TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs


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Thinking the same, the vehicle itself is already expensive armored one why the hell personnel should leave an armored car to set elevation?
It should be all automatic; target identification, range measurement, firing angle should be set automatically. Acompanied by an RCWS if needed to further provide fire support and use some decent E/O.
Also it should be carrying 4x5 tubes instead of 3x4, 3x4 was meant to be carried by helicopters and pulled around by infantry when needed, while this one is an armored platform which definitely can carry 4x5 tubes with electric/hydraulic controls with back-up manual.

I can literally mount this on back of Anadol, then what is the difference or purpose in here when it is mounted on an armored vehicle with manual controls?

View attachment 20700
When it comes to domestic market the best they can go is a single launcher with manual controls? The one on the picture above should be in one of the fairs abroad.

Even weirder, the same Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher has been integrated in similiar way before in Turkey.

> Otokar Cobra 1


- appears to be a much better solution to a simple system, since the Landforces have many laying around anyways.


If BMC is mandatory, all the way back at IDEF 17 ROKETSAN had this prototype which would be a much cheaper solution.



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Ongoing projects and future vision of TÜBITAK SAGE with Gürcan Okumuş, director of TÜBITAK SAGE Institute

1-Turkey's most strategic missile family, SOM, developed by TÜBITAK SAGE, appears to be a very successful product; it was announced that the SOM C1 and C2 variants of the missile will be developed as an anti-ship missile. Can you provide information about the final status of the project in this context?
Can we see the areas of use of C1 and C2 together with SOM-J, except for combat aircraft (SIHA, etc.)?

The SOM missile family is considered one of the most advanced missile systems not only in Turkey, but also in the world in its class. With SOM missiles fully developed with national capabilities, Turkey has gained long-range precision strike capability. As we continue to produce our missiles in accordance with the needs of the TSK, we continue to provide new capabilities. In this context, we will soon inventory the new members of our family, the SOM-C1 and Som-C2 variants. With these variants, we will gain both long-range offensive capability to above-water targets and the ability to update and control targets after firing with the data link system. In this way, SOM can be used effectively against both land and sea targets.

The new variant of the SOM family, the SOM-J, is specifically designed for transport in aircraft's internal weapons stations. The SOM-J variant, which is smaller and lighter compared to other som variants, will also be used on Siha platforms. Siha platforms are also capable of carrying C1 and C2 variants, but the fact that they can carry SOM-J multiple gives a great advantage.

2-Can you give information about the G40 and vertical cold Pulse system that TUBITAK SAGE is working on? What missiles can the vertical cold throw system be used with?
TÜBITAK SAGE has started the development of GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN missiles within the framework of the Goktug project and has been following the developments and variants of counterpart missiles since the first day it started.


Especially in the context of close air defense and cruise missile defense, it seems that the adapted version of air-to-air missiles is mostly used as a close air defense system. Example systems include Israel in SPYDER SR, SPYDER MR System, French VL-MICA, Norwegian NASAMS system, German IRIS-T SL system, etc. TÜBITAK SAGE also worked on a NASAMS-like system that primarily used GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN missiles, and preliminary design of a larger motorized version to increase range and altitude.

The G-40 missile is an air defense missile that uses GOKDOGAN technologies that can reach a range of 40 km and an altitude of 40 thousand feet. This missile can be used as a ground-based medium-altitude air defense missile, but it also has an ESSM counterpart as a ship-based Air Defense Missile.

The idea of integrated development of the G-40 missile with a flexible vertical firing system containing a kind of cold firing technology, which TUBITAK sage began its work with, has also begun with developments in this area. With its flexible vertical firing system, the G-40 missile will offer safe use from ships and can be used in land-based systems.

TÜBITAK SAGE is not only developing cold vertical shot technology, but also developing a similar technology with some differences called soft vertical launch. In addition, studies are being carried out on the orientation change technology that completes this, which we have shared some tests about. Our goal here is to develop alternative shooting methods. Hot Shot technology is already available in the industry, and we are focused on developing a capability that is not being replaced by a technology that is being developed as usual. We started by making predictions about what the current and future needs of the Navy might be. We have set out what may be the alternative domestic counterparts of our Navy's close air defense and mid-range and altitude air defense systems.

