Russia Naval News and Naval Vessels Program


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The first footage of the use by the Russian Black Sea Fleet of the Alexandrite-ISPUM-E underwater complex designed to search and destroy mines. The Alexandrite-ISPUM complex is located on a Project 12700 sea minesweeper of the Baltic Fleet. The Alexandrite-ISPUM complex was developed in 2015 by the scientific enterprise Region. The complex became the development of the first similar third-generation system, the Mayovka underwater mine detector-detector, which is now used in the Black Sea Fleet. The complex was first used in the Baltic, where it was used to find not only sunken ships, but also small items of sailors’ uniforms. The Alexandrite-ISPUM complex is capable of detecting an object under a three-meter layer of silt. The Alexandrite-ISPUM complex includes a hydroacoustic ship station, a towed hydroacoustic station and a self-propelled underwater vehicle. The system works as follows: a towed hydroacoustic station “scans” the aquatic and underwater environment. A self-propelled underwater vehicle searches for suspicious objects within a radius of 500 meters and at a depth of up to 300 meters; it can also be equipped with a bomb. After detecting dangerous objects and mines, explosive charges are installed on them or cable cutters are used. If necessary, the devices can tow a mine into shallow water and destroy it there. The fourth generation complex “Alexandrite-ISPUM-E” is now the most modern Russian system for searching and destroying sea mines. It is planned to equip all Russian sea minesweepers of Project 12700 with the Alexandrite-ISPUM-E complexes.



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The Pantsir-ME naval anti-aircraft missile and gun system is being adopted by all Russian ships under construction. The ship version of the Pantsir-ME air defense system was developed at the Shipunov Instrument Engineering Design Bureau in Tula in 2017. Unlike the ground version, Pantsir-ME is armed with eight 57E6-E1 missiles and AO-18KD automatic cannons with a caliber of 30 mm. The complex is capable of repelling group strikes of air attack weapons, while simultaneously firing at 4 targets. The Pantsir-ME air defense system is the only ship-based air defense system in the world with a single combat module, which includes artillery, missile weapons and a control system. The air defense system uses a highly intelligent adaptive radar-optical control system. All stages of the operator’s combat work - from searching for a target to firing - are fully automated. The complex is capable of detecting targets at a range of up to 75 km, destroying them within a radius of 20 km from the ship, at an altitude of up to 15 km, with a reaction time of 5 seconds. The maximum speed of targets hit is up to 1000 m/s. The weight of the Pantsir-ME air defense system with ammunition is 7100 kg, it is serviced by the commander of the combat module and the target tracking operator.



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A prototype of Afalina maritime drones is shown in Russia. Russia has begun testing a prototype of the Afalina naval kamikaze drone. At the moment, it is known that surface unmanned vehicles are equipped with artificial intelligence, apparently implying communication with neural networks. The unmanned boat will be 3.5 meters long and capable of carrying up to 200 kilograms of explosives over a range of up to 500 kilometers. This is the second type of maritime drone announced by Russia.



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Naval exercises between Russia, Iran and China “Maritime Security Belt 2024” have begun in the Gulf of Oman. The main purpose of the exercise is to practice ensuring the safety of maritime economic activity in the region. The ships will conduct joint maneuvering and firing at surface and air targets. In addition, the crews will conduct exercises to free a ship captured by pirates. On the Russian side, the missile cruiser Varyag of Project 1164 Atlant and the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov of Project 1155M, which received Caliber missiles after modernization, are participating in the exercises. More than 20 ships, support vessels and combat boats from Russia, Iran and China are also involved in the exercises. Naval helicopters are also widely used.



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Russian ships will be equipped with additional firepower to protect against naval drones. The Russian Defense Minister, during a working trip, visited the command post of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. After hearing reports from the fleet command and staff officers, the minister set the task of conducting constant training with personnel both during the day and at night to repel threats associated with UAVs and sea drones. The Head of the Ministry of Defense also set the task of placing additional fire weapons and large-caliber machine gun rifle systems on the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, as well as increasing their survivability. What exactly will be posted and in what time frame is not reported. It is worth noting that it is still not clear why the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, in connection with the emerging threats from sea drones, were not previously equipped with additional means of protection.



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The Russian diesel-electric submarine "Volkhov", project 636.3 "Varshavyanka", of the Pacific Fleet, fired from an underwater position with a "Caliber-PL" cruise missile. The shooting was carried out at a coastal target in the Khabarovsk Territory, the firing range exceeded 1000 km. Kalibr-PL cruise missiles are placed in 533 mm torpedo tubes of submarines. “The Kalibr-PL missile is a missile torpedo, first the torpedo is launched, after which the torpedo part is removed and then the missile flies in the air. The Volkhov submarine was launched in 2019 and has a crew of 52 people.



