Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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I expect a decision to be taken for a land operation in Syria after today's National Security Council meeting. I expect the land operation to start in August. After yesterday's incident launching the operation will be even harder. Literally, everyone is against us. Iran, PKK/YPG, the Syrian Regime, Iranian controlled Iraq government, the US, and Russia is against us. There are suspicions that even the CIA supported Iran in the last false flag op to stop a potential Turkish op.


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Those opposing countries must be thinking Türkiye will not defend itself against their plots. While none of them have borders with conflict areas Türkiye does. This gives all the leverage we need to go ahead. The perfect opportunity to step up our defense industry game is looming.


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Simply enough; no one wants Turkey to get extra lands to resettpe the refugees and end the PKK terror. The PKK and the refugees are a potent card against Turkey and all the countries competing against Turkey for dominance over Africa and Med East such as the US, Israel, Russia, KSA, UAE, and Iran will never allow such a card to be thrown into the dustbin

When it comes to be against Turkey, the whole world will unite that is for sure
Hell, even with the current embargoes, and cheap Turkish drones can already annihilate the most potent Russian weaponry; just imagine what will Happen if Turkey has the RESOURCES it NEEDS to grow; sadly, none will allow that


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I expect a decision to be taken for a land operation in Syria after today's National Security Council meeting. I expect the land operation to start in August. After yesterday's incident launching the operation will be even harder. Literally, everyone is against us. Iran, PKK/YPG, the Syrian Regime, Iranian controlled Iraq government, the US, and Russia is against us. There are suspicions that even the CIA supported Iran in the last false flag op to stop a potential Turkish op.

And Israel!


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Again U.S. did not became main sponsor of PKK at early 90s without approval from some special place and Israel supposed to be our ally till Mavi Marmara(2008).

Isreal has to keep her regional rivals divided and as long as Turkey was not hostile to Israel she had to limit and hide her actions against Turkey. The moment AK party went full mavi marmara we created a situation where isreal has nothing to gain by hiding her true intentions against Turkey. It was a dumb move to turn Isreal into an open enemy as a opposed to a concealed one when you had issues to deal with in Syria. Terrible timing.

Erdogan created a position where literally everyone in the region and wider region has a vested interest to be against Turkey. Shockingly incompetent. The only nation on earth who has both the USA and Russia against her, the only nation on earth that has Isreal and Iran against her.

But if you tolerate such failure, then you live with the results.

Turkey has to go in, no more waiting. The Turkish people within Turkey must be educated by the media as to the seriousness to what many players in the world are creating for Turkey in Syria and Iraq and if we do nothing now, it will leave our children a much bigger and risker war in the future. Their long term agenda is to expand PKKistan in Turkey itself, that will create an absolute bloodbath in Turkey, not just in the south east but across the entire nation. If the Turk has to come terms that his land is being taken away in the south east and given to the PKK marxist Kurds led by new Lawrence of Arabia's, he will not tolerate them in Istanbul, Ankara or anywhere else. I'm not saying that's right, but the anger that will sweep the nation, the government will not be able to control it.

This is also why all the meetings, all the asking by erdogan is such a foolish waste of time. They are not going to give you what makes you stronger and their position against Turkey weaker. You had to create facts on the ground that meant there is a cost to them opposing Turkey.


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I expect a decision to be taken for a land operation in Syria after today's National Security Council meeting. I expect the land operation to start in August. After yesterday's incident launching the operation will be even harder. Literally, everyone is against us. Iran, PKK/YPG, the Syrian Regime, Iranian controlled Iraq government, the US, and Russia is against us. There are suspicions that even the CIA supported Iran in the last false flag op to stop a potential Turkish op.

Only the USA matters in this equation. Russia is no position to start a serious conflict with Turkey. Turkey has to calculate whether the USA would directly attack Turkish assets like they threatened to do last time. I don't personally think they will, too much to lose and far to soon in their pkkistan agenda to risk losing Turkey.