If you call it cold shooting, this system is a technology that will keep our ships relatively safe. You don't fire the engine inside the ship, and you avoid possible accidents. We also anticipate that the system will take up less space and be lighter. That means more weapons on our ships.

TÜBITAK SAGE develops technologies related to G-40, EDAS and lateral thrust engines to reduce reaction time against air defense threats, especially on ships, and aims to bring Camm and CAMM ER-like air defense missiles to our Navy Command.

The EDAS system can be used with air defense missiles, as well as with cruise missiles and guided bombs. A vision roadmap study on EDAS technology was conducted by TÜBITAK SAGE. This roadmap includes air defense missiles and launch systems, from self-defense to zone air defense, especially related to ship air defense. In addition, we also see ammunition and launch systems that can make a precision guided attack on land at a distance of 150 km on ships in this road map. In addition, we want to work for the capabilities that we want our country to have, such as the disposal of cruise missiles developed and developed in our country from this system.

3-Is the use of the Goktug air-to-air missile family as a warship deployed? Can you give me information on this subject?
As we just mentioned, we have a roadmap for using our GOKDOGAN and Bozdogan missiles as air defense missiles. Our GOKDOGAN missile can be used together with the EDAS system, as well as it is possible to derive a new missile. BOZDOGAN can also be used in the same way we see. We also have serious work on using our bozdogan missile as a close-to-ship air defense missile such as RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile).

In addition, if the carrying capacity of our ships allows, it is also possible to use with oblique shot launchers. In fact, if we summarize, we can say Bozdogan for very close guided munitions defense, GOKDOGAN for near/medium range air defense and G-40 for medium range air defense.

In addition to these, we have the concept of TOZKOPARAN, which we have been working on for the last 1 year, but we will explain it after we go a little further.

4-What is the locality rate of the missile programs that TUBITAK Sage participated in? How do you evaluate our country's progress in this area?

In our country, knowledge of missile design has occurred. A long way has also been taken with regard to the subsystems used in the development of missiles. It's a question that needs to be evaluated very thoroughly, of course. But in short, we can develop our RF-IIR seeker headers. Our weakness in the IIR header is that we do not have detector production technology. But in the near future, we will also win this technology as a country. In addition, we have some of the cooler technologies of detectors, but this is one of the areas where we need to develop. We are also making our way in this area. We're fine with the radar seeker header, except for certain electronic components. We have no problem in missile electronics design, we are only weak in electronic components and PCBs. Certain ways have been taken in the development of units that we call IMU for guidance sensors, but we still have problems with affordable production and the production speeds and costs of subcomponents within this component. It's not problems that can't be solved, it's problems that can be solved by avoiding duplications with good planning and will.

When we look at the components of the War title, the most important missing are energetic chemicals, but our expectation from the facility opened at the MKE institution with the arrival of our president last week is very great. We're moving too fast on the fuze. In certain components of fuzes, we again have foreign dependence, but in this regard, the work of localization is progressing very quickly. Solid rocket engines have design capability in more than one institution, but here again there is the problem of energetic chemical materials.

As for Turbojet, turbofan engines, there have been some nice developments that everyone has been following lately. Both KALE and TEI produce in this area. In addition, we know and follow that some of our Technopolis companies have valuable work for cost-effective mini-turbojets. We have deficiencies in raw materials, especially in quality steel and aluminum alloys. Composite materials-related issues, we are moving quickly.

In short, we have deficiencies that are basically based on material. Maybe as a final word, I should say,

We're moving fast, but we need to accelerate further to achieve our goals.

5-In an interview in which you participated, you said that your dream is that Turkey can produce a ramjet-powered missile. Is there a study on this? Can you give me information, if any?

TÜBITAK SAGE has worked to become a leader in new technologies from past to present. Frankly, in the past, this ramjet missile was our big dream. But at the moment when we have arrived at RAMJET technology, we now see scramjet as our new advanced goal.

Of course, TÜBITAK SAGE is doing some studies to the extent of its opportunities, as well as studies supported by our state. Using our already installed test infrastructures, we have carried out valuable work on the development of liquid fuel ramjet engines in a short time. In the project we are carrying out, the point that we have come in a short time regarding liquid fuel ramjet engines encourages us to become one of the number of countries in the world in liquid fuel ramjet engines and in the future scramjet engine technologies. On the one hand, we continue to develop the infrastructure at hand, and on the other hand, our work to build the infrastructure where we can perform ramjet engine tests and aerodynamic heating tests continues at full speed. Once its installation is complete, the relevant infrastructure will be one of the largest in Europe.

