TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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Is that why Gürcan Okumuş left?
I'd heard he resisted giving away some munition to another company after working so hard for it

why do you people believe everything you read on the internet? Armed forces staff goes to Pakistan and they agreed on it? and wher did youread that Okumus leaved because of this?


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Sharing is caring. Good for both countries.
View attachment 65651
I dont want to insult you but what it comes down to is that Türkiye will provide Pakistan the knowhow for its indigenous AA missile.
There is no Faaz-2,not developed yet.
What we need from Pakistan is data from tests with Gökdogan/Bozdogan and other indigenous AA missiles developed by Roketsan.


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I dont want to insult you but what it comes down to is that Türkiye will provide Pakistan the knowhow for its indigenous AA missile.
There is no Faaz-2,not developed yet.

Still on paper only.

Ustad, it is a bit complicated than that. FAAZ-2 is largely a further development of Denel's Marlin. which has been test fired initially. So, the program is not completly out of besis.



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Ustad, it is a bit complicated than that. FAAZ-2 is largely a further development of Denel's Marlin. which has been test fired initially. So, the program is not completly out of besis.

View attachment 65656
Obviously this is more TT than cooperation. It could even be co-production, but let's not call it 'cooperation on air-to-air missile programmes and technology exchange', let's just call it 'TT framework on air-to-air missiles and co-production of Goktug'.

Not going into how Denel is doing in recent years or how much of the missile can be remanufactured, all by Pakistan. It is pretty much a system on paper with no indigenous prototypes. I am all for cooperation, but with credit given to those who deserve it.

Especially when you have a Turkish delegate as a guest, you don't brag too much about Pakistani personnel involved in training pilots for the Turkish Air Force, for example. The choice of words is a little disturbing, as it tends to glorify one's own and belittle TR and, above all, not an act to be done against a guest. Guests should be honoured as they were once honoured when they were here. The words could have been chosen to enforce friendship rather than make it sound like a blessing to TR.

I am sorry, but i am not getting any friendly vibes from those statements.

One more note on Marlin, all I can see is a ground launch test, which is the most typical first test of any missile system to study rocket motor - body kinetics (and to release funds, or gain support). Again, all you need for this test is a rocket motor and some instrumentation kits.​


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We will need thousands (perhaps even tens of thousands) of Göktuğ family missiles. The more international manufacturers there are, the lower the unit cost of missiles. I interpret it from this perspective.


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Obviously this is more TT than cooperation. It could even be co-production, but let's not call it 'cooperation on air-to-air missile programmes and technology exchange', let's just call it 'TT framework on air-to-air missiles and co-production of Goktug'.

Not going into how Denel is doing in recent years or how much of the missile can be remanufactured, all by Pakistan. It is pretty much a system on paper with no indigenous prototypes. I am all for cooperation, but with credit given to those who deserve it.

Especially when you have a Turkish delegate as a guest, you don't brag too much about Pakistani personnel involved in training pilots for the Turkish Air Force, for example. The choice of words is a little disturbing, as it tends to glorify one's own and belittle TR and, above all, not an act to be done against a guest. Guests should be honoured as they were once honoured when they were here. The words could have been chosen to enforce friendship rather than make it sound like a blessing to TR.

I am sorry, but i am not getting any friendly vibes from those statements.

One more note on Marlin, all I can see is a ground launch test, which is the most typical first test of any missile system to study rocket motor - body kinetics (and to release funds, or gain support). Again, all you need for this test is a rocket motor and some instrumentation kits.​

Oh yes, those bragging sounded weird to my ear also. And I agree, it is more like one sided TT. Pakistan doesn't have anything to offer to Türkiye in this regard.


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Oh yes, those bragging sounded weird to my ear also. And I agree, it is more like one sided TT. Pakistan doesn't have anything to offer to Türkiye in this regard.
And I fully support a collaboration in which;
  • Goktug missiles will be manufactured in Pakistan, with some parts supplied and some manufactured locally, assembled, tested and integrated into PAF assets.
  • The development of Faaz will be supported by TR, including the design of the missile and know-how on certain components. As far as possible, it will be independent of TR in order to create an alternative supply chain.
  • Faaz will be integrated with Turkish AF assets, making Faaz interchangeable with Goktug.
  • Create a common stockpile that can be drawn upon in an emergency.
And this common stockpile shouldn't just cover TR-PK, it should better cover the Turkic world and trustworthy allies as well.


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Pakistan probably discovered that such a small missile traveling at Mach 4 and pulling 40-50-60Gs needs state-of-the-art specialized subsystems like actuators which Pakistan has no hope of developing.


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In order to increase its global impact, the defence and aerospace industry should also globalize both its industrial collaborations and academic connections. Malaysia is one of the countries with the best academic infrastructure in the Asian region, with some world-renowned universities. Pakistan also has very good technical universities. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Central Asia should have been integrated by now... Turkish defense and aerospace sector can also benefit from the output here. Turkiye can deepen the scope through industrial collaborations and help these countries to expand their scientific fields of study, which will allow them to keep their qualified workforce at home. At the end of the day, deepening industrial cooperation creates long-term and sustained markets for TR and speeds up the process of competing with global leaders with more managable risk sharing and improving production cap, while countries that provide industrial and academic participation in the Turkish defense and aerospace ecosystem will have leverage to improve local infrastructure with more projects and workload.

Off topic but need to add: Our historical hinterland, our holy nation beyond TR, ancient friendly states, and even many countries that we were living same homeland only a hundred years ago, have today been ripped away from Turkiye by four global power factors. In order to create space for ourselves and build our own power center, old bridges need to be re-built. We are not economic superpowers, we are not industrial giants yet... we were not colonial riches also... We need to recognize our geopolitical and socio-cultural unique attractions and create our sphere of influence based on these features. As Turkiye builds its sphere of influence, the main argument to make it attractive should not be a kind of empire building, but co-development and unity of destiny. As the antithesis of a form of friendship based on exploitation and weakening, we should be a country that is flexible enough to strengthen our friends and harmonize our interests.
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Roketsan working on the laser guided L-OMTAS. Maybe they will finally replace all cold war era atgms. With some work, they could even update the TOW launchers to fire OMTAS tbh.


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