Live Conflict Military Operations Syria


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Evem if we had full democracy, in order to not lose the next election, most leaders would take sub optimal and myopic decisions. The problem is rather with the people. If something is for the good of the country they should accept the negative consequences. If not, then they deserve a dictator. If the dictator is a real one, like Putin he wont have fear of losing the power. In conclusion, a dictator with the brain and the balls is certainly better than any democracy.

My feeling is that in a fully functioning democracy Turkey wouldn't have ever joined the american/isreali war against Assad to begin with. I suspect sane voices would have pointed out the lunacy of joining the americans/isrealis who we watched build a pkkistan in iraq, expecting them to good things in syria. When in reality everywhere they go, their wars are designed to destabilise regions allowing them to dominate and exploit.

If you remember Erdogan and Davutoglu didn't want to join it, they were doing everything to get Assad to either hold elections or step down. The international media played the same game showing Turkey as moving towards the east and an enemy of the west that cannot be trusted. They AK party succumbed to western pressure and made the mistake of going all in against Assad and 10 years later they still screw us over Syria.

On a side note compare how badly Syria was and is played compared to how well Ukraine has been played in comparison. No matter which way Ukraine goes Turkey has room to move to protect herself.


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My feeling is that in a fully functioning democracy Turkey wouldn't have ever joined the american/isreali war against Assad to begin with. I suspect sane voices would have pointed out the lunacy of joining the americans/isrealis who we watched build a pkkistan in iraq, expecting them to good things in syria. When in reality everywhere they go, their wars are designed to destabilise regions allowing them to dominate and exploit.

If you remember Erdogan and Davutoglu didn't want to join it, they were doing everything to get Assad to either hold elections or step down. The international media played the same game showing Turkey as moving towards the east and an enemy of the west that cannot be trusted. They AK party succumbed to western pressure and made the mistake of going all in against Assad and 10 years later they still screw us over Syria.

On a side note compare how badly Syria was and is played compared to how well Ukraine has been played in comparison. No matter which way Ukraine goes Turkey has room to move to protect herself.
We got played like a fiddle because of AKP's stupidity in Syria. The US propped up PKKistan while simultaneously ruining Turkey's image. We became known to the world as supporters of Islamic radicalism. I can't believe how badly we f*cked up.


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We got played like a fiddle because of AKP's stupidity in Syria. The US propped up PKKistan while simultaneously ruining Turkey's image. We became known to the world as supporters of Islamic radicalism. I can't believe how badly we f*cked up.

Yep, meanwhile the PKK terrorists got completely legitimised on the international stage. The western media branded the Kurds intentionally as one monolithic entity, the good guys who the evil islamist Turks under their islamist despot "enemy of the west" erdogan are committing genocide on.

Anytime Turkey wants to move the international media start the propaganda of Turks butchering Kurds. When the YPG allied to Assad attack a civilian centre, no great outrage in the international media.

The only way Turkey entered this utter failure was either a government who was treasonous or a government whose exceptionally incompetent. I used to believe it was the former since AK party were close friends with all the enemies of the Turkish state like feto, but as the years have passed i've come to realisation that he's just incredibly incompetent.


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Turkey has been pushed to the corner big time. Greece on the west, Iran on the east, PKK backed by US, Russia, Iran at the south. The only good outcome out of this could be that Turkey gets stronger and stronger militarily, given all the threats. But if they attract our engineers, limit technology access, and economy suffers due to irrational management we will be something like Iran but without natural resources. Therefore, we as a nation need to really wake up.


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Turkey has been pushed to the corner big time. Greece on the west, Iran on the east, PKK backed by US, Russia, Iran at the south. The only good outcome out of this could be that Turkey gets stronger and stronger militarily, given all the threats. But if they attract our engineers, limit technology access, and economy suffers due to irrational management we will be something like Iran but without natural resources. Therefore, we as a nation need to really wake up.

The military developments have become critical, its the one thing if it succeeds it can make up for all these political failures. Idlib was a good example of AK party politics trapping Turkey in a corner. The politics were so bad that the Russians felt so arrogant that they could bomb Turkish troops, they bombed the unsuspecting Turkish troops like the low degenerates they are killing many. What did erdogan do he did everything to hide it, then the russians advertised the attack on TV adding further humiliation. Turkish anger spread as social media couldn't be stopped.