And if they stike Turkish assets and erdogan didnt try to hide it from the people, but instead moved to close their facilities down in Turkey and expel them from the country. The USA may need a hundred years to pass before having good relations with Turkey again.

But this is why you should never bark, you rivals will look at you as a weak leader and look to exploit that weakness at every opportunity. Erdogan should have positioned herself as a nation who speaks once and then acts. Instead Turkey looks like a nation that talks a thousand times and maybe will once.


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Isreal has to keep her regional rivals divided and as long as Turkey was not hostile to Israel she had to limit and hide her actions against Turkey. The moment AK party went full mavi marmara we created a situation where isreal has nothing to gain by hiding her true intentions against Turkey. It was a dumb move to turn Isreal into an open enemy as a opposed to a concealed one when you had issues to deal with in Syria. Terrible timing.

Erdogan created a position where literally everyone in the region and wider region has a vested interest to be against Turkey. Shockingly incompetent. The only nation on earth who has both the USA and Russia against her, the only nation on earth that has Isreal and Iran against her.

But if you tolerate such failure, then you live with the results.

Turkey has to go in, no more waiting. The Turkish people within Turkey must be educated by the media as to the seriousness to what many players in the world are creating for Turkey in Syria and Iraq and if we do nothing now, it will leave our children a much bigger and risker war in the future. Their long term agenda is to expand PKKistan in Turkey itself, that will create an absolute bloodbath in Turkey, not just in the south east but across the entire nation. If the Turk has to come terms that his land is being taken away in the south east and given to the PKK marxist Kurds led by new Lawrence of Arabia's, he will not tolerate them in Istanbul, Ankara or anywhere else. I'm not saying that's right, but the anger that will sweep the nation, the government will not be able to control it.

This is also why all the meetings, all the asking by erdogan is such a foolish waste of time. They are not going to give you what makes you stronger and their position against Turkey weaker. You had to create facts on the ground that meant there is a cost to them opposing Turkey.

Erdogan might be all talk but it was better that Israel was exposed as an enemy.

Jews work so well behind the scenes.

Lets not forget during the Turkish independance they bet on both sides to win the Istanbul government led by Sultan Vahdettin and his Damat and the Ankara government led by Ataturk while at the same time supporting the Allied invasion of the homeland.

Israel is a much nore dangerous enemy than the Arabs and Persians because of their money which buys them power and influence.

Their small numbers look how they run the world itself. Im not angry at all because this is history and geopolitics we are talking about.

Us Turks always go by a code of honour while the Jews dont. Its free for all for them.

Iraqis cant do anything about the Americans and the Iranians thats why they vent their anger on us.

Jews and Persians have killed more Arabs than Turks but the Arabs still think we are the bad guys.

Us Turks will only thrive and win this region if we have a smart leader im talking about Bismarck of Germany.

The Seljuks, Ottomans and Ataturk all had their own ideas on pragmatism hence why they were successful.

Us Turks today gets lots of hits but lots of misses too. Every miss we do costs us so bad.

Erdogan has quite the mess to clean thats the problem there is even more.


Isreal has to keep her regional rivals divided and as long as Turkey was not hostile to Israel she had to limit and hide her actions against Turkey. The moment AK party went full mavi marmara we created a situation where isreal has nothing to gain by hiding her true intentions against Turkey. It was a dumb move to turn Isreal into an open enemy as a opposed to a concealed one when you had issues to deal with in Syria. Terrible timing.

Ye he did a Mavi Marmara and shat on relations with the strongest lobby in the world only to turn around and shit on the same MM people after 10 years saying we didn't tell them to go lol. To top it off our bad politics brought Israel and the Arab world closer politically. Why now do we expect Israel to openly support us when we lost the past leverage and goodwill we had. Look how quickly the Muslim world forgot MM lol and Malum person doesn't mention it anymore.

You couldn't make this shit up if you tried to lol.


