At different times, an average Lgk and Hgk's cost was given as 25- 30 k dollars. So annual production of Aselsan should be somewhere between 3000 to 3500 kits
According to open sources in Afrin operation TuRAF used around 2 000 Guided bombs.
So far Israel used 80 000 tonnes of bombs. They mostly used mk 84 and mk 83 to a lesser extent.
They should have used approximately 100 000 mk series bombs and kits. But they had depleted most of their stocks in just 1 month and USA sold these munitions and kits.
Please note that this deal is just done with Aselsan. They are producing LGK, HGK, Gozde, KGK and Tolun. We have other kit producers like Roketsan, Kale and Asfat. And also SAGE as a smaller producer. They also have contracts with SSB for serial productions of Teber, KGK, Laçin, HGK, Gökçe and Gözde.
Turkey's kit production capacity is most probably far better than all countries except US, China and Russia (after almost 3 years of massive war in Ukraine) and its arsenal should be composed of a few tens of thousands kits.
In 2018 almost 2 500 kits had been procured by TSK from different Turkish companies: . This was the annual production rate in 2018 when Asfat was not in the serial production work and the others' capacity were lower then today.
Asfat delivered 1000 hgk 82s in almost one year and this deal was just for HGK 82.
They also produce other HGKs (83 and 82)