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Ramjet-propelled Gökhan BVRAAM revealed for the first time.
As far as I understand, the fact that ground tests have started in the project indicates that the prototyping of the engine has been completed to a significant extent.SAGE is back from its long sleep.
“Millî Ramjet Motorlu Hava-Hava Füzesi (GÖKHAN) Geliştirilmesi Projesi” Sözleşmesi 21 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde MSB ile TÜBİTAK SAGE arasında
"The "National Ramjet Powered Air-Air Missile (GÖKHAN) Development Project" contract was signed between the Ministry of National Defense and TÜBİTAK SAGE on May 21, 2021, and activities were initiated.
With this project, it is aimed to develop a nationally developed beyond-line-of-sight ramjet-powered air-to-air missile system that will enable the neutralization of various air elements with a long-range engagement in order to establish air superiority, protect high-value aircraft, and enable attack aircraft to contribute to survivability by conducting their own defense.
The Conceptual Design Phase and Preliminary Design Phase of the project have been completed, and the Ground Trials Phase activities are being carried out. In the Ground Tests and Flight Tests Phases of the project, subsystem and system verification tests will be carried out, and flight and firing tests will be carried out.
With the ramjet-powered air-to-air missile to be developed in the GÖKHAN project, a strategic air-to-air missile system will be introduced to our country, and Turkey will be among the NATO member countries capable of producing ramjet-powered air-to-air missiles."
It is of course possible that this might just be a placeholder design, but Gökdoğan also looks a lot like an AIM-120. External looks don't mean much in itself.
Ramjet-propelled Gökhan BVRAAM revealed for the first time.
Meteor : 365cm length
View attachment 72965
Gokhan : ~510 cm length
View attachment 72966 Meteor carries it’s solid fuel inside the combustion chamber, stuck to the periphery of the combustion chamber walls.
By Tubitak director we have been told in the past that the Gökhan is liquid fuelled (gel form) . That means more space needed to keep fuel. Hence longer and probably slightly wider and heavier. (Presumably the booster solid fuel is kept inside the combustion chamber like Meteor.)
Having liquid fuel gives better fuel injection control in to combustion chamber, which results in easier regulation of speed. Although heavier to carry, liquid fuels generate higher propulsive thrust / higher specific impulse. It is possible to obtain up to 60% more specific impulse from liquid fuels. As a downside, you need a better engineered combustion chamber to withstand higher energy of liquid fuels.
So theoretically all the conditions and parameters of a superior A2A missile is there. Can’t wait for it to be used in a firing test.
I hope they are also working on an anti ship version of this with sea skimming capabilities.
Will the length of Gökhan be a problem to integrate it into internal weapons bay of Kaan or Kizilelma ?
It is annoying that there are only pictures. There is no information and no test. There was a delay of 1 years. Still, it is pleasing, it is one of the most important projects for our country.Ramjet-propelled Gökhan BVRAAM revealed for the first time.
Looks like Fins are already optimized for IWBs.
I also think that key technologies should not be handed over just like that.
Pakistan is one of Turkey's closest allies like Azerbaijan, Qatar and South Korea.
But Pakistan also works closely with China, the problem is not Pakistan but industrial espionage by China, the Chinese are very capable people no question their current technological leaps are extreme and immense e.g. in hardware only USA can keep up or surpass. But in the area of targeting, tracking, precision + sensor fusion in their aircraft, drones and intelligent munitions, excluding the software, they are just as badly developed as those in Russia. All intelligent ammunition types are based on Russian systems, which are not exactly known for being able to carry out precision strikes, see the Ukraine war.
I think the widening of the scale from the NATO standard ~12ft length to 16-17ft in the BVR air-to-air missile is an anecdote that can indirectly give an idea about KAAN's IWB design.
We even know that a longer-range variant with similar engine to the Gökhan missile is in the design phase. Also, there will probably be a long-range Gökdoğan variant between Gökdoğan and Gökhan that compete JATM. Multiple numbers of all these BVR missiles will be carried in the KAAN internal weapons bay.
edit: Tr_tech's estimated scaling work of Turkish air-to-air missiles
But the technological roots are Russian or not? It's not about Pakistan and their reliability, they are reliable!This is not true. PLA has an entirely new family of domestically designed precision A2G weapons and A2A missiles that does not stem from Russian origin. But this is not the right thread for this discussion.