Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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What a bunch of cowards.

Nothing else could be said.
Again, antagonising Russia rn is a bad move
The moment you piss Russia off and they start to distamce themselves from Turkey, the moment the west led by USA and France will consume Turkey whole

You guys need to preserve these ties until you get what you want from Russia; something that neither the USA or EU wanted to give you
All what I can say is..... just remember what happened to Turkey when they downed the Russian jet
Swallow the bitter pill for now, "no victory comes without sacrifices" as my dad used to say


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Again, antagonising Russia rn is a bad move
The moment you piss Russia off and they start to distamce themselves from Turkey, the moment the west led by USA and France will consume Turkey whole

You guys need to preserve these ties until you get what you want from Russia; something that neither the USA or EU wanted to give you
All what I can say is..... just remember what happened to Turkey when they downed the Russian jet
Swallow the bitter pill for now, "no victory comes without sacrifices" as my dad used to say

Turkey is playing the job of balancing both sides.

Despite russian bombings the TSK is unfazed by it.


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Turkey is playing the job of balancing both sides.

Despite russian bombings the TSK is unfazed by it.
This is what should be done
Just show that no matter what you do, TSK still has IRON BALLS
But never antagonise Russia rn, this is what the West is fervently wishing for
When Turkey downed the Russian jet, many EU countries where silently or publicly criticising it..... those bunch of cowards.... acting like they are strong but when push comes to shove, they are pissing themselves with just the thought of hurting the Russian BEAR!
I stand with Erdo' recent statements: With the current trend, the political and international dynamics are changing, the leaders of the world are changing, the West isnt monolithic as in the past, I just hope that when the time comes, Turkey will be able to shift to the new dynamic and not be bound by the former powers"

A step to do that is by obtaining nuclear tech. Something which only Russia is giving you guys to destroy the relations between you and the West. However, who cares, just swallow the pill until you get nuclear tech from Russia

Act like a sheep until your claws are sharpened enough, and then the wolf shall swallow all


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This cowards in the Gov. are responsible for the death of at least 1/3 of the soldiers, the casualities in Idlib would have been avoidable, trusting on those dumb proxy forces also led to casualities in the first Operation.

And then we have some individuals here who are fine with the idea of Turkish soldiers acting as meatshield for some Jihadi thugs.


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And then we have some individuals here who are fine with the idea of Turkish soldiers acting as meatshield for some Jihadi thugs.
None is happy seeing Turkish soldiers die!
But what will you do!? Do you wanna go and kill Russian Soldiers!? That would spell the demise of Turkey!
Russia knows that time is in their favour. They are trying to pressure you guys to make a wrong move and USA knows that way too clearly. Why do you think they are beginning ti gradually retreat away from Turkish border even more? This is to encourage the PKK to strike TSK and then they will take cover under Russia
Both Russia and USA are benefiting a lot from the current situation! A wrong move and Turkey will literally be broken either by the USA or RUSSIA


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None is happy seeing Turkish soldiers die!
But what will you do!? Do you wanna go and kill Russian Soldiers!? That would spell the demise of Turkey!
Russia knows that time is in their favour. They are trying to pressure you guys to make a wrong move and USA knows that way too clearly. Why do you think they are beginning ti gradually retreat away from Turkish border even more? This is to encourage the PKK to strike TSK and then they will take cover under Russia
Both Russia and USA are benefiting a lot from the current situation! A wrong move and Turkey will literally be broken either by the USA or RUSSIA
What is the reason for Turkish presence in this shithole called Idlib? What is the reason for not starting operation to Tel Rifat and Manbij?
The AKP Gov. will accept YPG in N.Syria, our so called ally is arming/training them, all our leaders are doing is making statements how dissapointed they are with this situation, acting without approval is not possible probably because of "personal" questions.

Behave like a victim and you will get bullied, stand up punch the bully in the face and let's see if they will do it again.
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None is happy seeing Turkish soldiers die!
But what will you do!? Do you wanna go and kill Russian Soldiers!? That would spell the demise of Turkey!
Russia knows that time is in their favour. They are trying to pressure you guys to make a wrong move and USA knows that way too clearly. Why do you think they are beginning ti gradually retreat away from Turkish border even more? This is to encourage the PKK to strike TSK and then they will take cover under Russia
Both Russia and USA are benefiting a lot from the current situation! A wrong move and Turkey will literally be broken either by the USA or RUSSIA

Usa and Russia have already agreed that Turkey will not be given any space in Syria.