Using the main elements of this infrastructure that we are building, we have started the planning work necessary to bring a hypersonic wind tunnel to our country.

Infrastructures are the most important pillar of gaining advanced technology. If you can't do tests, there's no way or possibility of you moving forward in this area. With this awareness, we have invested heavily in test infrastructure in recent years, which is the answer to the question of what it takes to develop a ramjet missile. We have set out on a path that we dream of Turkey becoming one of the only and numbered infrastructures of the world. At the moment when we arrived today, all the infrastructure needed to develop a ramjet missile has been largely completed, and tests are continuing. We can say that we will have the rest in a very short time. Next year, we will be able to test our ramjet engines on our own infrastructure in integrated tests along with missiles.

6-Can you tell us about the Raven missile family? Can you give information about the project process?
Raven is the generic name of a large family of munitions.

In the common carrier body of the family, where we continue to work for the first flight trials, the warhead, seeker and gauges can be completely modularly selected according to the target type, and the flight verification of this common carrier body will be performed cost-effectively both in terms of development time and in terms of target destruction efficiency.

The Raven family is equipped using existing modern technologies. The first version, titled laser seeker with dual navigation based on KKS/ANS, using an integrated data link, a mix-resistant KKS antenna and a national KKS receiver, is finished in the Raven-SS design, waiting for the first flight trials after production and ground tests. For the IIR version, which fits in the same body, the actual image will be collected for subsequent version development work by collecting data in the same tests and helping us improve our image processing algorithms. In this way, especially engagement with targets without advanced surveillance elements will be stepped up to be semi-and even fully automotive thanks to advanced image processing technology.

In addition, the verification of all subsystems with the Raven-SS flight trials will also add a stage for the Raven-TJ with a Turbo-Jet engine, which will use the same subsystems and will be a new mini-Design in the field of liquid fuel systems, which TUBITAK Sage has specialized in for many years.

For the Raven-TJ, it is also planned to carry out on-site engine firing tests and verify the most advanced range and high-tech mini-ammunition in this class. The Raven-TJ is being developed as an indispensable cost-effective weapon, especially for advanced range air defense threats.
Both Mini and smart weapons are also low-speed aircraft flying at low altitude and in both, especially for land and naval forces and land in the goal behind the surface can be disposed of, high-speed etc in the structure of a moving target and cave development work continued to be used, and again the Raven the engine and sub-systems which will use solid fuel as modular version of RAVEN-Ky solid-fuel rocket engine development began its work this year.

To what extent will this family of highly flexible ammunition contribute to the Turkish Defense Industry and the Turkish Armed Forces? What will be the contribution of the Raven missile family, warplanes and Sikhs to the offensive capability, what is your comment?

The Raven weapon family upon completion of verification and production, our land, naval and air forces will have acquired a large family of weapons with searchers, most of which are parts and subsystems common, therefore cost-effective, equipped with modern technologies, warhead options optimized for optimal target effectiveness. The production of this family, which will be completely domestic and national, will also be carried out domestically without being dependent on the outside. Mission planning mission planning support tools which will be developed as national simultaneous with this family opportunity, the goal of engagement, and engagement mixing made on each target type, in particular for the most appropriate cost will be carried out with high activity and in this way, the gun, the Air Force, Jet elements, an inventory of the most appropriate weapon types will retain elements of the land and naval forces.

7-does TUBITAK SAGE intend to establish joint cooperation with friendly and fraternal countries now and in the future? Can we also see partnerships such as ASELSAN's business associations in Kazakhstan or Ukraine with TUBITAK SAGE? If we see it, how will these relations contribute to our country and current future projects?

TÜBITAK SAGE, guided and unguided ammunition systems/subsystems;

Conducting basic research activities,
Carrying out R & D projects,
Making Technology Development Studies,
To realize the production of developed strategic systems and subsystems,
Provide testing and measurement services,
Developing and commissioning strategic infrastructures related to defense technologies,
Providing technical support and consulting services in areas where it specializes,
it operates in various fields such as.

