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TRLG-122 has a range of 30 kms, if the range is extended on UAV-122 as much as it did with UAV-230 that it should have 60-70 kms of range at least. And, its weight should be somewhere between 75-100 kgs, probably less than 100. Great option to have for TB-3 and Anka, as well as Akıncı and Aksungur.Golden Age of Turkish Aviation
Bayraktar #AKINCI⚓️
UHA-122 Supersonic Missile Shooting Test
Bull's Eye
IHA-122 Supersonic Missile Firing Test
Great news that we are turning these cheap artillery rockets in to easily expendable air to ground precision strike guided missiles. There is one more in the range waiting to be incorporated in to the fold: TRG-300 .The TRG-122 Surface-to-Surface Missile, which normally has a range of 35km, was transformed into an air-launched supersonic missile with a range of ~60 kilometers, named İHA-122.
TRG-230, which normally has a range of 70 km, was turned into an air-launched supersonic missile with a range of ~140 kilometers, called İHA-230.
Great news that we are turning these cheap artillery rockets in to easily expendable air to ground precision strike guided missiles. There is one more in the range waiting to be incorporated in to the fold: TRG-300 .
It has two versions ; one with 180kg explosives, weighing 660kg, another with 105 kg explosives weighing 585kg. Normally it has a range of around 90 to120km when fired from ground. But air launched, should more than double it's range.
In short a very potent and considerably economic way to fire supersonic air to ground missiles from stand off distances that can reach 4+Mach speeds.
Akıncı with 2 x 850HP engines should be able to accommodate at least 2 of these, as it's payload capacity will be greatly enhanced.
F16s can easily manage 4 of them as proven in the case of Isaeli Rampage missiles.
Still waiting optimistically that TAF will take the right decision and incorporate these in to the inventory of our air force too.
I'm tired of this criticism. Because there is no justification. Which important prototype of ours that has completed its development has not been put into mass production? There is no such prototype.Türkiye bir prototip cenneti haline geldi.
Because of economical situations. And maybe technical situations.Türkiye bir prototip cenneti haline geldi. Havadan karaya mühimmat konusunda en az 7-8 farklı ürün var.
We are very slow in mass production
Instead, make 1-2 very nice ammunition and produce lots of them
Out of curiosity, I looked at the airplanes produced by the Germans during World War II. Most of them were nothing more than prototypes. They produced a more advanced version of the prototype and started mass production at the optimum point.I'm tired of this criticism. Because there is no justification. Which important prototype of ours that has completed its development has not been put into mass production? There is no such prototype.
If you said that our mass production speed is slow, I would understand that. Yes, we produce slowly and little. We must speed up.
Our problem is we have a limited budget. R&D takes money and time but so does finalizing a product and establishing production lines. If we spread the budget and work force too thin to make new prototypes, we won't have resources to focus on establishing enough serial production lines for those we have made. Too many companies producing redundant stuff that they won't be able to sell, especially smaller companies chasing trend with 0 idea what they are doing or what actual military requirements are. Instead they could have taken a part in helping mass production of another and have a healthier supply chain. Establishing a supply chain and creating production lines is neither cheap nor easy.Out of curiosity, I looked at the airplanes produced by the Germans during World War II. Most of them were nothing more than prototypes. They produced a more advanced version of the prototype and started mass production at the optimum point.
For example, Bayraktar Tb1 did not go into mass production. It was used in the development of the Tb2.
Akıncı can not see anything with infrared or tv electro optics,on high altitute over cloud position but can engage on fixed known land targets with these iir and tv mam T and mam L ammunutions,but if she use sar radar could be engage oportunity targets with the observation of post strike situation.Up next: IIR guided MAM-T and TV guided MAM-L. There's a MAM for every occasion now.
This shows that we are very close to the test firing of domestic engine powered (KTJ3200) SOM missile or that it has already been done. A video might be released in a week.Strike Power of our Air Force: #SOM and #SOMJ
Long Range, High Survivability, Superior Ability
This shows that we are very close to the test firing of domestic engine powered (KTJ3200) SOM missile or that it has already been done. A video might be released in a week.