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Erdogan might be all talk but it was better that Israel was exposed as an enemy.

No it wasn't, because it forced the Israeli jews and their international supporters to double down against Turkey. It would have been better to keep things friendly to limit the extent in which they actively engage against Turkey.

So you created an "open" enemy out of them and what benefit did Turkey attain? Now Isreal rushes into every alliance openly against Turkey. Nothing was won, only things became harder.

Every regional rival of Turkey knows that Turkey has destroyed her bridges with them, this allows them to unite against Turkey with such ease. However had Turkey not been so terrible in foreign policy all our regional rivals would worry that opposing Turkey will force them to side with their rival. If Isreal went too hard against Turkey, she worries Turkey accommodates Iran and vice versa. None of them worry now because Turkey created a situation where she has no real leverage against any of them. She burnt all her bridges and everyone is exploiting that.


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No it wasn't, because it forced the Israeli jews and their international supporters to double down against Turkey. It would have been better to keep things friendly to limit the extent in which they actively engage against Turkey.

So you created an "open" enemy out of them and what benefit did Turkey attain? Now Isreal rushes into every alliance openly against Turkey. Nothing was won, only things became harder.

Israel and Iran actually helped each other.

Israel and Iran worked together in stopping Iraq getting nukes.

Israel has always been an enemy to us whether it was openly or behind. They always did it behind doors.

Lets not forget Turkiye was going to get F35s before Israel but Israel was actually lobbying for decades to take them away from us.

Israel vs Iran is all bullshit bark while in reality they work together. This was confirmed yet again as they oppose our operation.

Dont be surprised if Israeli weapons end up with pkk and shia militias.


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Israel and Iran actually helped each other.

Israel and Iran worked together in stopping Iraq getting nukes.

Israel has always been an enemy to us whether it was openly or behind. They always did it behind doors.

Lets not forget Turkiye was going to get F35s before Israel but Israel was actually lobbying for decades to take them away from us.

Israel vs Iran is all bullshit bark while in reality they work together. This was confirmed yet again as they oppose our operation.

Dont be surprised if Israeli weapons end up with pkk and shia militias.

Iran for the past 30 to 40 years has killed more Muslims then Israel has. Its actions across the region have only destabilised it and divided the Muslim world. I actually think the regime in Iran is the best thing that could have happened to Isreal. It allows Isreal to constantly play the victim and Irans actions in supporting minority shia groups with radical acts of terrorism destabilises other Muslim states and brings those Arab states into demanding the protection of the USA, which forces them to submit to Israeli concerns.


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Ye he did a Mavi Marmara and shat on relations with the strongest lobby in the world only to turn around and shit on the same MM people after 10 years saying we didn't tell them to go lol. To top it off our bad politics brought Israel and the Arab world closer politically. Why now do we expect Israel to openly support us when we lost the past leverage and goodwill we had. Look how quickly the Muslim world forgot MM lol and Malum person doesn't mention it anymore.

You couldn't make this shit up if you tried to lol.

There was point in time where i used to think that all this failure was being done on purpose, i honestly couldn't believe that anyone could be this stupid and this naïve. But it was when he put his incompetent son in law in charge of the central bank i realised we are dealing with an intellectual moron.

Nothing great can be achieved with this man. He's good at creating endless problems and when he half solves one of the many problems he created he sells it the people of Turkey as a great success.


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Iran for the past 30 to 40 years has killed more Muslims then Israel has. Its actions across the region have only destabilised it and divided the Muslim world. I actually think the regime in Iran is the best thing that could have happened to Isreal. It allows Isreal to constantly play the victim and Irans actions in supporting minority shia groups with radical acts of terrorism destabilises other Muslim states and brings those Arab states into demanding the protection of the USA, which forces them to submit to Israeli concerns.

