Assad too brought signifcant reinforcments, this could be real test for TSK if it could blow away those in fast and decisive manner.
Any idea how many "kurds" has armenian roots?They are kurds you can't fool no one here
Owner of Egeturk is a Turk.There are mostly Kurds in the organisation and the staff, but they are not the owner or the boss and they dont have a say in the policy, and thats why the PKK or YPG are not fighting for the Kurdish case or Kurdish problem.
It's like Egetürk or GAZI. Turkish name, Turkish products, Turkish workers but a German firm.
And i dont have to fool anyone. If you have brains, you will understand.
Never understood the Armenian argument, another conspiracy theory we dont need. We already have plenty.
There are also Turks in the PKK but most of them are Turkish citizens of Kurdish origin.
No, most armenian which hided from ottomans, came into kurdish families. Later, they pretend themselves as kurds, because of fear.You mean by inter-marriages![]()
Politics mateWhy are they openly discussing launching operations? You don't tell your enemy you're going to attack, you just attack.
Now literally everyone in the PKK/YPG knows that an attack is coming and has had time to dig in.
This is like if before launching the Spring Offensive in 1918, the German Empire sent like a dozen telegrams for an entire week to the Triple Entente declaring their intent to attack and warning them to back off.
Bro, it’s not a myth. That’s why diasporas claiming that we killed mio. They don’t mention that so many hided or flee in Kurdish families. Ocalan is one example.You know what, those myths are overestimated. I have heard so many stories from friends on either side of the conflict, of their elders providing refuge to others, their families, but nothing at such scale.
Sehy Said started the rebellion with the support of the "Azadi" also known as Kürt Istiklal Komitesi, he was even married to the sister of Halid Beg Cibran the leader of the "Azadi". At least they could brag around for a whole month before they were totally crushed and hanged.Sheich Sayyid had nothing to do with Kurds, Kurdistan or the Kurdish case.
My balls are falling off when i see how low the level of political history is here.
Denying the Armenian connection within the PKK, the linking of Sheich Sayyid to Kurdish seperatism, oh Lord.
When FETO is a reality any conspiracy is possible.
In a muslim vs non-muslim clash, Kurds were no ally to Armenians at the time. Forced relocation turned out to be the cause of a massive civil clash, worst of its kind. There are records of bloody clashes between Kurdish and Armenian gangs in the region (and attacts on civilians) claiming lives of tens of thousands, and with so much blood spilled, you cannot really talk about a voluntary campaign to “save your Armenian neighbor”. Read this document, on the measures taken by the Ottoman administration (apart from providing ill equipped troops to protect Armenian immigrants) amidst this bloodshed to save a few…
Sevk ve İskan Uygulaması |
Ermenilerin zorunlu göçü ile ilgili Tehcir Kanunu olarak bilinen kanun, Dâhiliye Nazırı Talât Bey’in girişimleriyle 27 Mayıs 1915 tarihinde
I guess it is the answer to your question!
A Zaza blaming of Kurds for being Armenian. I'll tell you that you could find more Armenian DNA in Rize and Kayseri.We are Zaza's from Elazig's Palu district. The Palu district was almost Armenian but also a lot of Kurds and Zaza's lived there.
My grandelders told stories of Armenian women who sought refuge and to secure their children they married Kurdish villagers.
They never saw Armenian males, only women and children who were on the run.
Most Armenians integrated in Kurdish families and clans.
where did you get this Info?Target softening has started. If a green light is given operation can start anytime but IMHO early November is more likely.
From my friend at the operation zone who is a petty officer.where did you get this Info?
Hope we don't lose more men for not to give collateral damageFrom my friend at the operation zone who is a petty officer.
Oh my f***ing goodness. Are we related to each other?! From which village are you?We are Zaza's from Elazig's Palu district.
From my friend at the operation zone who is a petty officer.
The stories that PKK is a Armenian origin terror group is something Islamists and Kurds themselves claim, but the truth is they are as much as kurdish as the Talibans are Pashtun. You can't fool anybody here.
It's just the continuation of the Kocgiri, Beytussebab, Ararat, Dersim and Sehy Said rebellions.
Now they're trying to justify it with Turkish fascism, Kemalism, but what about all the rebellions during Ottoman Caliphate times?
And it's is known how Barzanis KDP, Talabanis PUK, Arafats Fatah (PLO) and other Palestinian organizations like PPSF cooperated and some even trained the pkk in guerilla warfare. However there is not even one proven relation to ASALA for example or JCAG just claims of cooperation in Europe.
The founder is a kurd, their high ranking members, the small thugs and also their supporters.