The main task of TÜBITAK Sage is to conduct research and Development Studies in cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations, if necessary, in order to meet the requirements set by the Turkish Armed Forces and national defense industry organizations. Frankly, we have not had any cooperation with abroad until today. Technology transfer doesn't exist in our SAGE culture, either. But TUBITAK SAGE is open to developing cooperation and partnerships with friendly and fraternal countries in line with its strategic goals, if appropriate conditions are established.

Thank you to Mr. Gürcan Okumuş, director of TÜBITAK SAGE Institute. In addition, we thank all Tübitak Sage employees for their strategically important contributions on behalf of our country.

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Congratulations to
Clever questions and very informative reportage. Lots of new datas are given by Mr. Gürcan OKUMUŞ.


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  • In the context of close air defense and cruise missile defense, it seems that the adapted version of air-to-air missiles is mostly used as a close air defense system.

  • BOZDOGAN can also be used in the same way we see. We also have serious work on using our bozdogan missile as a close-to-ship air defense missile such as RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile).

  • In fact, if we summarize, we can say Bozdogan for very close guided munitions defense, Gökdoğan for near/medium range air defense and G-40 for medium range air defense.

  • TÜBİTAK SAGE develops technologies related to G-40, EDAS and Lateral Propulsion Engines to reduce the reaction time against air defense threats especially in ships, and aims to bring air defense missiles such as CAMM and CAMM ER to our Naval Forces Command. (EDAS=Esnek Dikey Atım Sistemi)

  • TÜBİTAK SAGE is not only developing the cold vertical launch technology, but also a similar technology called soft vertical launch with some differences. In addition, studies are carried out on divert attitude control technology that complements this.



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  • Our efforts to establish the infrastructure where we can carry out ramjet engine tests and aerodynamic heating tests continue at full speed. When its installation is completed, the relevant infrastructure will be one of Europe's largest infrastructures.

  • In the project we are carrying out, the point we have reached in liquid fuel ramjet engines in a short time encourages us to become one of the few countries in the world in liquid fuel ramjet engine and scramjet engine technologies in the future.
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  • Next year, we will be able to test our ramjet engines together with missiles in our own infrastructure in integrated tests.


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  • KUZGUN-SS has come to an end in its design and is waiting for the first flight trials after production and ground tests.

  • For the Kuzgun version with the IIR, which is fitted in the same body, the real image will be collected for the next version development by collecting data in the same tests and it will help us to improve our image processing algorithms. In this way, the engagement to the targets without advanced surveillance element will be taken to make it semi or even fully automated thanks to the advanced technology image processing technology.

  • The verification of all subsystems with KUZGUN-SS flight trials will also take a step further for KUZGUN-TJ with Turbo-Jet engine, which will use the same subsystems and will be a new mini design in the field of liquid fuel systems that TÜBİTAK SAGE has been specializing for years.

  • For KUZGUN-TJ, it is also planned to perform ground engine firing tests and verify mini ammunition equipped with the most advanced range and the highest technology in this class.


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  • The solid fuel rocket engine development studies of the solid fuel version KUZGUN-KY, which will use KUZGUN infrastructure and subsystems modularly, started this year.


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  • In addition to these, we have the TOZKOPARAN that we have been working on for the last 1 year, but we will explain this after a little further progress.


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"Tozkoparan" hmm
I think they're talking about you. You better take a look. :LOL:
Boostered G40 maybe 🤣

The name suggests something able to shoot far away, could be anything though...

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Ongoing projects and future vision of TÜBITAK SAGE with Gürcan Okumuş, director of TÜBITAK SAGE Institute

1-Turkey's most strategic missile family, SOM, developed by TÜBITAK SAGE, appears to be a very successful product; it was announced that the SOM C1 and C2 variants of the missile will be developed as an anti-ship missile. Can you provide information about the final status of the project in this context?
Can we see the areas of use of C1 and C2 together with SOM-J, except for combat aircraft (SIHA, etc.)?

The SOM missile family is considered one of the most advanced missile systems not only in Turkey, but also in the world in its class. With SOM missiles fully developed with national capabilities, Turkey has gained long-range precision strike capability. As we continue to produce our missiles in accordance with the needs of the TSK, we continue to provide new capabilities. In this context, we will soon inventory the new members of our family, the SOM-C1 and Som-C2 variants. With these variants, we will gain both long-range offensive capability to above-water targets and the ability to update and control targets after firing with the data link system. In this way, SOM can be used effectively against both land and sea targets.

