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I'm always calm. People can of course have their opinions.

For example, you can have an opinion of flat-earth or bil gates putting in chips in your body to turn you into zombie, etc.... So, we wil say nothing against those guys? If you are talking against reason and science, i will answer, simple as that.
If so why do you not advocate full ban on alcohol for example. Both reason and science says that is harmfull for individuals and society?


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Great whataboutism.

This shows how both parties are rotten to the core. What they really think of their Turkish voters.

From chp kissing the ass of demirtas and akp celebrating yilmaz guney and ahmet kaya.
Thats not even whataboutism, maybe look up what it means?

Apart from that does Turkey not have diplomatic relations to KRG since AKP came to power? I do still think that AKP's relationship with KRG way worse than that of CHP which was a mere visit, saying that has nothing to do with whataboutism.

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Thats not even whataboutism, maybe look up what it means?

Apart from that does Turkey not have diplomatic relations to KRG since AKP came to power? I do still think that AKP's relationship with KRG way worse than that of CHP which was a mere visit, saying that has nothing to do with whataboutism.

Brought to you by AKP

View attachment 30998
It wasnt about the fact that it was "a visit"
It is what the damn "single visit" represents
It states that the CHP is ready to make the same mistakes as the AKP just to reach the chair of presidency. They are ready to twist the values that Ataturk built the CHP on just to remove Erdo
In the short term, you guys may be able to vent on the AKP; however, in the long term, you guys (Turkey overall) will be screwed
Rn, the notion of AKP making peace with the Kurds is impossible considering how much the PKK has lost in terms of land, ppl and influence thx to Erdo
But with the CHP making the same mistakes, if not even worse, then the PKK will be an integral part of the country. By then, it will be too late to save Turkey and it will end up getting divided
Just look at how Iraq Kurdistan was formed
Just look at how Syria got torn
Just look at how Libya got divided

Learn from history for Gods sake
Stop making hate blind your eyes
I know AKP may be corrupt, they are bad, Iam not living in Turkey so I dont know how much you may be suffering but at the end of the day "1+1=2". Wanna improve Turkey, do that by replacing Erdo with a better one and not by a party that will literally repeat the same mistakes as the AKP did before
This isnt called progression or improvement, In fact, this is known as REGRESSION

I will state some of Ince's words again: "The CHP has no plan, no vision, they dont know what to do in the future, all what they care about is removing Erdo from office"
This is without a doubt the summary of the AKP-CHP Rivalry
This isnt healthy for Turkey or the Turkish ppl at all


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It wasnt about the fact that it was "a visit"
It is what the damn "single visit" represents
It states that the CHP is ready to make the same mistakes as the AKP just to reach the chair of presidency. They are ready to twist the values that Ataturk built the CHP on just to remove Erdo
In the short term, you guys may be able to vent on the AKP; however, in the long term, you guys (Turkey overall) will be screwed
Rn, the notion of AKP making peace with the Kurds is impossible considering how much the PKK has lost in terms of land, ppl and influence thx to Erdo
But with the CHP making the same mistakes, if not even worse, then the PKK will be an integral part of the country. By then, it will be too late to save Turkey and it will end up getting divided
Just look at how Iraq Kurdistan was formed
Just look at how Syria got torn
Just look at how Libya got divided

Learn from history for Gods sake
Stop making hate blind your eyes
I know AKP may be corrupt, they are bad, Iam not living in Turkey so I dont know how much you may be suffering but at the end of the day "1+1=2". Wanna improve Turkey, do that by replacing Erdo with a better one and not by a party that will literally repeat the same mistakes as the AKP did before
This isnt called progression or improvement, In fact, this is known as REGRESSION

I will state some of Ince's words again: "The CHP has no plan, no vision, they dont know what to do in the future, all what they care about is removing Erdo from office"
This is without a doubt the summary of the AKP-CHP Rivalry
This isnt healthy for Turkey or the Turkish ppl at all
Turkey is already screwed beyond recognition, AKP sold every single state secret for their own sake, their love relation with gülenists made such a huge damage that wont be repaired for the forseeable future.
Im just sorry for the next goverment that is gonna have to fix all the damages done by AKP while being the punching bag, we already see with with Istanbul minicipality.

CHP's visit to KRG is the least of the evils compared to them but one thing i agree, the timing couldnt be worse...