They are working together against us.

Hence why both have stopped our operations in Manbij and Tal Rifat.

Also Russia used the isis excuse to attack idlib and they broke the Sochi agreement which led to our observation posts ending up in siege or surrounded.

Russian bear only knows the language of force.

Constant appeasements do us no favours. At the end of the day the more you feed a bear the more it wants.


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Usa and Russia have already agreed that Turkey will not be given any space in Syria.

They are working together against us.

Hence why both have stopped our operations in Manbij and Tal Rifat.

Also Russia used the isis excuse to attack idlib and they broke the Sochi agreement which led to our observation posts ending up in siege or surrounded.

Russian bear only knows the language of force.

Constant appeasements do us no favours. At the end of the day the more you feed a bear the more it wants.
What is the reason for Turkish presence in this shithole called Idlib? What is the reason for not starting operation to Tel Rifat and Manbij?
The AKP Gov. will accept YPG in N.Syria, our so called ally is arming/training them, all our leaders are doing is making statements how dissapointed they are with this situation, acting without approval is not possible probably because of "personal" questions.

Behave like a victim and you will get bullied, stand up punch the bully in the face and let's see if they will do it again.
All what I can say is....l while its true that showing force to those that thought that you were weak will eventualoy discipline them as they know that Turkey can "bite". However, in many cases, such acts may be a trap that becomes justification for another act
For example, Turkey carried out an operation in Tel Rifat and controlled it; however, sadly one American soldier died. Do you think the USA will keep quiet? Do you think the USA wont use it as a legitimate excuse to arm the kurds with top class weaponry and info? Sadly the current situation in Syria is mainly reliant on politics and not force. Russia and USA wants the Turkey-controlled area ASAP. Any wrong move will spell the demise of turkey.
Russians and Americans arent stupid. They know that such actions by the YPG may force Turkey to take Til Rifaat and yet they are doing nothing to prevent them from pissiong off the turks. It is as if they actually want Turkey to start invading Til Rifaat

Anyway, I hope Iam wrong anyway but from how I see it, politics are cruel and Turkey might fall into a trap just like how Saddam Hussein did.
Anyway, I hope that the new administration in Turkey post 2023 led by the CHP will have the so-proclaimed balls and guts to actually do what you think is right


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Why did we even put troops in Idlib. There is no end goal.

You guys have to remember that the coalition funnelled the best weapons and best trained fighters to Idlib. It's a Jihadist powder keg.

Let me run you through their plan. They wanted to make Idlib the last place anyone would want to touch. Neither the rebels or Assad wanted to attack Idlib, because it was a deathtrap. The American plan was to link both sides of YPG/PKK (link Afrin with the larger eastern side) and then push through Idlib with overwhelming airstrikes. After capturing Idlib, the Mediterranean was the next goal. Essentially there would have been a PKK terror state with access to the sea...

Neither Russia, Turkey or Iran wanted this, that's why they agreed to encircle Idlib.

But the original goal was for the trio to block any American advance completely. Then wipe out all terror groups from Idlib. If you look back at statements from the time, there was optimism about join Russian-Turkish airstrikes against HTS. But of course, what happened instead was Erdogan sent Turkish troops inside the province because god knows why. We've probably lost more troops inside Idlib than everywhere else combined in the past few years. All because AKP doesn't want to bomb Jihadist proxies which were funded by America years ago. Go figure.


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What a bunch of cowards.

Nothing else could be said.
Just wonder about link and person writing the post "Turkiye said Bla Bla ". Is he offical representative? or he is relaible reporter? or something which have backing?

If not ! then what the .....
Military strategy mean adapt, apply suprise attack, retreat/step back if you don't gave other option, diversion and more. Also mean that there will be risks ,failiers and wining. You can't predict what may happends.

I don't understand "frustration". Turkiye is against many russians,asadis,iran,pkk,other local groups with own aganda and lets don't forget us,france and saudi.