The new variant of the SOM family, the SOM-J, is specifically designed for transport in aircraft's internal weapons stations. The SOM-J variant, which is smaller and lighter compared to other som variants, will also be used on Siha platforms. Siha platforms are also capable of carrying C1 and C2 variants, but the fact that they can carry SOM-J multiple gives a great advantage.

2-Can you give information about the G40 and vertical cold Pulse system that TUBITAK SAGE is working on? What missiles can the vertical cold throw system be used with?
TÜBITAK SAGE has started the development of GOKDOGAN and BOZDOGAN missiles within the framework of the Goktug project and has been following the developments and variants of counterpart missiles since the first day it started.


Especially in the context of close air defense and cruise missile defense, it seems that the adapted version of air-to-air missiles is mostly used as a close air defense system. Example systems include Israel in SPYDER SR, SPYDER MR System, French VL-MICA, Norwegian NASAMS system, German IRIS-T SL system, etc. TÜBITAK SAGE also worked on a NASAMS-like system that primarily used skyscraper and BOZDOGAN missiles, and preliminary design of a larger motorized version to increase range and altitude.

The G-40 missile is an air defense missile that uses skyscraper technologies that can reach a range of 40 km and an altitude of 40 thousand feet. This missile can be used as a ground-based medium-altitude air defense missile, but it also has an ESSM counterpart as a ship-based Air Defense Missile.

The idea of integrated development of the G-40 missile with a flexible vertical firing system containing a kind of cold firing technology, which TUBITAK sage began its work with, has also begun with developments in this area. With its flexible vertical firing system, the G-40 missile will offer safe use from ships and can be used in land-based systems.

TÜBITAK SAGE is not only developing cold vertical shot technology, but also developing a similar technology with some differences called soft vertical launch. In addition, studies are being carried out on the orientation change technology that completes this, which we have shared some tests about. Our goal here is to develop alternative shooting methods. Hot Shot technology is already available in the industry, and we are focused on developing a capability that is not being replaced by a technology that is being developed as usual. We started by making predictions about what the current and future needs of the Navy might be. We have set out what may be the alternative domestic counterparts of our Navy's close air defense and mid-range and altitude air defense systems.

If you call it cold shooting, this system is a technology that will keep our ships relatively safe. You don't fire the engine inside the ship, and you avoid possible accidents. We also anticipate that the system will take up less space and be lighter. That means more weapons on our ships.

TÜBITAK SAGE develops technologies related to G-40, EDAS and lateral thrust engines to reduce reaction time against air defense threats, especially on ships, and aims to bring Camm and CAMM ER-like air defense missiles to our Navy Command.

The EDAS system can be used with air defense missiles, as well as with cruise missiles and guided bombs. A vision roadmap study on EDAS technology was conducted by TÜBITAK SAGE. This roadmap includes air defense missiles and launch systems, from self-defense to zone air defense, especially related to ship air defense. In addition, we also see ammunition and launch systems that can make a precision guided attack on land at a distance of 150 km on ships in this road map. In addition, we want to work for the capabilities that we want our country to have, such as the disposal of cruise missiles developed and developed in our country from this system.

3-Is the use of the Goktug air-to-air missile family as a warship deployed? Can you give me information on this subject?
As we just mentioned, we have a roadmap for using our Skyscraper and Bozdogan missiles as air defense missiles. Our Skyscraper missile can be used together with the EDAS system, as well as it is possible to derive a new missile. BOZDOGAN can also be used in the same way we see. We also have serious work on using our bozdogan missile as a close-to-ship air defense missile such as RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile).

In addition, if the carrying capacity of our ships allows, it is also possible to use with oblique shot launchers. In fact, if we summarize, we can say Bozdogan for very close guided munitions defense, skyscraper for near/medium range air defense and G-40 for medium range air defense.

In addition to these, we have the concept of TOZKOPARAN, which we have been working on for the last 1 year, but we will explain it after we go a little further.

4-What is the locality rate of the missile programs that TUBITAK Sage participated in? How do you evaluate our country's progress in this area?

