Organization of Turkic States


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Also there is no goverment in afghanistan good luck take in taliban who literally waged war against Turkic population in afghanistan into Turkic council.
I dont say they should join tomorrow.
Oh, their is a Turkic population in Afghanista. Interesting, dont you.

Fuzuli NL

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Looks like Its a big NO NO to talk against Pakistanis and arabs here I got banned again very nice.

So pakistanis can trash talk against us but we can't This is why ottoman empire collapsed too much humanism means we will get destroyed in the future.
Could you share those posts?


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Looks like Its a big NO NO to talk against Pakistanis and arabs here I got banned again very nice.

So pakistanis can trash talk against us but we can't This is why ottoman empire collapsed too much humanism means we will get destroyed in the future.

As if Turks have never trash talked Pakistanis.

Not to defend them but I seen lots of posts on social media from Turks themselves.


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At the summit to be held in Samarkand on November 11, Turkmenistan will become a member of the Organization of Turkic States.

If we look the issue in the light of the principles that Turkmenistan has declared in the past regarding world politics; a historic step and success for both the Turkish world and Turkmenistan.


In the preamble of the Nakhchivan Agreement, the member states reaffirmed their commitment to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, and defined the main purpose of the Organization as deepening comprehensive cooperation among the Turkic States and contributing to regional and global peace and stability.

The main objectives and duties of the Organization set out in Article 2 of the Nakhchivan Agreement are as follows:

- Strengthening mutual trust between Turkic states;
- Maintaining peace in the Turkic regions and outside the region;
- Adoption of common positions of Turkic states on foreign policy issues;
- Coordinating actions to combat international terrorism, separatism, extremism and cross-border crime;
- The development of effective regional and bilateral cooperation in all areas related to common goals;
- Creation of favorable conditions for trade and investment;
- Creation comprehensive and balanced economic growth, social and cultural development;
- Discussion of the rule of law, good governance and protection of human rights;
- Expanding interaction in the fields of science, technology, education and culture;
- Promoting interaction between Turkic and more intensive communication with the mass media;
- Promoting information exchange and judicial cooperation on legal matters.
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Common language and alphabet, common economy and social life, and common cultural-academic environments, common infrastructure and legal ground, common foreign policy and security. The Organization of Turkic States 2040 Vision Document has the potential to shape the balances of the entire continent, which should be taken into account by everyone involved in the geopolitics/future of the region.

Agha Sher

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Common language and alphabet, common economy and social life, and common cultural-academic environments, common foreign policy and security. The Organization of Turkic States 2040 Vision Document has the potential to shape the balances of the entire continent, which should be taken into account by everyone involved in the geopolitics/future of the region.

A superpower in the middle-east/central asia is a much needed stability factor for the region. I hope the Turkic world unites and unlucks its massive potential.

Afghanistan will certainly benefit from a united and prosperous Turkic world.


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A superpower in the middle-east/central asia is a much needed stability factor for the region. I hope the Turkic world unites and unlucks its massive potential.

Afghanistan will certainly benefit from a united and prosperous Turkic world.
I don't know if it is necessary to cite dozens of historical anecdotes. In addition to our shared common history and values, we have been the sons of a common destiny many times, we have made a unity of destiny. Afghanistan is more than brother to brother.

In this respect, Afghanistan is the mirror of the Turkic world, and the Turkic world is the mirror of Afghanistan. There is no doubt that Afghanistan's attainment of a strong, prosperous and stable structure will also add strength to the power of the Turkic world. If the Turkic world could be strong past decades, Afghanistan would not have experienced neither Soviet cruelty nor US cruelty.

Agha Sher

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Afghanistan should take this opportunity and become an observer. We have many Turks in our country and all of us would benefit of closer interaction with the Turkic world. Afghanistan also serves as a strategic gateway and connection point with Pakistan, a key ally of the Turkic world.


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Afghanistan should take this opportunity and become an observer. We have many Turks in our country and all of us would benefit of closer interaction with the Turkic world. Afghanistan also serves as a strategic gateway and connection point with Pakistan, a key ally of the Turkic world.
3 out of 5 Central Asian Turkic states are net energy exporters. These five states are largely landlocked, with maritime connectivity possible with very limited capacity and only under Russian control. The alternative is the iron silk road over Caucasus. However, considering the real potential of these countries, it should not be limited to this. These states also have to create a trade and logistics corridor opening to the Ocean via Afghanistan and Pakistan. In other words, not only our past, but also our future has sealed our unity of destiny. We will stand up together.


