Under a two-stage program, Poland plans to first acquire 180 K2 tanks with the deliveries set to begin this year, according to the ministry. In the second acquisition phase, the country will acquire 800 K2 tanks with a view to start producing the tanks locally in 2026.
Poland also plans to buy 48 FA-50 light attack fighters, with the first batch of 12 jets to be delivered in the middle of next year.
In addition, the country plans to acquire 48 K9 howitzers in the first stage with some of them to be delivered this year to "fill the gap" created by its delivery of equipment to Ukraine"
Under a two-stage program, Poland plans to first acquire 180 K2 tanks with the deliveries set to begin this year, according to the ministry. In the second acquisition phase, the country will acquire 800 K2 tanks with a view to start producing the tanks locally in 2026.
Poland also plans to buy 48 FA-50 light attack fighters, with the first batch of 12 jets to be delivered in the middle of next year.
In addition, the country plans to acquire 48 K9 howitzers in the first stage with some of them to be delivered this year to "fill the gap" created by its delivery of equipment to Ukraine"

Poland confirms plan to buy S. Korean-made FA-50 jets, other major weapons
The Polish government on Wednesday confirmed its plan to purchase South Korean-made FA-50 fighter jets, K2 battle tanks and K9 self-propelled howitzers in what it said would be one of the country's

Poland confirms plan to buy S. Korean-made FA-50 jets, other major weapons | Yonhap News Agency
SEOUL, July 27 (Yonhap) -- The Polish government on Wednesday confirmed its plan to purcha...

Poland to buy hundreds of South Korean tanks, howitzers after sending arms to Ukraine | CNN
Poland is buying almost 1,000 tanks, more than 600 pieces of artillery and dozens of fighter jets from South Korea, in part to replace equipment donated to Ukraine to help Kyiv fight the Russian invasion, the Polish Ministry of Defense told CNN on Tuesday.
Minister Błaszczak podpisał umowy na zakup min. myśliwców FA-50 z Korei Południowej
Wicepremier, minister obrony narodowej Mariusz Błaszczak zatwierdził w środę umowy na południowokoreańskie uzbrojenie dla polskiego wojska; chodzi o lekkie myśliwce FA-50, czołgi K2 i samobieżne armatohaubice K9.