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So, nobody talked about how a gunman shotting bullets to İYİ party's Istanbul headquearters after Erdogan's threats against Akşener.

Instead, we have dozens of AKP supporters accusing %70 of Turkish people for being terrorist supporters. I don't understand why you are keep to waste your time. Nobody buys that stuff after 2018 elections.

Like, this have been already tried and failed, more over people saw the lie obviously after CHP took over in the municapalities.


So you accuse others of CHATTING with FETO members? All while your whole party is one big FETO project/nest? :D

I bet that you yourself and most of your party members have been and probably still are in contact with people who have been affiliated to the Gulen movement.
Bro, they know. They are just doing propaganda here because of their ties with AKP.

For example;

This Hacı guy who can't even construct meaningful sentences is airing on AKP controlled TVs. Getting hefty paychecks, traveling the world with Erdogan.


This guy knows that with his skill set, he is going to be jobless the day Erdogan loses power. He has no option than being pro-Erdogan. The guys here are like him.


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So, nobody talked about how a gunman shotting bullets to İYİ party's Istanbul headquearters after Erdogan's threats against Akşener.

Instead, we have dozens of AKP supporters accusing %70 of Turkish people for being terrorist supporters. I don't understand why you are keep to waste your time. Nobody buys that stuff after 2018 elections.

Like, this have been already tried and failed, more over people saw the lie obviously after CHP took over in the municapalities.

The perpetrator of the 'attack' on the İYİ Party İstanbul Provincial Presidency was caught. The incident was a case of shooting to kidnap the robbers at the construction site; It was announced that there was no attack on the party building. It was learned that the suspect was a construction watchman with a licensed gun.

Why are you only interpreting the facts as it suits your business? Tell them all!



The perpetrator of the 'attack' on the İYİ Party İstanbul Provincial Presidency was caught. The incident was a case of shooting to kidnap the robbers at the construction site; It was announced that there was no attack on the party building. It was learned that the suspect was a construction watchman with a licensed gun.

Why are you only interpreting the facts as it suits your business? Tell them all!
Maybe, i haven't seen this tweet in the last 45 minutes, can it be. Think, before accusing me of telling half truth.

Also, people have zero trust against SS. I would only believe this if there is footage. It is too much of coincidence after Erdogan's threats which he did yesterday.


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The perpetrator of the 'attack' on the İYİ Party İstanbul Provincial Presidency was caught. The incident was a case of shooting to kidnap the robbers at the construction site; It was announced that there was no attack on the party building. It was learned that the suspect was a construction watchman with a licensed gun.

Why are you only interpreting the facts as it suits your business? Tell them all!
I don't believe that at all.

A more believeable explanation would be MHP thugs who already have a bone to pick with İYİ just got green lighted from a party higher-up.


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After counting all these excuses, you vote for a party that promises to withdraw Turkish troops from Syria and Iraq. What will happen next? The CHP will support the YPG to allow it to establish a state in Syria and Iraq. Today, even the United States has given up hope on the PKK. And you are advocating giving hope to the organization that is about to drown where the old cadres throw it away. You must be very clever to not see that! :ROFLMAO:
Those are not excuses, but facts my friend. They will not withdraw troops from Syria, more like find a solution with Assad and without YPG on the border. That is a security threat and no Goverment can ignore that, that would backfire hard. This US supported PKK region in Syria was formed under AKP's nose, the PKK terrorists that went to Ayn Al Arab/Kobani went through Turkish soil. AKP was fooled by the US (Obama Administration) and pulled in into a conflict. Why did they signed the Ottawa Treaty and cleaned all the mines on our border with Syria? Why did they let in millions of refugees, which cost the state many tens of billion?

Why was Tel Rifat not cleaned? Even though it was part of Operation Olive Branch and TSK even moved into some villages? No they stopped TSK and gave PKK/YPG the opportunity to turn Tel Rifat in a terrorist nest from where they attacked our troops.

Before you make some predictions based on political trashtalk, please answer my questions.


Those are not excuses, but facts my friend. They will not withdraw troops from Syria, more like find a solution with Assad and without YPG on the border. That is a security threat and no Goverment can ignore that, that would backfire hard. This US supported PKK region in Syria was formed under AKP's nose, the PKK terrorists that went to Ayn Al Arab/Kobani went through Turkish soil. AKP was fooled by the US (Obama Administration) and pulled in into a conflict. Why did they signed the Ottawa Treaty and cleaned all the mines on our border with Syria? Why did they let in millions of refugees, which cost the state many tens of billion?

