TR Politics


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Fact is that your precious Menderes shut down our plane factories.

These are the words of some MPs. If Mansur Yavaş runs for presidency they will all get kicked out. Also, AKP MPs are equally as bad.

Yes, group all of CHP into one big bag with HDP. Your AKP made peace with PKK when they were almost finished. Your AKP made us lose at the table in Syria, and now we have a PKK terrorism state which is legitimised in the West next door. Your AKP let in over 10 million immigrants with no checks, how many terrorists are among them? Your AKP together with FETÖ, purged the military. Your Erdoğan said he was the biggest supporter of the Ergenekon trials.

Taking a stab at Atatürk now?.. really classy buddy.

I'll give you a quote:
"They say that when they win the elections, they will get rid of the refugees. WE (AKP) WON'T!"

Look buddy, I'm not happy with CHP's current state. But Mansur Yavaş and Tanju Özcan give me hope. By the way, your conspiracies about Ümit Özdağ are just stupid.

This nation has suffered a lot because of AKP. The Defence Industry is one of the few areas where Turkey is succeeding. But to assume that this is because of AKP is just dumb. The Defence Industry has been steadily rising since the 80s and 90s.

Please read some English academy based articles about our weapons industry.

In the 80's and 90's we made some handguns and pistols but nobody gave a fuck about it.

AKP's full political and financial support and PR made the defence industry a worldwide international brand with customers from more than 100 countries and a exploding waitinglist and daily international media coverage.

All the worldwide international defence experts are pointing that this is thanks to AKP.

Only radical Turkish CHP-fans who's brains got pissed over with marxist fantasies can deny this. But i dont give a fuck about their opinion.


1 740
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Please read some English academy based articles about our weapons industry.

In the 80's and 90's we made some handguns and pistols but nobody gave a fuck about it.

AKP's full political and financial support and PR made the defence industry a worldwide international brand with customers from more than 100 countries and a exploding waitinglist and daily international media coverage.

All the worldwide international defence experts are pointing that this is thanks to AKP.

Only radical Turkish CHP-fans who's brains got pissed over with marxist fantasies can deny this. But i dont give a fuck about their opinion.
You still talk?? Are you not ashamed still?? We don't want to see craps anymore, please don't post crap anymore!!


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Already stopped reading.
Were you even alive the last time CHP was in charge? What facts are you talking about? All you say is ''if this happen then that will happen'' maybe look up the defintion of the word fact.

Has chp done anything to fix akps mistakes. Oh thats right they will continue where they left off and make it worse.

Dont forget how kilictaroglu was bitching about his terrorist buddies rotting in prison.


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Has chp done anything to fix akps mistakes.
Ankara seems quite happy with their mayor.
Istanbul doesnt seem worse than AKP either apart from smear campaings of akp, infact, many abandoned metro projects resatrted in recent years after IBB was able to find external funds, Istanbul right now is the city with most metro lines being built simultaniously in the world.


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Please read some English academy based articles about our weapons industry.

In the 80's and 90's we made some handguns and pistols but nobody gave a fuck about it.

AKP's full political and financial support and PR made the defence industry a worldwide international brand with customers from more than 100 countries and a exploding waitinglist and daily international media coverage.

All the worldwide international defence experts are pointing that this is thanks to AKP.

Only radical Turkish CHP-fans who's brains got pissed over with marxist fantasies can deny this. But i dont give a fuck about their opinion.
Imagine we made a list of what kind of hostilities Erdogan and AKP said against Turks and Turkish patriotism, i would waste my whole sunday for that.


1 1,528
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Ankara seems quite happy with their mayor.
Istanbul doesnt seem worse than AKP either apart from smear campaings of akp, infact, many abandoned metro projects resatrted in recent years after IBB was able to find external funds, Istanbul right now is the city with most metro lines being built simultaniously in the world.

Name 3 things wat Imamoglu realised as a mayor.


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Hahaha, akp troll calls others troll, like after sleeping with feto for years in same bed and calling others feto!!
No one wants to see your crap shits here!!



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Just woooooow!
CHP is planning to give the HDP a ministry in case they win the 2023 elections!
Were are those who kept saying that the CHP is just using the HDP to win the elections? The CHP is truly becoming scary as they are doing everything to rile up kurdish voters to their side as their prospects of winning this time are higher even if it is at the expense of internal security. They even promised to release Kavala and Demirtas.... pure insanity!

