Umit Ozdag believes sending them all back.
Thats it.
He has no end game plan.
I now strongly believe the TSk can solve this problem.
Politicians wont solve shit.
This is why Iam saying that Umit Ozdag is naive
Lets say we sent all of the Syrians back, without proper protection, most of them will die horrible deaths.
Lets talk about demographics here..... Most of the refugees Turkey took are the majority of the Syrian demographic which are pro-Turkey Sunni Muslims..... the mjnority radical Shia anti-Turkey are the ones ruling Syria rn....
If Turkey sent the pro-Turkey Syrians back into Syria willy nilly without any guarantees, then the Assad administration will go the Russian way and bury them all below the ground. This means that the demographic of Syria will change from majority pro-Turkey to majority pro-Iran and anti-Turkey. As a result, rather than the solution for Turkey's internal security being pushing the radicals away from Turkish border by 30 km, the answer for Turkish security will be total elimination of the Syrian state (as it completely became a terror breeding area) which is 100 times harder
If this possibility came into existence

, then the possibility of peace and territorial integrity within Turkey is close to nill...... this is something that shouldnt be allowed to happen no matter what