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The Rybinsk Shipyard company and the Kalashnikov concern demonstrated the launching of the Russian hovercraft "Haska-10" of project 03660 onto the ice. The vessel was designed as a civilian transport, but the navy is also showing interest in this project. They plan to use it in the Arctic, Siberia and the Far East. The hovercraft was first shown in 2020 and is currently undergoing sea trials. Flexible skegs – rubber-fabric cylinders of high elongation – are attached to the sides of the vessel’s hull; this is the first time this has been done in Russia on ships of this displacement. The vessel is equipped with 2 1500 hp engines. and reaches a speed of up to 40 knots, has a range of up to 400 miles with an autonomy of up to three days. Total - vessel displacement is 45 tons, payload - 9.3 tons, crew 3 people.



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Launching of the first Russian vessel for training helicopter pilots. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, at the shipyard of the Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Corporation, the launching ceremony of the first and only Russian special marine vessel of Project 14400 "Nikolai Kamov" took place. This is a unique vessel for the Russian fleet; special devices are mounted on the ship that rock the ship to simulate various situations when training helicopter pilots to land on deck. The ship will be used to practice landing and takeoff of Ka-27, Ka-29, Ka-31 and Ka-52 helicopters, as well as test new types of ship-based helicopters. “Nikolai Kamov” will be based in Yeysk on the Sea of Azov. There have never been ships of this class in either the Soviet or Russian fleet. The displacement of the ship "Nikolai Kamov" is about 900 tons, the full speed is 12 knots, the cruising range is 500 miles with an autonomy of two days.



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Test footage of a Russian homemade maritime drone. The drone was created by the team of the channel “There Beyond the Fogs”, it is assembled in one workshop in the Tula region with the support of the local government, the name of the drone and the model index are not reported. The marine drone is equipped with modern satellite navigation modules, as well as an inertial navigation system based on compass deviation. It is not reported whether weapons can be mounted on the drone, but it can be equipped with 250 kilograms of explosives, in TNT equivalent, with the possibility of increasing to 350 kilograms. The unmanned boat is equipped with an internal combustion engine and has a range of up to 250 km; it is possible to install additional fuel tanks. The price of the drone is unknown



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Exercises of the Russian Pacific Fleet, repelling an attack by UAVs and sea drones. Fifteen ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet conducted an exercise to combat unmanned boats and UAVs in Peter the Great Bay. In the exercises, a Russian experimental naval aviation UAV was used as a mock enemy, which can take off and land on the helicopter deck of a ship. UAVs and unmanned boats simulating naval drones were hit from standard AK-630 and AK-630M anti-aircraft artillery systems, as well as from Kord and DShK heavy machine guns. It is worth noting that it would be more expedient to conduct the exercises at night, since ships are most vulnerable at this time of day. The corvettes “Sovershenny”, “Gromky” and “Rezkiy”, the large anti-submarine ship “Admiral Panteleev”, large landing ships, small anti-submarine ships and other ships of the Pacific Fleet took part in the exercise to repel attacks by unmanned vehicles.



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The Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov of Project 22350 arrived in Cuba. Before arrival, the frigate carried out artillery firing in the Atlantic Ocean, using the 130 mm AK-192M artillery system and the 30 mm Broadsword anti-aircraft missile and artillery system. The frigate is equipped with Kalibr-NK and Oniks missiles and Zircon hypersonic missiles. Following the Admiral Gorshkov, the tanker Akademik Pashin and the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker, also part of the detachment of the Russian Northern Fleet, will come to Cuba. The detachment of ships is accompanied by the Project 885M Yasen-M multi-purpose nuclear submarine "Kazan", the submarine is now supposedly off the coast of Florida, two US destroyers have gone to look for it. The submarine also has Caliber, Onyx missiles and Zircon hypersonic missiles. It is reported that the visit is related to the historical friendly relations between Cuba and Russia, and the ships do not carry nuclear weapons on board.



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Installation of standard protection, anti-cumulative grilles and protection against drones on a Russian armored personnel carrier.



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Ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet and the Egyptian Navy conducted a joint exercise in the Mediterranean Sea. Previously, Russian ships, including the Varyag missile cruiser of Project 1164 and the frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov of Project 1155M, were previously considered
a large anti-submarine ship, left the port of Alexandria, where they were on a business call. The Egyptian Navy used the frigate Al-Qadeer.
The frigate "Al-Qadeer" F-909 was launched in 2022, the ship's displacement is 3,700 tons. During the exercises, the ships of Russia and Egypt practiced forming a detachment in a designated area and joint tactical maneuvering in various formations. In addition, the ships conducted communications training and provided flights of deck helicopters.



