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I can also show you news about how religious guys molesting children. And clearly, you don't know what is the convention about.

Pedophilia is rife among homosexuals and the lbgt crowd.

I say this as a Muslim and a Turk. Imams or whatever religious guys who molest children deserve a bullet to the head.


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End result when apply it during period of time and consequences of it.

Well femicides are the result of couples gone wrong.

Either involving husbands/wives and girlfriends/boyfriends.

That ends up with death. There has been instances of women murdering their own husbands. A lot of the times its husbands or boyfriends murdering their lovers.

There has been cases of murder suicides.

None of the political.parties do shit about it because they are useless also that useless convention done fck all to combat such cases.


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Very interesting here all Cumhur alliance supporters seem to haven't heard that "Andımız" again ebolished.

50 shades of Turkish nationalism. İnstead of blaming the real power behind the resolution ( Erdoğan and AKP) , Bahçeli pretend to blame high court. What a hypocrite.

Another hypocritism is being disturbed from "Andımız"
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Yeah dear members we are facing such government which doesn't like turkish oath which every morning Turkish students read.

Treators , Haters of Turkish nationalism.

What do you expect not just Islamists even liberals and leftists wanted that student oath taken out because it offends non turks that live in Turkiye.

All the political parties are even bending their knees for the kurds to get those votes.

Chp wont do any shit for Turkish nationalism just like the AKP.


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I can also show you news about how religious guys molesting children. And clearly, you don't know what is the convention about.
I know but it is not a point, it is slower deviation of society towards society were thinga like on picture become normal and socialy aceptable, violence is facade, turkey has same femicide rate like germany, so that convention is bullshit, i know some of you try hard to be accepted by west but tell the people consequences if you are honest enough what happens when liberalism is fully implemented.


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I know but it is not a point, it is slower deviation of society towards society were thinga like on picture become normal and socialy aceptable, violence is facade, turke has same femicide rate like germany, so that connvention is bullshit, i know some of you try hard to be accepted by west but tell the peole consequences if you are honest enough.

You have same femicide rates like germany for example, so....

Some people are making out that Turks are killing their own women by epidemic proportions which is wrong and exgerrated.

People think its like the Middle East and Africa. Have you seen how bad South America's murder rate on women its horrific.

I honestly I gotta give credit where its due to the Saudis at least they give the death penalty for these kind of murders while we give the perpatrators a slap on the wrist. I always suggested men who are prone to stalk and get their wife or ex girlfriends killed should be wearing kill switches.

Akp had decades to combat this problem but fell on deaf ears.

Unfortunately if one piece of shit of a man murders his own wife or girlfriend we all get blamed for it by the feminists.

They believe patriarchy and our masculinity is the problem. And the solution is to make men be like soyboys or emasculated.


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Some people are making out that Turks are killing their own women by epidemic proportions which is wrong and exgerrated.

People think its like the Middle East and Africa. Have you seen how bad South America's murder rate on women its horrific.

I honestly I gotta give credit where its due to the Saudis at least they give the death penalty for these kind of murders while we give the perpatrators a slap on the wrist. I always suggested men who are prone to stalk and get their wife or ex girlfriends killed should be wearing kill switches.

Akp had decades to combat this problem but fell on deaf ears.

Unfortunately if one piece of shit of a man murders his own wife or girlfriend we all get blamed for it by the feminists.

They believe patriarchy and our masculinity is the problem. And the solution is to make men be like soyboys or emasculated.
Yep, they always tell half of story, ugly part is always missed out.


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At the celebrations for Nevruz at Yenikapi 15 honorless dogs were arrested for pro-PKK propaganda, 33 honorless dogs were arrested in Diyarbakir, many arrested traitors in Cizre.

The former so-called co-mayor of the Van municipality Leyla Balkan burned herself while starting Nevruz fire in Van.


What do you expect not just Islamists even liberals and leftists wanted that student oath taken out because it offends non turks that live in Turkiye.

All the political parties are even bending their knees for the kurds to get those votes.

Chp wont do any shit for Turkish nationalism just like the AKP.
CHP is officially and sincerely against removal of students oath, not like MHP . CHP made students oath mandatory , why should it want to remove.
CHP as founder Turkish republic always support its values however CHP has been attacked by conservative s and seperatists , being called "fascist".


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CHP is officially and sincerely against removal of students oath, not like MHP . CHP made students oath mandatory , why should it want to remove.
CHP as founder Turkish republic always support its values however CHP has been attacked by conservative s and seperatists , being called "fascist".