Good thing that Azerbaijan has avoided this Sunni vs Shia war. Since Azerbaijan is shia the Iranians tried to play the shia card to turn them into puppets and proxies. For centuries the Sunnis and Shias coexisted there. In the Karabag 2020 they fought and died together which burns Iran itself.

Cant say the same for Shia Kurds, Hazaras and Shia Arabs all of them are puppets and used as proxies by Iran while in reality the Iranians treat them like dirt even filth.

Persians have some really racist views even if these people are Shia. Iranians see them as slaves to do their bidding in the region.

Iranians are also trying to make the Alevis and Shias of Turkiye to turn against the Turks.

Iranians and their tentacles have reached Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen.

While us Turks continue to bury our heads in the sand. The Iranian terrorist militias have used rockets and mortars to attack our base.

We have not striked back yet. This what pisses me off. We dont have a hard stance because Erdogans cabinet is full of pro Iranian idiots.

Lets not forget Dogu Perincek and temel karamanoglu these losers cried over soleimani 🤣
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Isreal has to keep her regional rivals divided and as long as Turkey was not hostile to Israel she had to limit and hide her actions against Turkey. The moment AK party went full mavi marmara we created a situation where isreal has nothing to gain by hiding her true intentions against Turkey. It was a dumb move to turn Isreal into an open enemy as a opposed to a concealed one when you had issues to deal with in Syria. Terrible timing.

Erdogan created a position where literally everyone in the region and wider region has a vested interest to be against Turkey. Shockingly incompetent. The only nation on earth who has both the USA and Russia against her, the only nation on earth that has Isreal and Iran against her.

But if you tolerate such failure, then you live with the results.

Turkey has to go in, no more waiting. The Turkish people within Turkey must be educated by the media as to the seriousness to what many players in the world are creating for Turkey in Syria and Iraq and if we do nothing now, it will leave our children a much bigger and risker war in the future. Their long term agenda is to expand PKKistan in Turkey itself, that will create an absolute bloodbath in Turkey, not just in the south east but across the entire nation. If the Turk has to come terms that his land is being taken away in the south east and given to the PKK marxist Kurds led by new Lawrence of Arabia's, he will not tolerate them in Istanbul, Ankara or anywhere else. I'm not saying that's right, but the anger that will sweep the nation, the government will not be able to control it.

This is also why all the meetings, all the asking by erdogan is such a foolish waste of time. They are not going to give you what makes you stronger and their position against Turkey weaker. You had to create facts on the ground that meant there is a cost to them opposing Turkey.
Simply, this isnt true at all

Israel was always an enemy to Turkey whether now or before; hell, even when Erdogan used to suck the Israeli boots by being the first non-warring muslim nation to recognise Israel, Turkey was still getting kicked in the back by shitty military deals and poor quality products

Israel's policy in the region is clear and it is "Israel first" i swear the jews can even betray the Americans if they are to benefit more from it; thus, the question of why they are trying to prevent a Turkish operation pops up

Why on Earth does Turkey wanna create a 30 km safe zone is the first question to be asked and its answer is that thr main cities with radical, Shia, Kurdish demographics are close to the Turkish borders. When such cities are taken by Turkey, where on Earth do you think those radical Shias will go? Obviously to areas controlled by the regime and Iran amd this means an increased risk of confrontation with Israel since the PKK will be 100% used against Israel by Iran since Iran knows how to control the slave-like radical shia muslims well

What Israel is trying to do is ensure that the small possibility of 1% confrontation between Israel and PKK (regardless of the cause) is dropped to 0% since this might endanger Israel's security in the long term especially of Turkey changed the demographics of the controlled cities by placing Sunni muslims in them. For Israel it is easier to deal with Sunni muslims than Shias and now (albeit slowly) the Syrian demographics surrounding Israel is becoming more Shia which Israel doesnt like


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I love how you people state the obvious.

but because everything is complicated we can’t be bothered to explain more than a fraction. Which invites the others to jump in completing the cirkel.

Well let’s see what’s going to happen.

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