So what you talking about????
Full attack or like We miss the moment to take that or this??
You don't know the situation and what CAN be done in that "Opened time window"?
We are in war and there are many battles. Mean of them we will lose and ppl will die
So if you looking for tweets like above one .Yes "cowards" and No we are not. Who give a f... for writers looking for attention


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All what I can say is....l while its true that showing force to those that thought that you were weak will eventualoy discipline them as they know that Turkey can "bite". However, in many cases, such acts may be a trap that becomes justification for another act
For example, Turkey carried out an operation in Tel Rifat and controlled it; however, sadly one American soldier died. Do you think the USA will keep quiet? Do you think the USA wont use it as a legitimate excuse to arm the kurds with top class weaponry and info? Sadly the current situation in Syria 8s mainly reliant on politics and not force. Russia and Syria wants the Turkey-controlled area ASAP. Any wrong move will spell the demise of turkey.
Russians and Americans arent stupid. They know that such actions bybthe YPG may force Turkey to take Til Rifaat and yet they are doing nothing to prevent them from pissiong off the turks. It is as if they actually want Turkey to start invading Til Rifaat

Anyway, I hope Iam wrong anyway but from how I see it, politics are cruel and Turkey might fall into a trap just like how Saddam Hussein did.
Anyway, I hope that the new administration in Turkey post 2023 led by the CHP will have the so-proclaimed balls and guts to actually do what you think is right

Honestly I have no hope in Chp or even iyi party for that matter.

Iyi party are known to jack off to bashar al assad.

The Future is bleak.

Just wonder about link and person writing the post "Turkiye said Bla Bla ". Is he offical representative? or he is relaible reporter? or something which have backing?

If not ! then what the .....
Military strategy mean adapt, apply suprise attack, retreat/step back if you don't gave other option, diversion and more. Also mean that there will be risks ,failiers and wining. You can't predict what may happends.

I don't understand "frustration". Turkiye is against many russians,asadis,iran,pkk,other local groups with own aganda and lets don't forget us,france and saudi.

So what you talking about????
Full attack or like We miss the moment to take that or this??
You don't know the situation and what CAN be done in that "Opened time window"?
We are in war and there are many battles. Mean of them we will lose and ppl will die
So if you looking for tweets like above one .Yes "cowards" and No we are not. Who give a f... for writers looking for attention

Never follow agreements which the other party does not.


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Honestly I have no hope in Chp or even iyi party for that matter.

Iyi party are known to jack off to bashar al assad.

The Future is bleak.

Never follow agreements which the other party does not.

No, no, you are limiting you options and mean that you are using half of anything

If you want to be good in that you WILL ADAPT and USE ALL AVAILABE OPTIONS.
Any option agreed on both sides EVEN if one of side does not fullfill it CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST HIM.


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I don't know for what reason the relations with Assad were destroyed? Because his father made business with PKK? So does Iran, Russia, USA, Europe, Arab league now yet normal relations with those countries.
Let's not forget it was AKP who allowed PKK sorry "Peshmerga" to move to Ayn-al Arab/Kobani through Turkish soil...

Turkey has both Iraq and Syria by the balls -> Euphrates and Tigris.


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I do not know if TAF deployed earlier any ad system within syria, if not this could mean two things preparation for some groumd incursion of limited purpose or teling russians that they are not free to bomb whenever they want.

For god damn sake, hawk air defense systems are one of the worst defense systems ever present period!
This shitty system is
1- Quite useless
2- Damn old
3- Most countries knows the ins and outs of such systems. In fact, I wont be surprised if some sensitive info about Hawks AD is sold in the black market by now or even damn Wikipedia!


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For god damn sake, hawk air defense systems are one of the worst defense systems ever present period!
This shitty system is
1- Quite useless
2- Damn old
3- Most countries knows the ins and outs of such systems. In fact, I wont be surprised if some sensitive info about Hawks AD is sold in the black market by now or even damn Wikipedia!

We have a modernised version.

But right now Hisar is going to phase the hawk out for good.

Well Turkish air defence programs are already in full swing and the Hawk will get its retirement just like the F4 Phantoms will.

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