In our country, knowledge of missile design has occurred. A long way has also been taken with regard to the subsystems used in the development of missiles. It's a question that needs to be evaluated very thoroughly, of course. But in short, we can develop our RF-IIR seeker headers. Our weakness in the IIR header is that we do not have detector production technology. But in the near future, we will also win this technology as a country. In addition, we have some of the cooler technologies of detectors, but this is one of the areas where we need to develop. We are also making our way in this area. We're fine with the radar seeker header, except for certain electronic components. We have no problem in missile electronics design, we are only weak in electronic components and PCBs. Certain ways have been taken in the development of units that we call IMU for guidance sensors, but we still have problems with affordable production and the production speeds and costs of subcomponents within this component. It's not problems that can't be solved, it's problems that can be solved by avoiding duplications with good planning and will.

When we look at the components of the War title, the most important missing are energetic chemicals, but our expectation from the facility opened at the MKE institution with the arrival of our president last week is very great. We're moving too fast on the fuze. In certain components of fuzes, we again have foreign dependence, but in this regard, the work of localization is progressing very quickly. Solid rocket engines have design capability in more than one institution, but here again there is the problem of energetic chemical materials.

As for Turbojet, turbofan engines, there have been some nice developments that everyone has been following lately. Both KALE and TEI produce in this area. In addition, we know and follow that some of our Technopolis companies have valuable work for cost-effective mini-turbojets. We have deficiencies in raw materials, especially in quality steel and aluminum alloys. Composite materials-related issues, we are moving quickly.

In short, we have deficiencies that are basically based on material. Maybe as a final word, I should say,

We're moving fast, but we need to accelerate further to achieve our goals.

5-In an interview in which you participated, you said that your dream is that Turkey can produce a ramjet-powered missile. Is there a study on this? Can you give me information, if any?

TÜBITAK SAGE has worked to become a leader in new technologies from past to present. Frankly, in the past, this ramjet missile was our big dream. But at the moment when we have arrived at RAMJET technology, we now see scramjet as our new advanced goal.

Of course, TÜBITAK SAGE is doing some studies to the extent of its opportunities, as well as studies supported by our state. Using our already installed test infrastructures, we have carried out valuable work on the development of liquid fuel ramjet engines in a short time. In the project we are carrying out, the point that we have come in a short time regarding liquid fuel ramjet engines encourages us to become one of the number of countries in the world in liquid fuel ramjet engines and in the future scramjet engine technologies. On the one hand, we continue to develop the infrastructure at hand, and on the other hand, our work to build the infrastructure where we can perform ramjet engine tests and aerodynamic heating tests continues at full speed. Once its installation is complete, the relevant infrastructure will be one of the largest in Europe.

Using the main elements of this infrastructure that we are building, we have started the planning work necessary to bring a hypersonic wind tunnel to our country.

Infrastructures are the most important pillar of gaining advanced technology. If you can't do tests, there's no way or possibility of you moving forward in this area. With this awareness, we have invested heavily in test infrastructure in recent years, which is the answer to the question of what it takes to develop a ramjet missile. We have set out on a path that we dream of Turkey becoming one of the only and numbered infrastructures of the world. At the moment when we arrived today, all the infrastructure needed to develop a ramjet missile has been largely completed, and tests are continuing. We can say that we will have the rest in a very short time. Next year, we will be able to test our ramjet engines on our own infrastructure in integrated tests along with missiles.

6-Can you tell us about the Raven missile family? Can you give information about the project process?
Raven is the generic name of a large family of munitions.

In the common carrier body of the family, where we continue to work for the first flight trials, the warhead, seeker and gauges can be completely modularly selected according to the target type, and the flight verification of this common carrier body will be performed cost-effectively both in terms of development time and in terms of target destruction efficiency.

The Raven family is equipped using existing modern technologies. The first version, titled laser seeker with dual navigation based on KKS/ANS, using an integrated data link, a mix-resistant KKS antenna and a national KKS receiver, is finished in the Raven-SS design, waiting for the first flight trials after production and ground tests. For the IIR version, which fits in the same body, the actual image will be collected for subsequent version development work by collecting data in the same tests and helping us improve our image processing algorithms. In this way, especially engagement with targets without advanced surveillance elements will be stepped up to be semi-and even fully automotive thanks to advanced image processing technology.

In addition, the verification of all subsystems with the Raven-SS flight trials will also add a stage for the Raven-TJ with a Turbo-Jet engine, which will use the same subsystems and will be a new mini-Design in the field of liquid fuel systems, which TUBITAK Sage has specialized in for many years.

