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Casual Discussion Number 58.


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Okay guys today I was feeling a bit low. Decidely feeling of aging had gripped me. There was a time when I thought 30 was ancient. Then that goal post moved to 40. Then at 50 I thought okay 60 is the end of time. And before I know it here I am at 58 today.

But having a fantastic family is everything and older I get this reality really becomes clear. The love and caring by those close to you has no comparison. And so it was today. My son who works about 100 miles away came back specially to be with us.

And my daughter and son knew I was feeling rather low about my impending old age. So what gift did they give me. A full on hair treatment including blond streaks. But after the party came the finale.

They have set up a fund with £60,000 for me to buy a new car. The choices I have are either BMW Z4, BMW M4 convertible, Range Rover, Porsche. I can top the fund to go higher. I am over the moon that my children who were babies yesterday [they are 21 and 23] now went out and did this for me. Clearly I did something right in my life. More than the car is the thought. Precious.

Next week they have booked me the dealers to see the cars and for me to make a choice. Any suggestions are welcome !!!

This is my son on left taken when he was younger and my dear mum.
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Okay guys today I was feeling a bit low. Decidely feeling of aging had gripped me. There was a time when I thought 30 was ancient. Then that goal post moved to 40. Then at 50 I thought okay 60 is the end of time. And before I know it here I am at 58 today.

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But having a fantastic family is everything and older I get this reality really becomes clear. The love and caring by those close to you has no comparison. And so it was today. My son who works about 100 miles away came back specially to be with us.

And my daughter and son knew I was feeling rather low about my impending old age. So what gift did they give me. A full on hair treatment including blond streaks. But after the party came the finale.

They have set up a fund with £60,000 for me to buy a new car. The choices I have are either BMW Z4, BMW M4 convertible, Range Rover, Porsche. I can top the fund to go higher. I am over the moon that my children who were babies yesterday [they are 21 and 23] now went out and did this for me. Clearly I did something right in my life. More than the car is the thought. Precious.

Next week they have booked me the dealers to see the cars and for me to make a choice. Any suggestions are welcome !!!

This is my son on left taken when he was younger and my dear mum.

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You have a lovely family. The photo says 2004 so the sons must be jilette-like young lads by now. Loved the way the cake looks too. I am too young for that but it must feel good to be called ''wonderful dad'' by your children. Best wishes to you and your family at your 58th birthday.


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You have a lovely family. The photo says 2004 so the sons must be jilette-like young lads by now. Loved the way the cake looks too. I am too young for that but it must feel good to be called ''wonderful dad'' by your children. Best wishes to you and your family at your 58th birthday.
The one of left is my son. The other one on the right is my sisters son. I have three children, one son, three daughters. Two younger ones at 14 are genetic twins. Exact clones.

My son came top in university last year in accounts and finance. Got recruited by UK tax office on graduate management programme at £65,000 salary which will rise every year and he is just clipped 23. My daughter is teaches and is doing post graduate doctorate at university. My young twins want to do medicine and dentistry. I am blessed by my kids.

Honestly I did not even try hard with them. Just point them in the right direction and off they go like rockets. Never caused me any trouble whatsoever. Which leads me to believe much of our abilities and dispositions are genetic.


Happy Birthday Chacha Indus Pakistan its great your offspring have matured and are giving you gifts as well I hope one day in the not so distant future I will be able to give a big gift to my dad as well nevertheless I hoped you enjoyed the occasion


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Happy Birthday @Kaptaan .... you now have tough decision on this car choice hehe.

Update us how it goes later on that :)

You have done very well with your kids for them to do this. You took care of them, and they will take care of you to the it should be.

God bless you all.


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@Kaptaan Happy birthday to you! Wish you and your family many more years full of happiness, good health and success! I hope you will enjoy your new car but know that it is only a symbol of what it really means. It means that you are loved and this is more valuable than any car in the world. Keep loving and be loved! Amen 🎂🎂🎂

Philip the Arab

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Here is the thing I never tried real hard with them. They certainly went to best schools available but beyond that I don't think I was a very good. Certainly don't a good husband. The upbringing fell mostly on my wife so I have to thank much. I was demanding, difficult and difficult person, particularly when I was younger. But dunno trhings turned okay for me I guess. Yes, I will update you guys when we visit the dealerships.

Within my family we have ultra-modern and on the other scale ultra conservative and religious. In Pakistan my cousin gave up everything for Islam and is full time member of some religious outfit. That Is why when I talk on Pakistan I can give a full spectrum view.

You guys might take a peak at my family. My wife and twin daughter.

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My mullah cousin in Pakistan with his daughter

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My nephews, neices and my daughters

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Me and siblings about 42 years ago - circa 1978
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Which region are you and your family from?

Philip the Arab

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Central Asia is like 150 miles north west of us. Most Americans you see in USA are from Karachi. I need not say more. I am sick of them representing us. Our culture, language, food etc is differant. If you went to Pakistan you would see this.
Good point, most here are Punjabis or Muhajirs and you are a Pashtun I assume? I know a fair amount of Afghan Pashtuns but can't say I've met a Pakistani Pashtun.


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@Philip the Arab the problem is the north west is very underdeveloped with low literacy compared to urban areas like Karachi etc. So they get to define everything. But things are changing. The present PTI government is more north west based and is investing heavily. So slowly things will change. We also have bit of problem with religious conservativism and radicalsm unfortunately. But things are slowly toning down.


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Pakistani Pashtun.
We are more in number then Afghan Pashtuns. Khbyer Pakhtunkwa, at least half of Balochistan and significant population in other provinces also but as I said low literacy, religious conservatism etc have really ruined our potential.


I view Taliban less of a Islamic Fundamentalist group yes this would be super hard for westerners to understand but a expression of Pasthun cultural backwardness at its prime kinda like how the IRA used Roman Catholicism to justify the Irish cultural resistence to the British the Talibs are quite similar


Example of change. This is Pakistan's climate change minister Zartaj Gul. She comes from one of the most conservative districts in Pakistan where they keep women in burqas al the time and avoid educating the girls. But look how fast things can change in one generation with education. If she had no education she would have been in some home with burqa. Education is key in this world.

If you notice this is why I despise the mullahs and support 100% secularism. They hold back progress.

@Philip the Arab
The Karachi walas do tend to over inflate their perception of Pakistan but over here mostly Pubjabis


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The one of left is my son. The other one on the right is my sisters son. I have three children, one son, three daughters. Two younger ones at 14 are genetic twins. Exact clones.

My son came top in university last year in accounts and finance. Got recruited by UK tax office on graduate management programme at £65,000 salary which will rise every year and he is just clipped 23. My daughter is teaches and is doing post graduate doctorate at university. My young twins want to do medicine and dentistry. I am blessed by my kids.

Honestly I did not even try hard with them. Just point them in the right direction and off they go like rockets. Never caused me any trouble whatsoever. Which leads me to believe much of our abilities and dispositions are genetic.

I am so happy for your children, they seem to be doing wonderful in life. Wow, 65,000 salary is incredible!

I am a dentistry student at 4th grade right now in Istanbul University. I definitely recommend it to the twin that wants it.
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