Why was Tel Rifat not cleaned? Even though it was part of Operation Olive Branch and TSK even moved into some villages? No they stopped TSK and gave PKK/YPG the opportunity to turn Tel Rifat in a terrorist nest from where they attacked our troops.

Before you make some predictions based on political trashtalk, please answer my questions.
AKP arguments are constucted on "they are worse than us because (fill here with bunch of lies)"

They can speak nothing of economy, inflation, unemployment, agriculture, justice system, etc.... They are not promising any thing better, they only try to scare people with the worse.

And they expect people to vote for them...... At this point even if they resurrect Erol Olçok they can't make any difference. More over Fahrettin Altun is doing a very bad job. Like, opening troll accounts with Modern Looking young woman PPs and tweeting pro-AKP posts. Is this your strategy? Pathetic.


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Those are not excuses, but facts my friend. They will not withdraw troops from Syria, more like find a solution with Assad and without YPG on the border. That is a security threat and no Goverment can ignore that, that would backfire hard. This US supported PKK region in Syria was formed under AKP's nose, the PKK terrorists that went to Ayn Al Arab/Kobani went through Turkish soil. AKP was fooled by the US (Obama Administration) and pulled in into a conflict. Why did they signed the Ottawa Treaty and cleaned all the mines on our border with Syria? Why did they let in millions of refugees, which cost the state many tens of billion?

Why was Tel Rifat not cleaned? Even though it was part of Operation Olive Branch and TSK even moved into some villages? No they stopped TSK and gave PKK/YPG the opportunity to turn Tel Rifat in a terrorist nest from where they attacked our troops.

Before you make some predictions based on political trashtalk, please answer my questions.


The HDP, with which you have an electoral alliance, says the Turkish soldiers will come out of Syria and Iraq.

Which one should we believe? To the HDPKK with which you made an alliance or to you?




The HDP, with which you have an electoral alliance, says the Turkish soldiers will come out of Syria and Iraq.

Which one should we believe? To the HDPKK with which you made an alliance or to you?
Millet Alliance above.
Emek Alliance below.

They are not in the alliance like Hizbullah and AKP. So, they have no say in Millet Alliance policies unlike Hizbullah which defends federalism and get green light from Erdogan.


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The HDP, with which you have an electoral alliance, says the Turkish soldiers will come out of Syria and Iraq.

Which one should we believe? To the HDPKK with which you made an alliance or to you?
Those are HDP's demands, they are not in the same alliance.

Let's assume CHP wins why should they follow the demands of HDP?
Why should CHP risk a break within their alliance (IYI) and party for the fooking sake of HDP? What are those benefits?

If CHP doesn't continue Anti-Terror operation they will go into the history books as those who revived terrorism. They would lose a lot of credibility. HDP votes are just easy to get with political "spitlicking", AKP did the same in the past when CHP was in an alliance with MHP.

HDP has no saying if CHP wins, not even those smaller parties within 6li masa.


Millet Alliance above.
Emek Alliance below.

They are not in the alliance like Hizbullah and AKP. So, they have no say in Millet Alliance policies unlike Hizbullah which defends federalism and get green light from Erdogan.

Are you aware that, you can never answer our posts and just posting posting tweeter black propaganda and adding some lies of your own.

All you can do is adding some emoji to our posts. I can do this all day.


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Those are HDP's demands, they are not in the same alliance.

Let's assume CHP wins why should they follow the demands of HDP?
Why should CHP risk a break within their alliance (IYI) and party for the fooking sake of HDP? What are those benefits?

If CHP doesn't continue Anti-Terror operation they will go into the history books as those who revived terrorism. They would lose a lot of credibility. HDP votes are just easy to get with political "spitlicking", AKP did the same in the past when CHP was in an alliance with MHP.

HDP has no saying if CHP wins, not even those smaller parties within 6li masa.
Millet Alliance above.
Emek Alliance below.

They are not in the alliance like Hizbullah and AKP. So, they have no say in Millet Alliance policies unlike Hizbullah which defends federalism and get green light from Erdogan.

Nobody says that we have made an alliance, but they are doing everything to be an alliance. So stop being two-faced and admit it. If they win after the election, they will bargain. We also saw this film in the June 7, 2015 elections. What did Selahattin Demirtaş say to CHP's Şafak Pavey? "we rocked it well"!. If they were to win after the election, they would say so. You will come to us and grin as if you do not know about this game. You will lay flour on the string.

