us. Not only an economic one, but salafists are arming themselves. We can expect terrorist attacks soon. Everyday hundreds or even thousands of refugees enter the nation. This simply isn't sustainable.

We need to launch an operation in Syria. If we can simultaneously destroy YPG and force refugees into northern Syria, we can change the demographics to our advantage.

Russia benefits us the most when it is strong enough to terrorize Europe but weak enough that it has to get out of the ME. For our advantage China will keep the Americans awake at night, they will focus the majority of their power in the pacific to try contain China, which will fail but that is another topic.

Iran we can easily squash with an Government that actually recognizes them for what they are a hostile entity.

Northern Syria needs to be turned into a safe zone and the refugees, all of them, be resettled there. Once the Americans abandon the ypg they will crumble. Interal fights and external fights will reduce them to what the pkk right now is in iraq.
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