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I don't know if it is necessary to cite dozens of historical anecdotes. In addition to our shared common history and values, we have been the sons of a common destiny many times, we have made a unity of destiny. Afghanistan is more than brother to brother.

In this respect, Afghanistan is the mirror of the Turkic world, and the Turkic world is the mirror of Afghanistan. There is no doubt that Afghanistan's attainment of a strong, prosperous and stable structure will also add strength to the power of the Turkic world. If the Turkic world could be strong past decades, Afghanistan would not have experienced neither Soviet cruelty nor US cruelty.
First of all, the Taliban administration in Afghanistan must be destroyed and those in Afghanistan must realize that they are human.

While Islamic countries are destroying each other and undermining each other, Turkish states should take a lesson from this and consolidate their unity.


3 out of 5 Central Asian Turkic states are net energy exporters. These five states are largely landlocked, with maritime connectivity possible with very limited capacity and only under Russian control. The alternative is the iron silk road over Caucasus. However, considering the real potential of these countries, it should not be limited to this. These states also have to create a trade and logistics corridor opening to the Ocean via Afghanistan and Pakistan. In other words, not only our past, but also our future has sealed our unity of destiny. We will stand up together.

Nice way to destroy the Turkic council before it thrives, take Afghanistan inside, take Pakistan, China and Russia in too while we at it and seal the deal.

You are delusional if you think Central Asian gas will ever flow via Afghanistan into Pakistan then the ocean lol these two countries will probably fragment in the long term future they are near failed state status.

We have to connect Central Asian gas to Turkey then Europe, including other logistics networks, that is the only way to lessen the influence of Russia and the emerging influence of China in the region.

Them doing a measly kurultai does not make them Turkic by the way.

Us Turks have much more steppe traditions than Hungary itself.

Lets see oil wrestling, camel wrestling, yoruk Turks and cirit.

As if Turks have never trash talked Pakistanis.

Not to defend them but I seen lots of posts on social media from Turks themselves.

They are more Turkic then devsirme Armenian Islamists like you I've never seen a person brownnose a nation so hard like you do, tone it down it is embarrassing you cuck.
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Nice way to destroy the Turkic council before it thrives, take Afghanistan inside, take Pakistan, China and Russia in too while we at it and seal the deal.

You are delusional if you think Central Asian gas will ever flow via Afghanistan into Pakistan then the ocean lol these two countries will probably fragment in the long term future they are near failed state status.

We have to connect Central Asian gas to Turkey then Europe, including other logistics networks, that is the only way to lessen the influence of Russia and the emerging influence of China in the region.

They are more Turkic then devsirme Armenian Islamists like you I've never seen a person brownnose a nation so hard like you do, tone it down it is embarrassing you cuck.
Who is talking about including the states you mentioned in the organization of Turkic states?

I mean: This structure should create a attraction field instead of building walls on its borders in the post-2040 period. If we are going to talk about reducing Russian and Chinese influence, Turkic states should also have the ability to transform the common hinterland with other factors in the regions such China and Russia, into its own perspective.

Our 2040 goals aim for a unity that we can almost call a confederation, such as a common alphabet, a common market, and a common defense. In addition to ensuring this integrity, peripheral states should also be included in the axis of this structure. It is not necessary to look only in Afghanistan, for example, Georgia, even Libya, if we look at the Misrata logistics master plan, can be included in this scope. (I will write more details about Misrata logistics plan in another thread soon.) This is essential for the Turkic states as a whole to become a global powerhouse. In here, we can also examine the existing US empire and even the Chinese examples, regarding the powerhouse and peripheral layers.

For this, it should tied the peripheral countries, especially economically and defense infrastructure, and promise higher interests than the Sino-Russian dichotomy. The economic corridor formed over the Caucasus, which we both mentioned, is basically in line with China's BRI strategy and its extension; and if you examine the countries one by one, you will see that the most foreign investment and financing for these regional infrastructure investments comes from China.

If we are discussing that Turkiye can turn China's policy into something else in favor of the Turkic states (which, as far as I understand, is the only strategy you have suggested), then we should also be able to discuss transforming OTS's other directions in our own interests.

It's another matter that a shitty structure currently holds power in Afghanistan. What I want to do is guess about the more distant horizons. Afghanistan is not a foreign people to us when considered together with its ethnic composition or its practices in history. It is also very important from a geopolitical point of view. If we have high ideals in our region, this geography has such challenging dynamics that no gap can be left at any point. Someone else will fill the space you left empty. And the place it fills will conflict with your interests at some point.
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