Correction: I'm sure you ignored the CHP HDP alliance after the 2015 elections. So I am not wrong. You have admitted that if HDPKK wins the election, then you will continue to grin. Just like that, keep lying to yourself and the whole nation. When a person has no shame, he turns his other face when his hypocrisy is put in front of him.
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Nobody says that we have made an alliance, but they are doing everything to be an alliance. So stop being two-faced and admit it. If they win after the election, they will bargain. We also saw this film in the June 7, 2015 elections. What did Selahattin Demirtaş say to CHP's Şafak Pavey? "we rocked it well"!. If they were to win after the election, they would say so. You will come to us and grin as if you do not know about this game. You will lay flour on the string.

Correction: I'm sure you ignored the CHP HDP alliance after the 2015 elections. So I am not wrong. You have admitted that if HDPKK wins the election, then you will continue to grin. Just like that, keep lying to yourself and the whole nation. When a person has no shame, he turns his other face when his hypocrisy is put in front of him.
They are on AKP lists what are you talking about ?

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Unfortunately I am stopping to your level by sharing this video which is embarrassing.

The reactionary danger is growing!

Cumhuriyet asked years ago and always reminded:

"Are you aware of the danger?"

In the middle of the street, the Hezbollahist shouted openly: "We will cut off their heads. We are ready for Jihad... You will publish this."
Who cares as long as our sultan wins another term, cheer for your polician,, its a competition after all.
Why think about tomorrow?


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They are on AKP lists what are you talking about ?

You need to eat 40 "fırın ekmek" before trying to act like Goebbels.
You are comparing the party that will get 1% of the votes in the elections with the party that will get 10-11% of the votes. Therefore, if we talk about size, it is quite obvious who is in a position to impose their own agenda in the parliament. It is clear who is the ultimate partner. So don't give me a two-faced answer. You like the fact that HDP and CHP are in power as the ultimate partners, don't you?


When @Bogeyman says but "CHP and HDP", people can use these pictures.




AKP can want support from HDP there is no problem with them. But if HDP unilaterally decleares that they will support KK (not CHP), it's forbidden. (according to certain people of this forum)


The hiring of these 'ex-cepheciler' at IBB cadres is already known to everyone, including many CHP supporters. Kaftancioglu effect. Some of them are too excited and too used to the university environment to give up their habits, that's the only difference.


Empty words as always.

People hired in İBB with exams and they need to bring a "clear report" from the ministry of interior.

Mİnistry gives clear report to these people, hoping that they can get into municapalities if they do usual propaganda. AKP supporters never question how these terrorist supporters get clean report from the police in the first place.

Well, questioning it wouldn't suit your propaganda ain't it..


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When @Bogeyman says but "CHP and HDP", people can use these pictures.




AKP can want support from HDP there is no problem with them. But if HDP unilaterally decleares that they will support KK (not CHP), it's forbidden. (according to certain people of this forum)
So what happened next? Then why don't you tell me what happened? Didn't the CHP come to the HDP's aid when the AKP started the Hendek Operations? Who attended pkk funerals with HDPKK? Weren't the CHP members trying to sabotage the Hendek operations?
Who recruited PKK members in the municipality after the Istanbul Municipality elections? Who shared the municipal companies with the HDP. By the way, it just occurred to me. Prosecutors should investigate the income and expenses of Istanbul Municipality companies. As you know, HDPKK was sending the revenues of municipalities to the PKK in the east. Who knows they don't do it again?

You're still playing two-sided.
If AKP has 1 sin, CHP has 50 sins. However, you will continue to ignore CHP supporters.


You are comparing the party that will get 1% of the votes in the elections with the party that will get 10-11% of the votes. Therefore, if we talk about size, it is quite obvious who is in a position to impose their own agenda in the parliament. It is clear who is the ultimate partner. So don't give me a two-faced answer. You like the fact that HDP and CHP are in power as the ultimate partners, don't you?
You wish your lies had been the truth. But no.... you can't cover the sun with mud.

They are on AKP lists what are you talking about ?

Hizbullah savages are on AKP list where as HDP enters the elections with EMEK alliance and wants votes for their alliance not for Millet Alliance.

I will expose your lies until the election.
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