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We got a NFAK fan here @Saiyan0321 :cool:

his fans are across the globe. :D

this was the only one i could find. The other was one hour of Tom spinning

I am fine with both actually. listening to the tom one whilst typing my finished Urdu novel ( i wrote it down on paper and am now typing it on word).
This is a RAP version from the old chinese poetry about a poor man who gave the official exam to become a public official and got high marks and became the son in law of the emperor and when his wife, that he had left, came seeking him out, he drove her away and sent an assassin after her as well as the wife traveled to the office of a great and honest judge called bao sheng and chin shimei, the son in law tried to stop her but failed. In the end the wife called for justice of sheng and he delivered calling for the execution of Chin Shemei and despite the emperor, his daughter and the wife of the emperor all pleading sheng to show mercy but sheng refused and executed chin shimei. To this day chin shimei is analogous with a man who betrays his family.

The story is of how a few men can make a difference and how a great judge has the responsibility to provide justice to the people no matter how weak the victim and how strong the oppressor. This is what Islam teaches as well and God has ordained that the Qazi aka judge will be examined for each judgment he ever passed and his scrutiny on the day of judgment will be very different and far stricter than anybody else's. One wrong judgment and there shall be no forgiveness,


Think Tank Analyst
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Mast qalander of Baba buleh shah is absolutely stunning poetry and its words to speak the truth no matter what are an inspiration that we must always stand and speak the truth and if not today, tomorrow all will speak that truth.

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