I wonder which ministry the HDP will take? Defense ministry or probably just take control of SSB!?

I still remember when the HDP tweeted in their official page that they will soon be a part of each and every decision-making process post 2023! Truly, they werent lying. The PKK is probably partying rn😞



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Just woooooow!
CHP is planning to give the HDP a ministry in case they win the 2023 elections!
Were are those who kept saying that the CHP is just using the HDP to win the elections? The CHP is truly becoming scary as they are doing everything to rile up kurdish voters to their side as their prospects of winning this time are higher even if it is at the expense of internal security. They even promised to release Kavala and Demirtas.... pure insanity!

I wonder which ministry the HDP will take? Defense ministry or probably just take control of SSB!?

I still remember when the HDP tweeted in their official page that they will soon be a part of each and every decision-making process post 2023! Truly, they werent lying. The PKK is probably partying rn😞

They really care about those %10 of CHP to neglect mainstream.
I am very confident that Mansur Yavaş is a probable win for team of 6, while what i think is kilicdaroglu is waiting for conditions to worse for current ruling government to forge the win for his candidacy.
The moment he steps on candidacy, you ll see how fast current surveys changes.
It is crsytal clear Mansur ftw atm.


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Yeah sure!! We know who sold our country ,our factories, and lands in Istanbul to Arabs!!
So better talk this bullshits in your close groups of akmorons,not here!!

It’s always the same shit. Government controlled companies doesn’t work well. And in Türkiye it’s more worse than elsewhere. If you don’t change your mind, no way that CHP will win any election. If you do not change by time, the time will change you. CHP has to make a revolution within its party. Or it will be the nail of it’s coffin.


1 740
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Just woooooow!
CHP is planning to give the HDP a ministry in case they win the 2023 elections!
Were are those who kept saying that the CHP is just using the HDP to win the elections? The CHP is truly becoming scary as they are doing everything to rile up kurdish voters to their side as their prospects of winning this time are higher even if it is at the expense of internal security. They even promised to release Kavala and Demirtas.... pure insanity!

I wonder which ministry the HDP will take? Defense ministry or probably just take control of SSB!?

I still remember when the HDP tweeted in their official page that they will soon be a part of each and every decision-making process post 2023! Truly, they werent lying. The PKK is probably partying rn😞

He dis not say anything like that , it is akp propaganda. What he said is HDP is a party st the moment, if they are criminal they should be banned from politics if they are not criminals , what is wrong to give them ministry !!
But CHP has idiots like him so his words are used as propaganda by akp. CHP should get rid of idiots like this and announce that it has nothing in common with HDP.

So still we need to get rid of akp, we have millions vote for anything but akp!!


1 740
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It’s always the same shit. Government controlled companies doesn’t work well. And in Türkiye it’s more worse than elsewhere. If you don’t change your mind, no way that CHP will win any election. If you do not change by time, the time will change you. CHP has to make a revolution within its party. Or it will be the nail of it’s coffin.
Yeah,let's sell thy too !!
They sold everything for peanuts!!
They sold lands to Arabs and get some money, since that ares will be valuable due new canal. And you think this is fair??
you know nothing , especially privatization is mostly good but when you make it in fair. And what about big hospitals and new bridges?? All have state guarantee and are paid in dolar.
They normally cost let's say 5 billion dollars but they build it 10-15 billion dollars and they use state banks credits!! So instead of making our state rich, we are making some 5 gangsters rich!! Yeah so fair.
After akp, you will see what dirty deals they have made!!


1 740
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Like dealing with PKK , letting PKK armours pass through the Türkiye and peace deals?? or reading Öcalan letters??
Don't worry ,no one can pass akp in making deals with PKK or HDP.
And we will not stop voting for opposition due some shit MPs in CHP or iyiparty. We know what akp members told for feto, for tsk etc.
They even talked shit for our soldiers ,blaming them stopping PKK deals

Just watch and see what akp did!!
If you have face , you would not talk but you have none.



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It’s a kind of a game/competition and right now, CHP doesn’t play well. So, you can vote for a winner team or for a looser team . But what a team should never ever do is, insulting the voters who can take you in powers.

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