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At the Russian International Maritime Show 2024, three new Russian naval drones “Orkan”, “ASV-1000” and “GRK-700 Vizir” were presented, we previously talked about the latter. Also in the video you can see the Russian autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle MMT-300. The Russian unmanned boat "Orkan" is not a ready-made marine drone, but a basic platform for creating a marine robotic complex with a multi-purpose unmanned boat. Now "Orkan" is the most compact marine drone presented. There is very little technical information, it is known that the Orkan marine drone can reach speeds of up to 74 km/h at a range of at least 500 km, seaworthiness up to 3 points, how communication is carried out is unknown. The ASV-1000 marine drone can also be equipped with payloads for various purposes; it is capable of carrying up to 1 ton of cargo, so far only this is known. Prices and when the BEC will be mass produced are not reported.



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The Northern Fleet frigate Admiral Gorshkov, as part of a long voyage, after visiting Cuba, searched for submarines in the Atlantic Ocean. The ship's Ka-27PL anti-submarine helicopter was used to search for submarines. The video shows a Ka-27PL helicopter diving into water with a VGS-3 sonar station. The VGS-3 hydroacoustic station takes approximately 30 seconds to perform a 360-degree view in noise direction finding mode. At a distance of more than 50 kilometers from the ship, the pilots carried out a set of measures to visually, radar, magnetometrically and hydroacoustically search for submarines. The Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov of Project 22350 is a multi-purpose ship with guided missile weapons. The ship was accepted into the Russian Navy in 2018, and in 2021 it was modified to use Zircon hypersonic missiles.



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The flagship of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the missile cruiser “Varyag” of Project 1155M, conducted exercises in the Mediterranean Sea as part of a long voyage. During the exercises we practiced the destruction of sea drones. air attack means, repelling an attack by an enemy surface ship and searching for and destroying a submarine. The sailors used a smoke screen to camouflage the ship. During the exercise, shooting was carried out at a target from AK-130 and AK-630 artillery mounts. To repel a simulated attack by naval drones, Kord and Utes machine guns were used. An RBU-6000 rocket launcher was used to destroy the submarine. Also on the cruiser “Varyag” they improved their skills in using the “Fort” anti-aircraft missile system; no shooting was carried out.



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At the International Naval Show 2024, the Russian AMT-300 autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle was shown. The MMT-300 underwater drone is designed for information collection and reconnaissance; since 2023, it has been modernized by the team of Sevastopol State University, a communication system and stereo vision are being developed. The main tasks of the MMT-300 are the collection of various information: video data, data from various measurements from sensors, examination of the bottom surface, inspection of technical objects of underwater infrastructure. There is no military order for the drone yet. The MT-300 underwater vehicle is equipped with satellite navigation, vision sensors, sonar, depth gauge and other devices. The MT-300 underwater drone also has a heavy version, the MMT-3000 drone, with a diving depth of up to 3 km. The maximum diving depth of the MT-300 device reaches 300 meters, and its range of action reaches 3.5 km. The length of the drone is 2.7 meters.



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The Russian Black Sea Fleet underwent training to combat underwater saboteurs and sea drones. These trainings are aimed primarily at eliminating threats from sea drones and combating underwater sabotage forces. Divers from the Russian PDSS took part in the exercises. The Russian coastal patrol boat Project 03160 "Raptor" was used. The boat entered service in 2013. The boat is armed with a 14.5-mm Uprava-KORD combat module and two 7.62-mm 6P41 Pecheneg machine guns; there are Igla or Verba MANPADS on board. The boat is armored against 7.62x39 mm bullets. The boat's displacement is up to 23.0 tons, it reaches speeds of up to 88 km/h at a range of up to 555 km. The boat has a crew of 3 people and up to 20 paratroopers. details in the video.



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The video shows the operation of the Russian naval air defense missile system "Osa-M", accepted into service in 1973, upgraded to the Osa-MA version in 1975 and upgraded again in the first half of the 1980s to the Osa-MA-2 version. The Osa-M air defense missile system is used on ships with a displacement of 500 tons or more. The Osa-M air defense missile system has two guides for 9M33 missiles weighing 128 kg, later upgraded to the 9M33M3 version. Under the deck of the ship, in a special "cellar", there are 4 drums with ammunition for five missiles each. After the launch of a 9M33 missile, it is captured by a missile sighting station, which guides it to the target. When the missile approaches the target, a command is given to arm the radio fuse, radio magnetic pulses are emitted and at a distance of up to 15 meters from the target, the warhead of the missile is detonated. The probability of hitting targets for the latest versions of the SAM is 70-80%, the probability of hitting modern targets is lower. The reload time of the SAM is from 16 to 21 seconds, the rate of fire is 2 rounds per minute for air targets and 2.8 for surface targets. The Osa-MA-2 SAM can hit targets at a range of up to 15 km and an altitude of up to 4 km, the minimum altitude of hitting targets is 5 meters.


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