İ didn't know those organizations and abbreviations so that i googled them.
Regime can't send reinforcements to Qamishli unlike YPG not to mention that they are encircled, i'm sure something similar near Deir-ez-Zor or Raqqa would look different. But don't expect that this will trigger a bigger conflict between both sides Russia already intervened and stopped it.
Ypg is kicking Assad regime's ass.
This is pathetic lol!!!
I hope they continue killing each other but seeing the Assadists getting stomped like this is making me laugh. Remember how they said we are going to take back inch by inch.
Russia is just sitting by letting its proxy getting massacred by another proxy that they are supporting.
Regime can't send reinforcements to Qamishli unlike YPG not to mention that they are encircled, i'm sure something similar near Deir-ez-Zor or Raqqa would look different. But don't expect that this will trigger a bigger conflict between both sides Russia already intervened and stopped it.
Its name is Tay. In Arabic language there is the "Al" part which literally means "The" but there is also a rule for the "sun" and "moon" letters in which if the next letter after "Al" is a "sun" letter as in the case of "T" the "L" part in "Al" is being passed and a "Shaddah" (you can research what's that) is applied to the first letter of the word. So it is not correctly to call it Altay or Al-Tay but At-Tay.Altai neighbourhood? Wtf?
Hmm. Could be named after Fahrettin Altay? But why would Syria name somewhere after him?
Its name is Tay. In Arabic language there is the "Al" part which literally means "The" but there is also a rule for the "sun" and "moon" letters in which if the next letter after "Al" is a "sun" letter as in the case of "T" the "L" part in "Al" is being passed and a "Shaddah" (you can research what's that) is applied to the first letter of the word. So it is not correctly to call it Altay or Al-Tay but At-Tay.
Why you are so sensitive didn’t you say that to the Iranians when your erdogan said a provocative poem about Iranian lands?![]()
Don’t lie please your people complain about the Kurds but at the same time in your country you hosted Azeri separatist movements long before karabakh war.