I truly fqing hate the CHP
This is practically treason
The moment they come into power, I truly wont be surprised if Turkey got divided and Kurdistan became a reality
Wtf is with these fools?
They support releasing Demirtas
They support Finland's membership
They wanna get out of Syria and Iraq
They take pics with the asshole Greek PM in athens as if they were old friends
The moment Erdo announces a possible Syria operation, they suddenly pop out and say Erdo will escape to the USA after the elections
And ppl seriously believe that they will kick the refugees? HAHAHAHA

I truly hate those lying hypocrites

GOD pls dont let these pricks take power
Son dakika haberi... CHP’li Ünal Çeviköz, Türkiye’yi Finlandiya medyasına şikayet etti. Başkan Erdoğan’ın, Finlandiya’nı terör örgütü PKK/YPG’ye desteği nedeniyle NATO üyeliğine karşı çıkmasını ’taktiksel bir hata’ olarak tanımlayan Çeviköz, ’CHP, Finlandiya’nın NATO üyeliğini desteklemeye...