Chp is not sincere actually.

Yes the old chp is dead trust me if chp comes to power they wont bring that oath back.

Nationalism is actually dying worldwide its a global trend due to globalisation of the world.

Its all following trends nowadays.


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Look she lives in Diyarbakir but is posing behind the pkk flag (spoiler), all those who liked it also should be punished.
Open social media and you will find hundreds of such pictures, if i had the possibilities the state has they all would have rot in jail by now.
Pro PKK # made it in the Trends of Turkey, but our idiotic population talks about Fenerbahce, Türk Telekom and Abdest, tragicomedy.

She deleted that Tweet btw. but too late i saved it, spread it in the social media ;)

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I always said this before only war is going to solve this problem.


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CHP is officially and sincerely against removal of students oath, not like MHP . CHP made students oath mandatory , why should it want to remove.
CHP as founder Turkish republic always support its values however CHP has been attacked by conservative s and seperatists , being called "fascist".
Current CHP led by Kılıçdaroğlu alongside Kanas Canan(party's number 2) and İHA Sezgin(party's number 3) got nothing to do with founder era CHP.Since Baykal gone that party became something dangerous.
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Iran is our enemy, a country that is hell bent on destabilizing Turkey, a country hellbent on butchering as many sunnis as possible, a country that has committed a genocide in Syria with Russia, a country that called Armenia its "brother" while Azerbaijan was retaken its rightfull land back from fascists that killed tens of thousands of Turks, that threatened Azerbaijan with war until Turkey stepped in between, a country to oppressed Turks in its own country and forbids them from practicing their own culture, they even imprison ethnic turks who give their children Turkish names, a country that has ordered attacks against our soldiers in Syria, a country that sent its proxies to fight in Afrin when Turkey started its op against the ypg, a country that supplies the pkk in iraq with weapons and supplies to fight against the TSK, a country that hides pkk fighters in its borders.

Suleimani isn't a martyr he was an genocidal maniac that had the bloods of hundreds of thousands of syrians and iraqis on his hand and now is paying the price for it in hell.

Instead of trying to lobby for an hostile country that dreams of the old days when the ottomans didn't have its boot on its neck Cavusoglu should rather put the interests of its own country ahead.

A country that supplied Armenia against Azerbaijan sure as hell isn't our "brother" country, its our enemy. And it will stay our enemy until it undergoes a regime change.

You ain't countering shit with Iran, Iran is only powerful enough to butcher unarmed families in Syria and Iraq. Lets not act as if Iran didn't have an hand in helping empower the ypg and even to this day still tries to take full controll over it by trying to push assad into letting them have half the country so they can use the ypg against Turkey.

Both SA and Iran can get f*****, hope both get even more heavy sanctions.
You can’t criticize Iranians for the same things though did otherwise that called hypocrisy and double standards


What is this sunni shia sectarian fitna literature you three suddenly started speaking of?
1) We are talking about modern states. They may use religion to pursue their interests but states(must) all act rational for their own interests.

2) If such an understanding was correct, who stands for ''islamic unity''exactly? Turkey, who recognised Israel first and helped destabilisation of Iraq and Syria? Saudi Arabia who is basically a puppet of zionism? Even Pakistan, who smiles upon China who doesnt have the nicest way of dealing with Uyghurs?
With this mindset Turkey is destined to lose. We dont care about religion. If one day it somehow suits our interests we will bomb holy places of Jerusalem. Thats that. States must be rational and pragmatist. Simple as that.

3) Still if anything Iran is still the one who worked against zionism the most. Isnt zionism the number one enemy of islam? Who else but Iran was dealing with Israel? Erdogan himself got a medal from them and called himself BOP co-leader.

4) Even if Iran had the most toxic of ideologies, which they dont, are they strong enough to become a nuisance for Turkey? Are you guys simply this naive? What evil can Iran possibly do to us? Is freaking Hizbullah going to pose a threat to us? How many militants does it have 10.000? 20.000? Iran is trying to fill the power gap US left by its Shia proxies thats that.

5) They are a desperate, recently humiliated state who cant do anything about their top general, top scientist getting droned. They are total losers. They cannot possibly pose a threat to us. They are completely isolated and they desperately seek help. Had Turkey gives its hand they would kiss it before holding it.


Azerbaijan was cheering with Israel by giving it fossil energy and letting them test Iran with their drones from Azerbaijan. It is even claimed Israel seeks to use Azerbaijani air base against Iran in a possible war. Azerbaijan gained a lot thanks to its relationships with Israel. Good for them. But demonising Iran for being against Azerbaijan is being hypocrite. It is totally understandable why they feel upset over it.


