Manual aiming makes the use of armoured platform meaningless. Please add electic drives. Also the addition of guide system to rounds will be valuable.
Thinking the same, the vehicle itself is already expensive armored one why the hell personnel should leave an armored car to set elevation?
It should be all automatic; target identification, range measurement, firing angle should be set automatically. Acompanied by an RCWS if needed to further provide fire support and use some decent E/O.
Also it should be carrying 4x5 tubes instead of 3x4, 3x4 was meant to be carried by helicopters and pulled around by infantry when needed, while this one is an armored platform which definitely can carry 4x5 tubes with electric/hydraulic controls with back-up manual.
I can literally mount this on back of Anadol, then what is the difference or purpose in here when it is mounted on an armored vehicle with manual controls?
When it comes to domestic market the best they can go is a single launcher with manual controls? The one on the picture above should be in one of the fairs abroad.