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The pictures narrate the whole story
They state how the Kurds percieve the political situation in Turkey

👇This was a meeting held this year between Akar, one of those responsible for the war against the PKK and HDP. Just look at how Barzani treated him



And this is the picture of the HIGH delegation of the CHP a few days ago 👇
I mean like come on guys, It is Even the same God DAMN Room that Akar met with Barzani in. Surely they had a flag in storage!
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Turkey is already screwed beyond recognition, AKP sold every single state secret for their own sake, their love relation with gülenists made such a huge damage that wont be repaired for the forseeable future.
Im just sorry for the next goverment that is gonna have to fix all the damages done by AKP while being the punching bag, we already see with with Istanbul minicipality.

CHP's visit to KRG is the least of the evils compared to them but one thing i agree, the timing couldnt be worse...
With all due respect, Turkey's state secret was already in the hands of the West before even AKP took office
After Ataturk died, Turkey experienced one military coup after another. Do you really believe that those military Generals instigated the coup on their own? Hell No! They obviously recieved support from the West. We have obviously seen where the successful military coups takes a country to.... just look at Tunisia and Sudan etc.
I forgot which Turkish official said it, but he did state that during the last coup in the 90s, one of the generals sent a message to the US stating that "OUR BOYS WERE SUCCESSFULL" after the coup has been successfull.

Btw, I dont negate the fact that Erdo had a period where he had a bromance with FETO and HDP. My question here is why did FETO instigate a coup? If it is as you have said that the love relationship was good, then why did they rebel? The answer was simple, Erdo did something that the FETO didnt like and if FETO didnt like something then it means that the US didnt like it. In other words, even before Erdo, you guys were literally controlled by the West; whether it was from the CHP or FETO

Just look at recent CHP statements, they wanna reopen the schools that FETO used to operate with and spread their propaganda! Like, that is ridiculous! Not only will the PKK be coming back but also FETO
Under which common sense do you guys operate with

Erdo grew old and corrupt, throw him and hell and bring a better one; yet, somehow the ppl are chosing the worse candidate and throwing themselves back to the era of coups
Turkey has many small parties that are overshadowed by the big rotten ones! You guys either look at them or just keep Erdo until one of the small ones overshines the big ones, period!
This is how you propel Turkey to new better heights


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The pictures narrate the whole story
They state how the Kurds percieve the political situation in Turkey

👇This was a meeting held this year between Akar, one of those responsible for the war against the PKK and HDP. Just look at how Barzani treated him

View attachment 31000

And this is the picture of the HIGH delegation of the CHP a few days ago 👇
I mean like come on guys, It is Even the same God DAMN Room that Akar met with Barzani in. Surely they had a flag in storage!
View attachment 31001
Its not a state visit, Akar is on a official visit as a minister, CHP was not on a official visit.
Is that what all what they talk about in those akpeon forums? Empty arguments as usual, how typical for them...


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With all due respect, Turkey's state secret was already in the hands of the West before even AKP took office
Already stopped reading, dont even bother, all you do is defending the treason done by AKP at any cost, im really not interested in the empty exucses that are being posted in akpeon forums, i left wowTurkey 2013 exactly for that reason so please spare me with their verbal diarrhea.


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The pictures narrate the whole story
They state how the Kurds percieve the political situation in Turkey

👇This was a meeting held this year between Akar, one of those responsible for the war against the PKK and HDP. Just look at how Barzani treated him

View attachment 31000

And this is the picture of the HIGH delegation of the CHP a few days ago 👇
I mean like come on guys, It is Even the same God DAMN Room that Akar met with Barzani in. Surely they had a flag in storage!
View attachment 31001

I would like to give you other perspective, just look things from other anglе about both pictures.

First perspective NORMAL one (Mean that there are International PROTOCOL "how to do things when you have officals from other country").
Then there are such things like equality and respect each sides.

Second perspective does not have Normal protocol and lets just called "What ever host likes" (Mean that "usually it is related to provocation and making fun. This is showing weakness, but who cares")

So about ppl in pictures. I would like to say that "both sides always will be in situation that in one momnet of time they NEED to discuss something in person ".

But there is 3rd side -> I will called "unknown or hidden or person pretend to be something, but at the end he have to remove the mask and show what he is actually are"
So from above picture for me personaly mean that following
- Shows that delegation person of the CHP does not care about Turkiye. It is like I said above "3rd side person" which now just reveal it self.
If he is actually supporting kurdish side and speak like same language with them. Then it is normal that he does not care about Turkiye.
( therefor Turkish flag or anything other suggesting that he cares about Turkiye is put aside. This person is showing that he is not repersenting Turkiye side )

I am Trying to Say that with no offense.
In Turkiye living people/citizens Which does not feel or care about Turkiye.
They DO NOT care about Turkish history, culture, behaver or Turkish kind etc.
Because they are part of other minorities -> They want and respect own culture, behaver, kind and own language
I understand Turks because -> I don't know how to say it but "We BECOME TOO SOFT, Always think and show undertanding that other side will behave in the same way accordingly --> it was shown that Turks have good side and was showed so many times that other side just use this opportunity and expolited in bad way against Turks and still doing it"

This behaver good side of Turks "Softness" was expolited in bad way against Turks so many times over and over again in such way that. It is seems Turk does not understand "GOOD behave is not PART of ALL sociaty" !!
This behaver is HARD thing TO HAVE and also to able to show it with Action in bad situation.