They seek to unify their country under one ethnicity for their national security. It doesnt fit our agenda so we should try to prevent that with our soft power and keep reminding Turks over there of their identity but again we cant blame Iran for what they do. I see you have a very irrational hate towards Iran.

Iran is hardly the ideal state but you act like Turkey has so much options to choose among. We will temporarily cooperate with them until Israel backs off, I mean sits on the table with us in our terms. We wont be becoming bffs with Iran. Just enough to scare Israel.

We know how Bulgaria deals with its Turkish minorities. Go ahead and make Bulgaria your enemy too then? We shall see how you deal with losing your trade with entire Europe.

At Ataturks time too Reza Shah was seeking to Persianify Iran. But we know he had good relationships with Ataturk. Founder of my faculty who was Ataturks dentist: Alfred Kantorowicz served Reza Shah as a diplomatic gesture(he made a prothesis if I recall it right).

Hmm you seem to have access to some sort of hell livestream link, care to share it?
Jokes aside, obviously a man in his position shouldnt be as innocent as a lamp but I would still take these accusations with a grain of salt. His rivals control the World media and public opinion after all.

Hmm who is going to change the regime, US/Israel? When that happens I would see you when they also cooperated against Turkey once we again fall off with US. They stand as a non pro-US neighbour as of now. You want to be surrounded with US implanted regimes all over you? See how US implanted Sisi screws us with Egypts alliance with Greece.

They for sure aided YPG/PKK at times, who didnt? Even Germany did it. But making Assad let Ypg take half the country? You were just being sceptical of their power a sentence ago. All they did was to pursue their interests in a shitshow created by US/Israel.
I do believe we have a lot of alligned interests with Iran. Unlike Israel they are capable of cooperating with Turkey.

We can even use lifting the embargo on Iran as a leverage over US.

I dont know what interest they had by supporting Ypg. Maybe they did it to hurt us because we were trying to make Assad fall?


Oh yeah totally. People fleeing and dying are all on Assad and definitely not the ones for some reason trying to make him fall!
Shame on Assad for staying in power? How dare he does not just let go and most likely get killed?

What you said is like shooting a machine gun to a running/escaping target and blaming all the casualties on the target for him running/escaping. Saying had he not run away I wouldnt accidentally shoot all of these other people.

Before asking this you dont ask yourself why were there others(US/Turkey/Israel) at the first place trying to down president of a country.
Reza Shah was a bastard may he burn in hell I dont care if he is Ataturks friend when this prick took down the Turkic Qajar dynasty and he oppressed Turks that lived in Iran.

His fanatical secularism led to the most religious, secratarian and fanatical regime in the Middle East. Also continued with his son. Pahlavi dynasty were nothing more than larpers that lived with an inferiority complex and made up bullshit holidays and tales of their superior Persian empire due to centuries of Turkic rule.

Today we still live with the consequences of Reza Shah and his cowardly son.
His secularism was even close to that of ataturk and the qajars were worst than the ottoman royalty so kicking them out was the best thing he did. The fault not his but his weak son and the British who removed him from power back in 1941


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His secularism was even close to that of ataturk and the qajars were worst than the ottoman royalty so kicking them out was the best thing he did. The fault not his but his weak son and the British who removed him from power back in 1941

Reza Shah and his son were much worse.

Not to say Turkish secularism was anti religion but at least we reformed and learnt our mistakes rather than pushing religion onto.

Reza Shah and his son basically allowed religious fanatics to takeover due to their fanatical secularism.

Not just that the use of secret police, corruption also cracking down on the populace basically led to the revolution.

Now we have Iran ran by a bunch of Mullahs with proxies under their command.

Regardless if Iran is Secular or Theocratic they will always be a threat to Turkey and its interests. If Iran overthrows the Mullahs I would gladly support it to be honest.

Saddam had a chance in wrecking the Mullah regime with the Iran/Iraq war too bad he screwed it up.


What is the current security issues for Turkey? The biggest threat is neither blue homeland nor Syria. The nation are collectively under the threat of covid-19. There is no mass vaccination, instead of vaccine, there are empty discussions. If this is a defence form, we cannot ignore the risks to public health.

İt brings me another brilliant point.
Erdoğan gathering people "lebaleb" from all cities of Türkiye. İ hope The survival of the fittest to work.

Erdoğan fanboys are loudly gathering , Screaming "trust and stability"




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