May Allah have mercy on his soul and grant him Jannah.
These radicals are fcking up the ceasefire. They are giving more bullets for assad and russia to attack.
Seriously we need to push them all back to sochi line. Also the islamist radicals need to give up their guns or get cleaned out.
That is organization which have taken Idlib and the peace process a hostage. Now they don't only dare to break the cease fires together with Huras Ad-Deen but also they dare to fire and attack Turkish soldiers directly. We all know very well from where that organization is taking orders.I think HTS should be disarmed if they want to stay in Idlib region. They could be moved to a frontier with YPG so they can fight YPG.
US military official in tears at not being able to support YPG
SEP 06, 2020 5:47 PM GMT+3
The U.S. military commander charged as spokesperson for the coalition against Daesh cried as he announced the end of his term at a ceremony attended by terrorist PKK-linked YPG officials.
Operation Inherent Resolve Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III was in tears at a joint news conference with the YPG's so-called spokesperson Mustafa Bali on Sept. 3.
“The world should not forget that the true champions against ISIS are the Syrian Democratic Forces,” Col. Caggins said, using another acronym for Daesh.
Caggins received an award from the PKK terrorists and cried as he made his farewell speech, in which he said he was extremely sad that he would no longer be able to support the terrorist group.
Operation Inherent Resolve Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III cries during a news conference in this CCTV image captured from video
With crucial air and ground support from the United States, the YPG terrorists declared a military victory against Daesh last year after seizing control of the last sliver of land the militants controlled in southeast Syria.
The families of Daesh militants and supporters who came out of the last territory controlled by the group are holed in camps in YPG-controlled areas – the largest one housing nearly 70,000 women and children, many of them foreigners.
Since the beginning, Turkey has opposed its NATO ally, the U.S. partnership with the YPG in the fight against Daesh in Syria, dismissing the idea of supporting one terrorist group to defeat another.
Under the pretext of fighting Daesh, the U.S. has provided military training and given truckloads of military support to the YPG, despite its NATO ally's security concerns.
The PKK, which is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union, has waged a terror campaign against Turkey for more than 35 years and has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, including women and children. The YPG is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK terror group.
Turkey first recognized Daesh as a terrorist organization in 2013.
Since then, the country has been attacked by Daesh terrorists numerous times, including 10 suicide bombings, seven bombings and four armed attacks, which killed 315 people and injured hundreds more.
US military official in tears at not being able to support YPG
The U.S. military commander charged as spokesperson for the coalition against Daesh cried as he announced the end of his term at a ceremony attended
I don't think we will see HTS disarmed any time soon. In the core of the organization there are radical terrorists. Some of the fighters are ex FSA who were forced to join them or to be destroyed after the fight between HTS and NFL.
They know very well that their reputation is harmed and they started a plan where they try to place a distance between them and the current
Huras Ad-Deen (the official Al-Qaeda wing for Syria). They started very good propaganda campaign comparable in quality to that of ISIS. They started heavy hunting for ISIS sleeper cells in Idlib and started publishing the operations publicly, they also started to split between "moderate" and more "radical" by expelling commanders and "forcing" them forming operation rooms like Incite the Believers and Be Steadfast operation rooms. Julani started to pose more often with civilian clothes and shirts rather than military uniforms. After all that some people started to believe them but it should be known. Julani is encircled with an Al Qaeda entourage. The core of their fighters including the foreigners will never bow to Turkey and join the Syrian National Army.
The task is not easy but also not impossible. We know that the locals are not happy with the parts of Idlib where the HTS and Be Steadfast Operation Room have the control over the Syrian Salvation Government. We also know that the moderate part of SSG have very good ties with Turkey and would support any initiative from Turkey like they did before. Many prominent officials of the SSG including the founder of the Free Syrian Army have called for the disbanding of HTS but they can not fight them alone. We can disturb HTS and Be Steadfast areas by organizing protests, we can reinforce further the areas of SSG where there are our people with SNA units and we can put Turkish FOB's on the critical areas in order to ensure the safety of the SSG officials while also organize assassinations carried out by our MIT, SOF and adversaries in theirs which will be coordinated only with tight circle of people in idlib. We can cooperate with the US and identify high priority targets for them to strike without touching them directly. All of the initiatives needs very strong intelligence network in order to be successful which I doubt we have in HTS and Be Steadfast areas (especially Be Steadfast areas). Internal fights also will erupt following the events. The goal must be to cripple the most we can of these organizations before the moderates start to defect to our groups and the fight against the radical core starts. We must act in shock and awe and finish the work as fast as we can. Such a move will not only benefit Idlib but also Turkey's reputation on the international arena. I think we have the capabilities to do this and it will happen but on the right time. I have said this before and will say it again. They either put down arms and start living like normal people or they will be forcefully destroyed. Syria is tired of them.