Then Turkish drone warfare was displayed for the first time, it was devastating and changed the game completely. Before Turkish drones got moving and destroying thousands of targets in the space of a few days, the world used to talk about how powerful Russia was and how invincible their air defence systems were. That was the first psychological blow to the international image of a powerful Russia. It didn't help that Erdogan was begging for a ceasefire, but the absolute destructions was there for the world to see. Politically Turkey may have become a joke, but the world got to see the Turkish military was still in the game and still capable and powerful.

What a mistake killing those troops turned out for Putin though, the chain reaction of negative events that came after it for Russia has been costly. 2 years on from when the Turkish troops were killed by Russia, Ukrainian drones released footage on the aniversary of that attack showing Russian soldiers being blown away.

Today the Russian military image has been reduced to that of a clown army.


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I have a feeling that the US wants to keep Iran afloat to use them against us.

Iran is maybe 50% non Persian and she treats her minorities like trash, meanwhile Turkey is maybe 25% non-Turk meanwhile her minorities are over represented in government, Georgian president, Kurdish head of intelligence etc. Yet we get no media about Iran oppressing minorities, but we cant go a day without hearing about Turkey committing genocide on her minorities in the western media, with the iranians relaying the exact same propaganda against Turkey.

Tomorrow if Turkey went to war with either assad or iran the western media will portray Turkey as the bad guy in the story, just like they did with Isis.

Its clear Turkey is a primary target, but Turkish geography doesn't allow them to go all in against us in fear we side with their rivals. While Turkey is no joke for anyone to declare war on.

But if your being rational, the isrealis let the truth out when they openly said that Turkey is the serious threat to them in the region and that Iran can be contained. So naturally they will support the weaker entity against the stronger one despite being enemies of both.

Even today Turkey has no oil and gas revenue yet our military developments are shooting ahead of every other Muslim majority nation.


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If you look at Erdoğan's latest comments you will understand that no operation will happen. It's not just Doğu Perinçek and Ethem Sancak who tried to approach Assad, now Erdoğan himself is trying to make peace with him.


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In Ahlat during a speech today Erdogan said again „we can come suddenly one night“. I cannot believe my ears!


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My 2cents: Iran has their proxies with or without the sanctions. Iran with or without sanctions is not really a threat for Turkey.

However economically speaking, lifting the sanctions with help cross border trade and benefit both countries.

What happens every time the sanctions against Iran are lifted: Gulf countries including Israel suddenly again realize that Iran isa threat to them and try to cozy up to Turkey. Its been the same the last time and we see the same thing happening now. History repeating itself, until another Republican president in the US reverts the unsanctioning.


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My 2cents: Iran has their proxies with or without the sanctions. Iran with or without sanctions is not really a threat for Turkey.

However economically speaking, lifting the sanctions with help cross border trade and benefit both countries.

What happens every time the sanctions against Iran are lifted: Gulf countries including Israel suddenly again realize that Iran isa threat to them and try to cozy up to Turkey. Its been the same the last time and we see the same thing happening now. History repeating itself, until another Republican president in the US reverts the unsanctioning.

They are all backstabbers.

But Iran needs to be balkanised.

We need to be pragmatic and iron fisted thats the only language this region understands.

Any kind of weakness you show in the Middle East they basically see you as an impotent man.


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My 2cents: Iran has their proxies with or without the sanctions. Iran with or without sanctions is not really a threat for Turkey.

However economically speaking, lifting the sanctions with help cross border trade and benefit both countries.

What happens every time the sanctions against Iran are lifted: Gulf countries including Israel suddenly again realize that Iran isa threat to them and try to cozy up to Turkey. Its been the same the last time and we see the same thing happening now. History repeating itself, until another Republican president in the US reverts the unsanctioning.
Do you remember the trade volume Erdogan and Ahmadineschad wanted to lift up? $100 billion! Dont know if they were any chance to reach that number, but the potential is their.
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