Therefor I want to put things in the perspective leading to wrong expectations because Turks expect logic/good beahaver from ppl which does not build it as a culture to have it and able to show it.

So I quoting this "I mean like come on guys, It is Even the same God DAMN Room that Akar met with Barzani in. Surely they had a flag in storage!"
NO, you are NAIVE to expect that (sorry but there is no other way to explain the situation). I mean you EXCPECT something which they don't have.
Don't be looking for things which exist in you side that you enemy will have "In that way of you thinking means that you are just dreamer "

Note: I have to update text to make it more understandable, at least I try to two times :)
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So the president of Northern Cyprus goes to this, but Erdogan doesn't... This is just odd. Awesome little airshow by the way.



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I'm not fighting anybody.

Some people think that we should invest in astreoid mining;

- Our economy is ruined as of now.
- We are paying like 140 Billion liras to interest every year and it's going up.
- Education system is destroyed, we are going lower and lower each year in Pisa scores.
- Unemployment is highest in our Republics history.
- Our agriculture production is getting destroyed we produce less in everyyear, because of the awful system.
- Democracy failing, NGOs, Unions became tool of AKP, they not doing what they should do.
- Government can't protect our maritime rights.
- Judicary system became tool of the corrupt officials and mafia.
- Turkey became a Narco-Terror country.

But let's not talk about these, let's not try to find solution to pressing problems which are melting Turkey but let's talk about colonizing Mars which we have no money or expertise to make it into reality.

But instead of talking on these issues, let's blame and slander me.

You guys really need to educate yourselves instead of shouting empty slogans. Ignorance would not help our country.
You are wrong about PISA scores, Turkey's are actually going up now. In mathematics for example, you guys are ahead of Greece and certain South/Eastern/Central European countries.


İ can't understand those İslamists . They are accusing of İsmet İnönü being Kurd , anti nationalist, communist however they can also blame İnönü for carrying out harsh anti-separatist policies.

Adamcağız ne milliyetçilere, ne kömünistlere, ne de Kürtlere yaranabilmiş. Acımasız Kürt politikası uyguladı diye komünistler ve Kürtler sevmiyor, ırkçı nihal atsız tayfasına meydan vermediği için ne de milliyetçiler seviyor. İslamcılar aslında neden sevmediklerini bilmiyorlar, sadece Atatürk'e dil uzatamadıklarından en yakınına saldırıyorlar.
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Turkey's PISA score has been going up since 2016. I dont know what propaganda done by anti-government factions @Sinan was reading
In 2015-2016 Turkey's PISA score was less than 450
@Sinan do check your info, dear friend
This is a detailed pisa report on turkey on 2018
It is still not great though
But you are improving nonetheless
The number of achievers in science and mathematics are also increasing


  • PISA2018_CN_TUR.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 203


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Hope albania gets invaded by serbia you deserve nothing else
Before wondering whether Albania will be invaded or not, you should worry about the same HDP/PKK elements (that killed your soldiers and ppl for nearly 50 years) will be sitting in a cosy chair inside the presidential palace giving order to the common turk post 2023
You should set your priorities straight mate 😃😄😆
No offense meant though


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İ can't understand those İslamists . They are accusing of İsmet İnönü being Kurd , anti nationalist, communist however they can also blame İnönü for carrying out harsh anti-separatist policies.

Adamcağız ne milliyetçilere, ne kömünistlere, ne de Kürtlere yaranabilmiş. Acımasız Kürt politikası uyguladı diye komünistler ve Kürtler sevmiyor, ırkçı nihal atsız tayfasına meydan vermediği için ne de milliyetçiler seviyor. İslamcılar aslında neden sevmediklerini bilmiyorlar, sadece Atatürk'e dil uzatamadıklarından en yakınına saldırıyorlar.

Its a bit hilarious seeing Islamists crying about Dersim when it was Alevis that got bombed especially Alevi Kurds 🤣 arent islamists suppose to be cheering it 🤣

Also the Ottomans dealt with rebellions with ruthlessness and brutality.

One thing Turks dont tolerate is rebellions and going against the state. Gokturks also stamped out rebellions from Turkic tribes.

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