For the Raven-TJ, it is also planned to carry out on-site engine firing tests and verify the most advanced range and high-tech mini-ammunition in this class. The Raven-TJ is being developed as an indispensable cost-effective weapon, especially for advanced range air defense threats.
Both Mini and smart weapons are also low-speed aircraft flying at low altitude and in both, especially for land and naval forces and land in the goal behind the surface can be disposed of, high-speed etc in the structure of a moving target and cave development work continued to be used, and again the Raven the engine and sub-systems which will use solid fuel as modular version of RAVEN-Ky solid-fuel rocket engine development began its work this year.

To what extent will this family of highly flexible ammunition contribute to the Turkish Defense Industry and the Turkish Armed Forces? What will be the contribution of the Raven missile family, warplanes and Sikhs to the offensive capability, what is your comment?

The Raven weapon family upon completion of verification and production, our land, naval and air forces will have acquired a large family of weapons with searchers, most of which are parts and subsystems common, therefore cost-effective, equipped with modern technologies, warhead options optimized for optimal target effectiveness. The production of this family, which will be completely domestic and national, will also be carried out domestically without being dependent on the outside. Mission planning mission planning support tools which will be developed as national simultaneous with this family opportunity, the goal of engagement, and engagement mixing made on each target type, in particular for the most appropriate cost will be carried out with high activity and in this way, the gun, the Air Force, Jet elements, an inventory of the most appropriate weapon types will retain elements of the land and naval forces.

7-does TUBITAK SAGE intend to establish joint cooperation with friendly and fraternal countries now and in the future? Can we also see partnerships such as ASELSAN's business associations in Kazakhstan or Ukraine with TUBITAK SAGE? If we see it, how will these relations contribute to our country and current future projects?

TÜBITAK SAGE, guided and unguided ammunition systems/subsystems;

Conducting basic research activities,
Carrying out R & D projects,
Making Technology Development Studies,
To realize the production of developed strategic systems and subsystems,
Provide testing and measurement services,
Developing and commissioning strategic infrastructures related to defense technologies,
Providing technical support and consulting services in areas where it specializes,
it operates in various fields such as.

The main task of TÜBITAK Sage is to conduct research and Development Studies in cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations, if necessary, in order to meet the requirements set by the Turkish Armed Forces and national defense industry organizations. Frankly, we have not had any cooperation with abroad until today. Technology transfer doesn't exist in our SAGE culture, either. But TUBITAK SAGE is open to developing cooperation and partnerships with friendly and fraternal countries in line with its strategic goals, if appropriate conditions are established.

Thank you to Mr. Gürcan Okumuş, director of TÜBITAK SAGE Institute. In addition, we thank all Tübitak Sage employees for their strategically important contributions on behalf of our country.

Please replace “skyscraper” with “Gökdoğan”, “war title” with “warhead”, “raven” with “Kuzgun”
What’s “Ky abbrevation stands for in Raven-Ky?
What do you mean by “Sikh”? Those ones in India?
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Under the light of the informations given by Mr. Gürcan Okumuş;

Turkish navy area and missile defence layers will be established as following:

  • Bozdogan derivative: Very short range missile defence
  • Gökdoğan derivative: Short/Medium range RAM Blk-2 equivalent
  • G40: Medium range(40km) Medium Altitude(12km) ESSM equivalent
  • Hisar-Rf Medium range(50+km) High Altitude(~18-20km) Air defence
  • Siper Long range High Altitude Area Air Defence (~150km)


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Under the light of the informations given by Mr. Gürcan Okumuş;

Turkish navy area and missile defence layers will be established as following:

  • Bozdogan (modified with bigger rocket motor): Very short range missile defence
  • Gökdoğan (modified with bigger rocket motor): Short/Medium range RAM Blk-2 equivalent
  • G40: Medium range(40km) Medium Altitude(12km) ESSM-2 equivalent
  • Hisar-Rf Medium range(50+km) High Altitude(~18-20km) Air defence
  • Siper Long range High Altitude Area Air Defence (~150km)
If you put a bigger engine to Gökdoğan, you’ll end up with G-40 bro
I assuming that Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan will be used with minor modifications


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Strategic missile technologies that Tubitak SAGE is working on;

  • DACS thrusters (Divert Attitude Control System)
  • Soft Launch
  • Cold Launch
  • Lateral thruster engines for missile
  • Liquid RAMJET engines
  • EDAS (VLS)

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